Can we please rotate warpgates every month or so? It'd help freshen up the experience. I'm getting tired of fighting at the same few bases all the time, and always approaching from the same side. It would also help even up any inbalances with the terrain. We had it in beta, seems bizarre they just stopped doing it.
This is a great idea. I play NC on Ceres... I know every corridor, outbuilding, rock and bush in and around Tawrich and Zurvan, Freyr and Manu. I see and fight over these places every single day. I regard it as breathtaking to break out and see the Impact Site, and there are places in the North West of Indar and the South of Esamir that I have literally never been. I am becoming bored with the same ground day after day after day.
On a side not, I have often wondered how much the Canyon type terrain the NC gets in the South East of Indar limits our mobility. I'd like a bit of open Northern desert occasionally.
I like the idea, but once a month sounds like too seldom, how about once a new faction conquer a continent? or every server restart?
Back in beta the warp positions swapped weekly (after the servers went down for routine maintenance) I'd honestly like that back
Yeah I'm getting bored of Zurvan and the surrounding area. Most of the time NC on Woodman are pinned in their quarter of the map on Indar, it's very rare we push out to Allatum, Peris or Mau. Most of the time the big fight is at Zurvan or the Crown. Even Esamir, I know that top left hand corner well now, but have never seen the rest of the continent (NC never have much territory on Esamir). Amerish, doesn't really matter, there's no one on there. It's like they've decided they should never rotate. I'd like to assault the Crown from the other sides as well, it's tiresome trying to get up that damn cliff.