I don't really care if it is based on someone who did some testing since I've JUST tested it this morning, and it took 95 bullets. And like LordCreepy already said, 10 bullets is assuming 100% accuracy which will never happen (unless against a ******** pilot, whom would most likely die to anything). Besides, the extra bullets required wasn't a balance argument, it was merely to correct your erroneous numbers. That it has the 2nd largest hitbox still doesn't mean you are going to hit with 50% accuracy at 150-200m distance if the pilot isn't hovering in place (even then it might be tricky depending on angle). The Vulcan has a RoF of around 800rpm (disregarding spin-up I believe) if IIRC, meaning a full clip takes around 7 seconds to pull off and be ready for the next (including reload, assuming no snip-up time, max mag size upgrade ). To land 3 full clips would thus take around 20 seconds (disregarding the 3rd reload, and adding 1 second for human error total). Assuming 50% accuracy it would then require approximately 40 seconds to destroy a Liberator at full health. Even if said Liberator was at 50% health it would still take the Vulcan 20 seconds to destroy it under the previously given conditions. If the pilot doesn't have time to break off by then, it has simply overextended and a lot of other weapons would do just as well Where do you suggest the TTK should be lowered? The only targets where I see a real difference in favor of the Vulcan-H in the TTK-department are the Lightning and MBTs where the difference can easier be tweaked by altering the involved resistances than a blanket change affecting everything else as well. The Sundy actually takes longer to kill (and you have to get closer) and manned Sundies are perhaps the hardest thing for a Harasser to destroy. Against other Harassers the slight gap in TTK can be adjusted by not letting your own Harasser be exposed to the entire duration of the Vulcan's clip unloading, but rather utilize cover whilst reloading. Keep in mind all the numbers are without utility upgrades, so if you are including the reload speed adjustment of 2 seconds for the MBT and Sunderers, you also need to factor in a reduction in the TTK with at least the Saron. I'm all for reducing the CQB potential in favor of boosting the ranged utility of the Vulcan to make it more interesting to use, and enable it to utilize different approaches to taking down targets. But as long as that doesn't happen, the Vulcan has to be stronger than the other 2 choices in CQB fighting to make up for the lack of utility.
So, they should remove the magazine size certs. If they could only cert reload speed, like the Saron, the burst damage would go down.
it would makes it the worst AV seconday agains sunderers: some risks for few rewards (especially with tons of infantries gravitating around it). It's just 10-15% too strong against MBTs. Especially on harassers version.
And that is not factoring in how innefective the vulcan gets at longer ranges due to CoF, dammage drop of and super slow projectile, where both the saron and enforcer keep their effective dps. It is like complaining about shotguns while using battle rifles.
Uh yeah Vulcans can take out Libs with burst shots, I've seen it. It was dumb for devs to change Vulcan to being able to kill infantry more effectively than before while reducing the effectiveness of the Saron and Enforcer, what were they thinking.
Effective range of 200 meters againts a fat Sunderer is really bad sure with full auto! Because with BURST SHOTS is quite accurate over 200 meters, to the point that kill Engineer turrets far away! And yes, it does massive damage to infantary. SOE plays TR I get it...
