Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rider004, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Rider004

    >Lightning radar is prox, only visible to people inside the vehicle

  2. siiix

    i have a similar question is the proximity radar from flash only visible to me ? or anyone or my platoon ?

    because if its only visible to me it needs to be fixed ASAP ... i consider that a bug
  3. WalrusJones

    The Flash radar is unique in that it transmits to everyone, I have heard.

    When someone has it on a battlefield, its VERY powerful.
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  4. sophont

    A cert for vehicles... Only visible to people in vehicles? Is that what I'm reading?
  5. Le_Fou

    You are both wrong or only one wrong, the radar of the Flash show to everybody the enemies detected on your minimap, sometimes when you see lot of blue/red/purple points in the whole Amp Station, check the garage, you will see a Flash with Radar 4! Tested with my outfit, it work pretty nicely!
  6. Purg

    That's my understanding and that's why I'm happy to reveal my position when killing an abandoned one since my position is probably already revealed anyway.
  7. Rider004

    Not so unique, it also applies to the ESF Scout Radar. Max cert = 200m of spherical radar.
    plant your ship on the ground for maximum support power.
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  8. WalrusJones

    It would have been deconstructed if it didn't have the radar.
  9. Dusty Lens

    The certs aren't necessarily wasted. While the secrets revealed are just for you, now you know where everyone is!

    Sadly the scout radar, the one that works for everyone, is (as Compass and others pointed out) reserved for the flash and, afaik, the ESF radar. But, oh lord, that ESF radar. 200 m? Goodness.

    Edit: Look at all of us spouting the same stuff at the same time!
  10. GSZenith

    got a br 100 flyboy on miller with 200radar mossie, when he parks it at the crown it isn't even funny, you see everything, you see the sunderer hiding in the little hud east of the crown towards amp -_-
  11. Whateverworks

    Yup, WJ is right - Flashes don't even have proximity radar as an option; they have scout radar.

    Proximity radar - radar hits are displayed to everyone in that vehicle
    Scout radar - radar hits are displayed to every friendly in the area.

    As far as I know, the only vehicles to have scout radar are Flashes and ESFs, which have double the range of a Flash radar.

    Scout radar is amazing, and a gamechanger IF you have allies that are smart enough to use their minimaps. This is not as easy as it sounds.

    Purg is right - if you see an enemy Flash, take a look at it. If it has a little squashed hamburger shaped dome on the back of it, about where a passenger would be, take it out - it's telling everyone in the area about you. Conversely, if you see a friendly Flash with the dome, try not to destroy it just because "Hurr durr I likes killing me some friendly Flashes".

    *Just to clarify a bit: If you know (or want to GIS) what an AWACS' dome looks like, that's what the scout dome looks like, except the scout dome is a little bit thicker, I think.
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  12. siiix

    nice, thank you :)

    i was using it as such , but i was never sure if it works because my mic is broken at the moment, i have the radar fully upgraded to 100meters, it gives a very nice advantage if your taking a base with your platoon, OR want to find that pesky invisible sniper

    i just really hope the 2nd seat upgrade wont take up the same upgrade spot then the radar or the turbo, because then it will be just about pointless ... i guess we see in a few days
  13. Purg

    Didn't know about the dome. Thanks for the tip.
  14. WalrusJones

    I imagine the scout radar would be best used for behind enemy lines capable classes:

    Medics, Infiltrators, and LA's can make do with the picking them off one at a time style of play the Scout radar enables, each in their own unique way of course.
  15. siiix

    well no, all classes can have a scout radar , and you can upgrade your flash to 0secosnds deployment timer , so just deploy one and hide it, it will give you better scouting info then the proximity scan of the infiltrator , and it has unlimited life (until the flash is alive), its the best scouting device in the game

    you can even hide the flash on roads so your platoon knows when enemy zerg is approaching
  16. WalrusJones

    Well, it was more an address to lone wolves.

    Whom, using a stealth-scout flash, can inflict large amounts of damage alone using the survival oriented classes in conjunction with their superior senses.
  17. Whateverworks

    I'm a not-lone-wolf medic who normally drives a sunderer when I'm driving, and I love it when anyone pulls up to a base assault driving a scout Flash. It makes taking and clearing a base so much easier, as it can give you an idea on where those lone-wolf types are hiding and sniping you from.
  18. siiix

    stealth do not work for scout radar, i killed several invisible snipers this way

    and if its true that anyone can see the red spots on the minimap , then its not a lone wolf thing , in fact most of the time i was using it in team play , i just was not sure if it actually worked (but people just said its visible to all, so its very useful tool for team play), your entire team can see where every enemy is, that is NOT a lone wolf tool
  19. WalrusJones


    An enemy can do the same to your squad, a lone wolf using a silenced weapon who sees where all twelve of you are is going to be a pain in the.......

    BOTH sides benefit from the scout radar tons when they deploy it.
    Its just the one that is harder to detect overall gets more use out of it.

    Flash stealth, so the enemies don't find your satellite scan juice and destroy it.

    I am not saying its just a lone wolf thing, just that it is the thing that lone wolfs get a disproportionately high amount of mileage out of.
  20. Whateverworks

    Ah, I see what you're saying, and no arguments here. Scout radar is immensely useful in even radically different situations.