Was the H-V45 overnerfed?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Blippy, May 8, 2014.

  1. Blippy

    There was no doubt that the H-V45 was one of the best Combat Medic assault rifles and needed a little tuning, but I think they went too far with it. They nerfed the ADS recoil and bullet velocity which is fine, since it's a CQC weapon, but the nerfs to CoF, bloom, and then the nerf to the ALS afterwards made the gun require burst firing even at close ranges, which is unacceptable for a hipfire weapon. I've been using SMGs now because they outperform the H-V45 at close ranges, with a lower cone of fire, faster reload speed, larger magazines, and identical damage.

    The H-V45 is my favorite gun, but I can't stand to use it now. It's just not good anymore.
  2. Ripshaft

    What update was it nerfed in... mind linking the notes? I remember cqc weapons with higher muzzle velocities getting their muzzle velocities brought down but I don't remember reading anything else along the lines of what you've mentioned.
  3. DevDevBooday

    Same, I dont remember any H-V45 nerfs
  4. TsubasaKuroi

    .75 ADS weapons got blanket nerfed months before. On that same patch, they pretty much nerfed hipfire weapons all around

  5. Ripshaft

    Ooooh yeah I did read that, forgot about it, dismissed the changes as negligible until demonstrated otherwise, will have to check it out, I've been using the VS1 on my medic for awhile now, as it's stupidly flexible unlike the h-v45.
  6. BeyondNInja

    I'm not sure when each of these perceived changes were implemented, although some of them were across the board (AR hip-fire nerfs, 0.75ADS recoil changes. I didn't think bloom was changed for any gun (other than the GD-7F) in the last 9 months?

    The trade-off between CQC ARs/carbines and SMGs is supposed to be that non-SMGs have better velocity, better ADS accuracy/bloom, higher DPS, much better damage drop-off and often more consistent/controllable recoil, while SMGs have much better hip-fire bloom and generally faster reloads.
  7. sindz

    Due to VS AR's being completely **** except the H-V45 which was the only AR VS ever bought they had to nerf it to make it crap like the rest of the AR's.
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  8. ulceroso

    This mostly. Now the only good AR for Vanu is the default one. The HV is still good, but it feels like a carbine. Kill 2, no more bullets because half have gone to waste. Oh, and the Corvus, but I still find the Pulsar easier to handle even at long range. I don't find the extra damage justify the slower firing and making your life harder ad close range.
  9. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, the Carnage actually got hit hardest by it, as it's more a long range weapon (750 RPM with Adv. Grip and Compensator), but now it's like using the TAR or H-V45 for ranged combat, even after sinking 300 certs or more into the Carnage's range attachments.

    Because it is (or, rather, it was. :( It's pretty "meh" now) the longest range spec'd weapon of all the .75's, it took the hardest hit.
    Now, with the Adv. grip, compensator, and optical attachment of your choice, it feels just a tiiiny bit worse than a stock T1 Cycler.

    It's functional, but it's not ever worth using over the GR-22 thanks to the nerf.

    I personally would kill to have it reverted to how it was pre-nerf, and get rid of the .75 ADS speed.
  10. Ohmlink

    I'd rather they just make VS ARs not crap, rather than buff one weapon to not mediocre again.
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  11. TeknoBug

    Didn't realize the H-V45 was nerfed? It's still a better gun than the TR's TAR, the TAR can't seem to hit anything at all that I eventually swapped to the Cycler TRV which can actually hit targets.
  12. ChipMHazard

    The H-V45 is a great gun. No idea why people would think that it's not.