Vulcans. What?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Azzarain, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. CptFirelord

    So Vulcan harassers only drive around in TR territory, right? Because there's a magic wall stopping them from driving into enemy territory, right?
  2. Mongychops

    Oh please, are you honestly claiming that 99% of TR harassers and Vulcan are driving around in VS/NC fights? That Vulcan equipped prowlers are not a large proportion of the Vulcans you will encounter (usually with a TR force)?

    Because, if you are saying that, you're deluded, if you aren't saying that, your advice to sit at ideal striker altitude to avoid Vulcans, is idiotic,

    Stop digging a hole.
  3. TeknoBug

    Bond, James Bond.
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