Vulcans. What?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Azzarain, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Being@RT

    Gravity is a separate attribute from muzzle velocity, although higher velocity does indeed help mitigate gravity. Unlike in real world, gravity is not a constant (or near constant depending on where you are :p). - Magrider - Plasma FPC - AP&sortcolid=-1&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250

    Vehicle - Magrider - Plasma FPC - AP ... gravity 4

    Gravity 4 is shared with Lightning weapons, while stuff like Fury or Marauder have 10 gravity.
    Frag grenades have a gravity of 1, sniper rifles a 7.5 and VS no-drop weapons a gravity of 0.

    The Vulcan (for prowler) on the same page is listed with 2.5 gravity. The same projectile could be used for the Harasser version, since the projectile data only determines the physics, not the damage, RoF, velocity or the likes (those are determined by the weapon).

    Weapons with same velocity and gravity would have same drop over a distance.

    Well, projectiles that have acceleration do have their max_speed determined.
    For example the NC MAX Falcon (NC: MAX: Anti Vehicle 01) has 800 acceleration, 100 max_speed, 0.5 gravity and a lifespan of 5.
    And Raven (NC: MAX: Rocket Launcher: 01) has 10 acceleration, 85 max_speed, 0 gravity, lifespan of 5 and a turn rate of 0.00005.

    Leads me to believe that higher acceleration number means slower acceleration in game. Since we don't know the formulas these values are put into it's kinda hard to say anything more than that..
  2. Mxiter

    It's more a skill and/or experience issue than apples and orange.

    Vulcan is a garbage at range, whatever the gunner.
    In good hands, FPC is ok at its job and some are even able hit reliably aircrafts.

    If the game was balanced around noobs/unskilled players, all weapons would be zero drop-instant hit- zero recoil-ero bloom or lock ons and the game would be very boring.
  3. SolidSnake

    Not sure if serious or trolling...
  4. sodom

    I can't stand the guys saying it sucks at range any more....

    Sure it doesn't kill you instantly on range like it do on close range but it hit good enough that it regularly kills me as an infantryman running to cover and it still hurt plenty in my tank. The range needed to render it harmless is high enough that other tank weapons are more or less also harmless. As an infantryman i don't die to grenades or tank shells after a certain range to the tank ( 1 to 20 i die to a luck shoot, surely or the one in 100 guy with perfect aim(bot)) and as a tank i can simply withdraw and repair the few strays i took.

    Range isn't that big of a advantage here as your simply forced to enter close combat most the times to be effective. As a tank 90% of your shots on range don't help at all. If your far enough away to stay out of direct harm. (Infantry isn't rendered and enemy vehicles can simply flee/run for cover)

    It's huge advantage is insane amount bullets it sprays, so if some miss a few your only losing little max damage, so it's extremely forgiving for bad aim (As most TR weapons). If your miss your shells with the other tank weapons your damage went down by a huge margin. You can correct your aim with the Vulcan so ending with a much higher hit ratio with it then with the other weapons.
  5. LordCreepy

    Sure it is easier to aim with because you can " lead" your bullets into target. This will however increase its bloom even more.
    In conclusion its easier to hit as an untrained gunner but there isn't much room to improve.
    While its harder to hit with a halberd its way more rewarding if you master it.(ohk infantry on any range)
    The vulcan might appear so strong because a broad player base uses it - and its relativly easy for anyone to Hit ( at least on short ranges)
    While other avs are harder to master and less used in general.

    Also a problem with the striker -> Easy to use - no room to improve.

    Used to their maximum potential, using cover while reloading - the avs of all faction + the ns version can all hold their ground ( all being played a little different)
  6. Being@RT

    How much cover can you realistically use with a 3 secondish reload? Are harassers so good that they can jiggle back and forth in 1.5 seconds per direction, without messing up the aim for a Halberd/Enforcer/Saron?

