Half? Nah. Harassers though are real strong I agree, and when used by skilled teams are terrifying. I'm of two minds about it, really. They're definitely more effective than tanks which is just.. sad :/
I run a Harrasser squad with 3 of my mates and the one thing that kills us the most is the Halberd and this is coming from a Vulcan user.
Were you alone in all the vehicles? If you are going/driving around in 1/3 vehicles all alone, you can't except to come out alive against 2/3 vehicles. That said, you shouldn't ever die in a Liberator to a Vulcan-H these days, as first of all you can simply kill it before it kills you, and you can just break off before it kills you as well. The best weapon against Harassers is to bring a friend to go along with what you are currently doing. Driving a Sundy? Let your friend gun the basilisk for you, and if the Harasser shows up you jump into the 2nd one, and the Harasser has no chance whatsoever to destroy you. Likewise, if you are 2/2 in a tank and you stay aware of your surroundings (e.g. not getting flanked) you should be ok as well But libs require ~95 rounds to take down with a Vulcan-H (at hugging/kissing range), if a lib lets a Harasser Vulcan get so many shots into it at 50% accuracy, it's the pilots own fault for getting to close and not pulling out, and likewise the gunners fault for not killing it faster. Honestly, just the fact that you compare the Vulcan to an AP main gun says it all if you ask me
Even at 50% accuracy it would a full 3 clips with extended mags maxed to down a lib. I got the feeling that the Vulcan was the only contributor to the libs demise. No problem, give us the same range, DPS and damage modifiers as the others. I would love to see people complaining about getting gibbed by the Vulcan at 300m+. Ohhh and BTW, next time dont forget the damage modifiers in your calculations. Example, shooting a sundie debuffs the damage by 65% on the Vulcan.
With the current ROF the Vulcan enjoys i think that 200 bullets is not that big of a deal. Besides who says that the Liberator is at 100% health ? It's silly to expect that in a battlefield. Still we all know that the Vulcan on a Harasser is one of the very few OP weapons, no reason to hide that fact.
Considering that the Vulcan is essentially an anti-vehicle shotgun it is acceptable for it to do these damages. The Saron HRB and Enforcer have MUCH further ranges that they can accurately fire at. The Vulcan deserves its high DPS in close range since it is only useful at close range.
I had several players reported me for using hacks on my harasser while they are trying to kill me with their tankbuster. it only takes 80 bullets to kill a liberator and 64 bullets to forced the liberator to catch fire. Its not as good as a dedicated AA gun but its quite effective in bleeding the liberator to death. Based on size of the hitbox, tankbuster can only be effective at 50-100m while a harraser might be able to hit it at ranges of 150m to 200m. Its hell a lot worst trying to land shots on it using tankbuster on a moving target with a hitbox as small as a flash anyway using tank buster on a harasser is a horrible choice unless the harasser is either stationary or clueless about a liberator coming at it. to sum it up, he used the wrong tools.
If you consider the vulcan op against libs - I have bad news for you.. Like did you ever run into an ap vanguard or the best skyguard ingame a deployed ap prowler? Anyway a good 2/3 Lib with a Dalton has no single person ground counter.
I just checked on the Harasser, it takes 95 bullets to destroy a Liberator (just like I wrote above, I guess you ignored it and posted your own numbers which are wrong), without some odd-80-something to set it on fire (around 87 IIRC). You might have used the Prowler Vulcan to test it, or else you didn't find a Liberator in VR with full health. Either way your numbers are off. The points I was making was that the OP made it seem like the Vulcan owned him alone, and I'm just saying that if that really is what happened, it's not because the Vulcan is too strong. And yes, the Vulcan-H might be able to "hit" at 150-200m but you won't have anywhere near 50% accuracy, unless perhaps the Liberator hovers until it dies or something. And yes, using the Tank Buster on Harassers doing anything but standing still is usually not the best choice of action. A decent Dalton gunner would make short work of a Harasser though, especially if said Liberator is close enough for the Vulcan to be even moderately effective.
The problem, as a few other impartial players have noted, is when you strap it to the fastest, most mobile ground vehicle in the game, a vehicle with which it's rather easy to close distance on other vehicles, after which they can dart away and repair on the move. If we were to make a comparison to infantry, it would be like if you could use Hacksaws on a ZOE MAX, fire backwards at the same time you were sprinting forwards, and all the while, you have a gnome engineer strapped to your back repairing you. Actually, that would be pretty hilarious.... SOE, Make it so! RELEASE THE GNOMES! So when you're running your ungodly vulcan harasser setup, you don't have a problem being killed by other vulcan harasser users? I'm shocked!
