Warpgate Signs, Markings, Buildings

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zude, May 16, 2014.

  1. Zude

    It would be extremely beneficial for the community to designate areas of the warpgate for people that require certain services.

    A building for outfit recruitment

    A building for platoon recruitment

    An LZ for soldiers looking for Galaxy drops

    An LZ for fighter wing men

    An LZ for Liberator gunners

    One Ramp with docks for each specific vehicle.

    2 parade courts dedicated to formation mobilization

    This will create a community in the game, increase immersion and organization, can be peer enforced with /report, and is low resource development.
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  2. Silvermyst

    The landing zones for galaxy drops and liberator gunners are the most important ones. If you aren't in an outfit but want to pilot/gun libs your experience will be chaotic and messy at best the way things are now.

    PS: Cowabunga Zude. :p
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  3. Zude

    I've been trying to teach the public about air and infantry formations and it proves difficult to search for volunteers. We could use an improved community interface that puts a face on interactions.
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  4. EnsignPistol

    This deserves way more attention. Little things like this would have an enormous effect on how organized the player base is, which would lead to rather big changes in the metagame simply for having fewer people running around aimlessly. One thing I might add is having similar loading platforms (bus stops?) for Sunderers, at least at larger bases. It's hard getting people just casually soloing about on their own to pull Sunderers to provide AMS support for the next base, and even when you do it can be a pain finding people to actually get in the things and ride them to the next base. Having a natural rally point where you can rely on Sunderers pulling up to let people in would keep the momentum in battles going, as well as be a huge boon for regular MAX players (like myself) who are prone to having to go it on foot due to missing the bus.

    PS2's very much a cooperative game. It's high time we had a game environment that reflected that.
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  5. SevenTwo

    Got my vote.

    If anything because it'd make it easier to find people with whom your objectives align - considering there is no Empire-wide way of communicating, it can be pretty damned difficult to figure out what people are doing where and generally finding people, who want to participate in some group errr... shenanigans.

    I mean, if I'm running around like a solo-random-john-doe and I see a neutral Galaxy or Lib, I'm often thinking to myself "should I just jump in and see what happens?", but most of the time just end up not doing it in case that guy is just hanging out there waiting for one of his friends to get in or he's just AFK.

    In the same vein I don't pull Harassers, Libs or Gals as those are as useless as can be if nobody wants to get in them and help you out by either gunning, piloting or dropping from them. A designated "I'm up for some ***** and giggles" area in the warpgate could potentially help finding a crew for just that.

    Other than the physical facilities, to accompany them the game really, really could use a better squad/platoon enlistment system, so you could more easily understand what a squad is doing. A squad name like "Amerish Fun" on Esamir doesn't really tell me much about what's going on with that squad at least.

    Lastly it'd be nice to have a way where vehicle pilots can notify the general public that they are looking for a gunner - at least other than Q targeting a specific individual and picking that option from the comms rose. Planetside 1 had this option if I recall, so I can't for the life of me understand, that this isn't an option on the "V" callout menu while you are in a vehicle.

    Anyway, let's just hope this gets considered as it's really one of the areas I think the game could be improved with little "actual" work involved (I know from experience that software development is always a lot of work, but compared to a lot of other things, this should be a relatively minor thing).
  6. MajiinBuu

    There's a lot of useless, empty buildings in the warpgate that serve no purpose (I think 1 has an infantry terminal, that's it), might as well use them for something
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  7. Zude

    There could be sidewalks to create traffic to such areas. Signs on these sidewalks will be the most communicative.

    Signs in a building is slightly difficult to fully communicate to a universal demographic. Structure and detail must be placed in the development of indoor signs.
  8. The Pellion Order

    This idea is great and easy to do! The warp gate should be a busy center of organization.
  9. WarmasterRaptor

    Also, I'd like to see some buildings should have dynamic maps, following the war developments.

    Like one building with an exclusive room for each map and each a warpgate terminal. And maybe useful voice call-outs to ask "reinforcements need on [continent]", etc

    might be useful to equalize populations.

    etc, make the warpgates lively and a true center of activity. Not just a simple base with a shield around it...

    Well anyway, OP, you get all of my YES and my like ;)
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  10. RIctavius

    Adding to this , this would planetside alot more homely , very much allow players to get really immersed in the .

    Like a bar at the warpgate; a place where you good sit down at a table (like getting in a vehicle) which automatically sets your person in AFK mode.

    Or benches even to sit down and wait for your squaddies/outfit leaders/ platoon formation.

    Its gimmicky, but apart from the serious stuff we need alittle gimmicky stuff to make people smile and enjoy being side the game. (ooohh too RPGy , pff)
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    These are great ideas. Anything that makes Planetside2 easier to follow, and more fun to play, for all players.

    Once players spawn into a Warpgate, they would immediately see signs leading to doorways that would instantly teleport them to the part of the Warpgate they were interested in: like, "Independent Liberator-Gunners Enter Here"; "XYZ Squad A Galaxy Loading Here"; "XYZ Armor Column Forming Here", etc.

    Whatever similar signs in modern airports (that are effective) could be used as an example.
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  12. Zude

    There should also be a small deployment zone for all 3 lanes. Soldiers can then head to the respective deployment zone and hitch a ride to where they want to go.
  13. Zude

    Outfit organization menus are coming soon. If it is effective, it will remove the need for recruitment zones.
  14. Zude

  15. GlueHead

    Bumping again.
  16. Radh

    Planetside2 need more immersive things.
  17. Sid6dot7

    The sad thing is: too many people don't even spawn at the WG anymore, because they don't have too (thanks SOE for that unwanted login change) and the, atm, friendly fire.

    I would love some of these ideas here see implemented.
    And I will never understand (aside from implementing additional voice packs), why we don't have that complex V-menu from PS1 anymore. It's such a nice communications tool, without the need to hear 12-year olds or people with pathetic voice setups (bad mics and/or settings, mostly both).
  18. Michel

    Exactly. I hate this change so much but there is just no reason to spawn at the warpgate except I want to fly. I wish SOE would revert that change and give the warpgate some live back.
  19. EnsignPistol

    I'm guessing they want to encourage people to get right into fighting as fast as possible, similar to how they made such a big deal of Instant Action when it came out that they decided to end the joke of a tutorial with it. Looks good as a selling point on a hypothetical box maybe, getting right into massive battles the likes of which FPS gaming hasn't often seen before, but if anything this makes the new player experience even worse, because you essentially throw them into wild situations with no information as a matter of course, at a time where they need the most help understanding what's going on.

    Honestly, the hostility Planetside 2 can have towards new players in its on-boarding experience is rather cruel sometimes. It's no wonder they have trouble retaining new people.
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  20. Brenold


    imo the change only made it harder for newbies and worse for everyone. if you are thrown right into battle a lot of the people there dont care about some noob in a middle of a firefight. back then the warp gate was always full of people just standing around, shooting the ish with each other, organizing whatever or just afk, but you could strike conversations with people on proxy and newbies have a better chance of finding someone to give a little guidance, maybe even a group to tag along with.

    nowadays the only people in warpgate are tk tools.