So the Saron with its COF and super slow projectiles are better at long range then? Getting tired of saying this but they all have the same slow projectiles but the Vulcan has 60 of them while the Saron has only 6. Try hitting a moving target like a Haraser 200-300m away with any of them. Personally I think its easier with the Vulcan because I can just throw bullets out and compensate for it until im hitting a target. The Saron and Enforcer are better at range because you will do a bit more damage if you can hit but thats the problem, with 300m/s shots a target 300m away has 1 second to move and you will miss. If you are trying to chase down a Harasser even just 100m is too much delay for most gunners to be able to be accurate
With burst shots, and it requiring more than 90 bullets to destroy a Lib? How long is said Lib hovering for that to happen? With a full-auto salvo with near 100% accuracy it still takes around 10 seconds to kill a Liberator (assuming no spin-up time and damage drop-off). Yes it is possible to HIT a Liberator at range with burst shots, but going as far as killing it (or contributing with a significant portion of the total damage done) would be a task relying more on the pilots stupidity than the Vulcan-gunners skill. The AI buff/nerf of the weapons is not as black and white as you make it out to be. The Vulcan gained more AI power to compensate for the reduced AA power (which was silly). The whole concept of giving it more AI power instead of longer range utility is not what I personally would've like to see though. You aren't going to be hitting with all your shots at 200m, at least not if either your vehicle or the Sundy is moving even the slightest. If your vehicle is holding completely still you might have a chance. Keep in mind though, this is against a Sundy where the Vulcan actually has the slowest TTK of the 3 empire specific secondaries, even at point blank ranges. And then you want me to believe the Vulcan is even close to comparable to the other 2 at such a distance? Yeah burst shots are somewhat accurate over distances, but to actually hit with them your vehicle has to be moving pretty slowly or not moving at all. You can't make me believe hitting engineer turrets at ranges of 200+m, and even if you could, you are never going to kill such engineers unless they are afk since it would take too long. With the other weapons you might actually have a chance if he is greedy/not paying attention for a second or two. You are also not even factoring in the damage drop-off which starts at those ranges. Yes, the Saron is better at longer ranges. Sure you can "hit" a moving Harasser at 200-300m, but you won't do any significant damage to it from that range. And if you full-auto on those ranges you won't hit with much unless you are shooting at a big stationary target. And then you aren't even factoring in the damage drop-off or bullet-drop. You make it out like each shot in the Saron is only as effective as 1 shot in the Vulcan by comparing the ammo counts, which I know isn't your intention, but it comes off that way. You have to hit with a lot less shots as well with the Saron, compared to the Vulcan, and you also have a higher alpha strike than with the Vulcan. And hitting wit the Halberd (which has an even slower velocity and only has 1 round / reload) is actually not that hard once you get used to it. Sorry but you cannot be serious when you are equaling the Sarons ranged effectiveness with the Vulcans. If you really are serious, then please show us some footage of you hitting moving targets (and actually do damage to them) consistently at ranges upwards of 300m.
I hit Harassers reliably with halberds(275m/s) and Lighting AP ( 225ms/s) - I fail to see your point. 300m/s is actually damn fast.
Is there a wiki location or somewhere to see these resistances? Seems like what you're saying is armor can affect different caliber weapons differently (moreso than the simple fact that some weapons do no damage at all to certain types of armor.) Also my test of full cycle times seemed to prove out my calculation for the Vulcan, despite the spin-up (7.075 sec full cycle time, when my calculation said 7.0 sec; tested over 5 full cycles to improve accuracy) so it seemed like the 800 RPM listed on the weapon might actually be the average RPM over the course of a full clip being shot.
I think my main concern with Vulcan Harassers is an ease of use issue - You miss with a Halberd round or a tank shell and you're going to know it, but a couple of stray Vulcan-H rounds due to the vehicle hitting a bump on the ground can be easily ignored. Personally, I think people just need to learn to open up with their small arms weapons on them more... Though I will say I think the Harasser in general is what really needs the nerf, not so much the Vulcan-H even if it does serve best to highlight how janky the Harasser has become. Oh, the Harassers don't fare well versus ramming damage either. One got itself stuck between two Magriders a few weeks back and it instantly exploded.
First: Harassers are awesome. Watching this video might help you understand why: Second: For the same reason, the Vulcan is a LITTLE OP. But not by much. A small adjustment needs to be made in its damage to air. Other than that, its perfectly imbalanced with the Saron.....not so much the enforcer, but thats another story. The Saron and Enforcer can shred enemies at a range the Vulcan cant even hope to touch. Its a tradeoff. Yeah, its mega effective in the hands of skilled players, and it shows you up for jumping in its face Like your a badass. Cmon. Not all the weapons should be the same! I like variety! I also know how to stay away from vulcans. When I am VS.
Thank you for that. It's exactly what I think whenever this discussion pops up. Only being effective in CQB didn't save the Scatmax from being "adjusted," and it shouldn't save the Vulcan from being "adjusted" either.
What's even better is that now the NC complain about lacking range options for their MAXes (they never had them, but now the disparity is starting to show), and all the TR and VS jump in to say "NO YOU'RE FINE GET OVER IT."
I think we all agree the ScatMax *adjustments* were a litlle.........uncalled for. At least I thought so. Why people weren't using concs on them I don't know. Worked every time for me.
Just because something is "fun" doesn't mean it isn't seriously broken. If you want the Harasser to stay the way it is; put tanks back to the way they were pre-nerf and put rocketpods back to the way they were before nerf because they were a "lot of fun" too.
They are, and the Harasser is simply a glorified ATV... and it should be a slightly stronger version of an ATV, not the stronger version of a main battle tank.