No but according to a lot of people on these fora, the scenario that Admiralty proposed shouldn't even be possible since the Vulcans ungodly DPS leaves all other vehicles a burning wreck in no time at all. In reality though, in Harasser fights the Vulcan is only stronger if the enemy is exposed the entire time for you to unload your clip. If the Halberd-Harasser driver has good communication with the gunner and/or good sense of timing the reloads, it is possible to avoid a lot of the Vulcans sustained dps whilst reloading. While this won't always be the case, it likewise won't always be the case that the Vulcan-Harasser fights on it's own turf and gets the jump on your vehicle from within 20m. If that happens, let's face it then, your situational awareness wasn't up to snuff in the situation, since the Harasser shows up on the minimap way before that due to every single Harasser running Composite Armor (which is another problem altogether). I'm not saying it might not be slightly too strong in certain areas on the Harasser (completely different story on the Prowler, as it involves a lot more risk to use effectively), but a lot of TR have been advocating for a change/rework to the weapon giving it more ranged utility while simultaneously adjusting the sustained damage over shorter ranges. And giving the weapon more AI capability was (as far as I've seen) not something many TR wanted. I think the Harasser is kind of in the same spot as the ESF. The best counter to it is simply to run a Harasser yourself simply because then you can chase it down (bugged Strikers and the likes aside). Oh, and comparing it to infantry is not really very relevant here. Even your example is exaggerated immensely (as your scenario involves 3 people in said MAX suit, 1 to sprint, 1 to shoot and 1 engineer sitting on your back repairing). If a MAX suit took 3 people to operate like that, I wouldn't have a big problem with it tbh.
So, who decided it would be a good idea to make the Enforcer/Saron essentially an anti-everything weapon that gets mounted on Harassers? It took out my tank, Liberator AND Sunderer all within fifteen minutes. And can hunt down infantry that try to run away.
You don't see many complaints about the Vulcan on the prowler for exactly these reasons. As a weapons platform compared to the harasser, it is a Much slower, and bigger target, with a a very vulnerable rear, and cannot repair on the move. The harasser can get in close and escape at will with minimal risk. It is OP because the harrasser platform almost completely mitigates the weakness of the Vulcan (the risk and difficulty of closing to short range), in the same way pre-nerf ZOE was OP because it overly mitigated the weakness of the MAX (easy target for rockets and C4).
This is what i gather from mechlord, i believed is based on testing ESF resistance vs vulcan = 50% liberator resistance vs vulcan = 80% Galaxy resistance vs vulcan = 85% Vulcan-H liberator shots to kill = 90.9 Vulcan liberator shots to kill = 80 yeah your right. just another 10 shots extra on vehicle with 2nd largest hitbox
1 11 not 10 - 22 if you asume 50% hitchance thats 160 vs. 182 bullets --> One more reload + spinup. Doesn't matter on hovering libs or those average libs most likely. Way to many bullets&reloads versus any good liberator crew (muhahaha + squalicore for example)
Aheum,Vulcan's vehicles resistances: The vulcan don't destroy vehicles 3.5X quicker than Saron. but -10% to 50% quicker depending of the kind of vehicles and the mag size upgrades. Those numbers are ony right at AI with theorical pinpoint accuracy and no spinup. Some trials in VR: Against stock vehicles and without weapons utility slots (reload/mag size): Vulcan-H: Harassers: ~=5.2sec TTK. Lightning (front): ~=12.2sec TTK. Sunderer: ~=15.7sec TTK. MBT (front): ~=15.5sec TTK. Saron-H: Harassers: ~=6.17sec TTK. Lightning (front): ~=15sec TTK. Sunderer: ~=14.3sec TTK. MBT (front): ~=19.6sec TTK. Enforcer-H: Harassers: ~=6sec TTK. Lightning (front): ~=16.74sec TTK. Sunderer: ~=14.9sec TTK. MBT (front): ~=19.55sec TTK. The full mag size upgrade level2 (i think) reduce the MBT and Sunderers TTK by around 2 sec BTW (respectively 13.2 and 13.5 with the maxxed mag size).