    What's to stop anyone else from taking cover for say.. 10 seconds, popping up, shooting harasser and then retreating to reload, making the 3 second reloader waste good dps time (or force them to come closer so they have line of fire to take advantage of the longer reload)?


    In peekaboo games where both sides have time for just one shot before target or themselves get into cover, the one with the most damage per shot wins (regardless of dps). Which is of course why a Vulcan Harasser should never play peekaboo. They can do hit and run though, utilising their high dps and retreating to repair. And peekaboo should be how you win against Vulcan Harassers, if they're stupid enough. Given the mobility of Harassers in general, it's hard to prevent the enemy harasser from closing in if you simultaneously want to stick to that cover you have.

    Can't shoot off the tracks/wheels of vehicles in this game :(
  7. CptFirelord

    If they're taking the risk to fly low enough for tanks to get easy shots off, let alone a VULCAN (LOL!) then they're doing it wrong. You can safely fly at 250 meters with a Dalton/Zepher and farm the same infantry without the worry of a Vulcan.
  8. Jube

    ummm stay out of range...problem solved.
  9. sodom

    Hmm .. i flow a Dalton Lib, poor thing is now rusting in the hanger, and the height needed to be relativity safe against AV shells or the Vulcan does mean .. no render of infantry for my gunner .... but i don't care any more as flying Libs is mostly useless i need to go against TRs Striker swarm most the times and against NC i got always Tank-Sniper in seconds.
  10. Lamat

    Just make the c85 modified have similar range as the vulcun, 1 ohk canister shotgun on a harasser and I can look past the vulcan.
  11. Mongychops

    You're joking right? 1-12 TR, sure, but there are very few areas where there is any cover from strikers at 250 m once you get to ~20 TR. Locking a lib takes 1.25 seconds, so the time you can spend exposed is minimal. When not running >500m shredder lib against TR, I have tried a Max racer, Max flares, and 3/4 stealth lib with zepher against TR infantry, but this relies on fast low altitude runs breaking cover for less than 10 seconds. This does sort of work, but you get ruined by an alert anchored prowler or Vulcan gunner.
  12. CptFirelord

    When did this turn into another Striker thread? I thought the original intent was the OP QQing about him being shot by Vulcans because he was flying in the effective range of one?
  13. CrashB111

    ITT: mad VS that got killed by a Vulcan.
  14. Mongychops

    The moment you said the most sensible altitude to fly a Lib against TR was 250m, you brought strikers into it. As I said, I usually fly my lib above 500m where possible (though,unfortunately, the VS has the SW Indar WG atm), so strikers are a non-issue, however, if you want to fly in an anti-infantry role against multiple TR squads who are not being spawn camped, you need to utilise the terrain as much as possible. Even if you have flares, because of the flat -1 second to lock on to Libs, spending more than a few seconds in line of sight is suicidal.
  15. Takara

    I kill tanks and Sundies all the time with my Harasser and half the time I'm not even using real AV weapons on top. It is so fast and maneuverable it is pretty easy to get in close and get out. The Vulcan is a better version of the Liberator - Tank buster. As it is harder to see coming and easier to get away and more maneuverable. Also it is far more effective than any of the other weapon options for the TR unless you are going to be fighting at long distances which really isn't the best option for the Harasser anyway.

    That said yea getting show down in a lib by a Vulcan typically means you some how made a bad piloting error :p
  16. CptFirelord

    I told him he could, I didn't tell him it was the best choice, and certainly didn't mention flying that low against the TR. I fly often enough to realize the problems with the Strikpoor v. Flares. It's bugged, needs fixed, and then we can decide.
  17. Phrygen

    The vulcan-h harasser literally does half the damage as a vulcan on a prowler.
  18. Mongychops

    Right, so giving someone advice on not getting hit by the Vulcan, and you're not talking about the TR?
  19. LordCreepy

    I was activily suggesting this idea (And I am TR duhh). Your c85 needs some love - it could work well if it worked like the bf3 canister imho
  20. bPostal

    Please, Please, Please tell me you have video of someone doing something like this!
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