[Suggestion] Want Motion Blur Back as an Option? Show Demand in here

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MistaN, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. DK22

    Turned it on once. Looked like constant Lag. Cleaning my glasses just made it worse. Six beers later, I didn't care.
    I just turned it off before any PTSD set in.
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  2. SpartanPsycho

    actually your eyes don't focus until you stop moving your head. Try moving your head again.
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  3. NC_agent00kevin

    I never used it, but Im all for as much customization as possible. People want motion blur? Let them have it.
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  4. JamZam

    Ever considered maybe your computer was really lagging with motion blur on? :)
  5. SushiCW

    +1 Demand.
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  6. Jerox

    Meh, PhysX seemed like not much more than a fat cluster **** of sparkles imo.
    Vehicle explosions, elevator pads and even shooting at a wall. Fancy effects are nice, but they shouldn't be so overdone as they were when PhysX was still in the game imo.
    The little pieces of rock that would fly around if you shot the ground were really nice though.
  7. JamZam

    Yes, I agree, and again, this thread is about motion blur and not PhysX. Let's not go off topic again :) (yeah I realize that quoted post was my own, that's my bad)
  8. Jerox

    Yeah, sorry. Just felt like sharing that opinion :p.
    On topic then, I think it's ok that they decided to take motion blur out of the game for now (isn't it possible to enable it through the config file even?). If it's for a greater good (solving the input lagg issue) then sure, why not.
    I rather have a fix for that problem sooner than later and if it means taking away a small visual effect then fine.

    Though I can imagine it sucks for players who do use it to ya know, smooth out their game or just enjoy the look of it. But would players who use motion blur really want to have it in the game with the increased risk of having input lagg? I think increased chance of input lagg sucks way more than having no motion blur :p.

    Personally I don't use it because I don't really like the effect. Not necessarily because I want to play competitively or anything.
    My aim sucks too much in order for competitive play to make any sense.
  9. JamZam

    Well I haven't had time to try it out myself but from what I've heard from other people, no, it's not possible to enable it even through the config file. It resets every time you start the game. However, I did hear about a glitch where if you set the graphics to ultra in the login screen (right where you choose your character), for whatever reason motion blur is enabled. But that requires you to play on completely maxed out settings and my computer can't quite handle that, I get about 20-40fps with those settings. So not enough.
  10. Jerox

    It looks like people are just gonna have to wait it out then :/. Unless it gets so much attention that they make it higher priority and bring it back quick but I doubt that will happen. Part of me thinks the majority plays without motion blur though.
  11. Stigma

    There are people who WANT motionblur? ... ... ...

    Well, I think you are crazy, but it's still a perfectly fair request and if enough people actually want that crap as an option then I don't see a reason to deny them. Just because I won't use it doesn't mean that others should have the option.

    I kind of wish they would prioritize some other stuff like making thermal and IRNV actually workable on medium settings (especially on Hossin) though. Issues like that and the very inconsistent cloak effects over different graphics settings seem more important to fix as they actually impact gameplay - before fixing pure eyecandy. Other than that - sure, bring back both motionblur and physx effects too as long as they remain options.

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  12. JamZam

    I'm only asking to get the option back in-game, I don't want the input lag from motion blur to be prioritized over what you just mentioned. All I really want is the option to activate motion blur, even though there's input lag that comes with that.
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  13. Aaren

    I tried without motion blur from the get-go, because I tend to hate it's unrealistic fuzzyness in most games.

    Then I learnt in PS2 - certain things don't glow unless motion blur is enabled. Things like enemies helmets. It also makes enemy tracers more noticeable, as well as healing auras and beams.
  14. sixoo

    we need it.
  15. Allin

    Same thing like mouse Yaw - if people want it, why not? I would not use motion blur, becasue it makes it harder to spot not moving players with good camo, but if someone likes to play that way, this does not affect me in negative way. Let people have it then. There are no conditions where motion blur is beneficial though, but, that's their choice to make.
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  16. JamZam

    You my friend get a +1 for positive thinking!
  17. MistaN

    And that pretty much sums it up.
    Even when forcing Motion Blur on right now, by using the ULTRA preset, doesnt add too much motion blur and it's still miles better than where the input lag was before.
  18. JamZam

    Well I don't know about you but I tried forcing motion blur today and I didn't get any motion blur whatsoever :(
  19. MistaN

    Just start the game up and while in-game, change the preset to Ultra and it should just automatically enable the motion blur. Dont try to force it through the .ini file.
  20. JamZam

    while in-game doesn't work for me, and from what I heard it's only been working for people if you change it in the login-screen, which is what I mean by "forcing it" :) But, that's what I tried today and no such thing as motion blur for me. I'm just playing without it untill they add it back in because my PC can't handle all ultra settings anyways... pretty much no PC can if you want descent FPS.