So, who decided it would be a good idea to make the Vulcan essentially an anti-everything weapon that gets mounted on Harassers? It took out my tank, Liberator AND Sunderer all within fifteen minutes. And can hunt down infantry that try to run away.
Considering what I know about the Vulcan's effective range, I can't stop laughing at the image of you trying to ram the same Harasser in your tank, Liberator AND Sunderer all within 15 minutes.
The Vulcan isn't as great at AA as it used to be. When I got it for my prowler long ago it was to shred lolpodders Anyways I can see how the Vulcan is overpowered on Harassers as it synergizes too well with the already unbalanced Harasser, but having it kill Liberators is a bit of an exaggeration.
I see you have met my gunner on the battlefield recently. You are what we as harasser drivers call crop
You know I'm starting to think if you died that many times within 15 minutes to the Vulcan Harasser, which has an effective range under 100M when moving, that the Vulcan played no real significant role in your deaths. In fact I think if it was an Enforcer or Saron Harsser, which are "anti everything", the same scenario would've played out all over again except perhaps at a longer range. I'm still wondering how the Vulcan Harasser got you in your Liberator though, did it Nitro off a cliff into the air to get within 100m of you?!?!
I disagree with this statement, but really OP, how do you even lose your lib to a Harasser? I mean, unless you horribly fail a Tankbuster run, or you try to solo-Dalton it and stay in the gunner's seat too long, there is absolutely no reason for a Harasser to even be able to touch you.
The vulcan is not really good against infantry unless its real close. The problem is the not the vulcan rather it is the harrasser combined with the vulcan. It shreds every vehicle
Oh come on people, there are many Libs out there that fly low to score easy kills, we all know this (i like how i take them down with my AP canon) so yea a Vulcan can shred them easily. Sure it will not hit 100% but even 50% is enough.
I think the damage fall off should be quicker and to a higher degree. Getting hit by them in a reaver is like taking burster fire from multiple burster maxes.
Pretty much this. It's not so bad on prowlers, but the mobility of harassers makes it fairly OP when attached to them, as Cali said, it just synergizes way too well. It's basically gotten to the point where even if I'm driving a full health AP lightning and see a smoking vulcan harasser fleeing the battlefield, I won't give chase because I know how unholy they are.
Yeah it's pretty good at shredding vehicles. Has anyone actually done the TTK difference between the enforcer, vulcan and saron at various ranges? At very close range yeah it's gonna kick *** but longer ranges I dunno man.
It's definitely not particularly special against infantry (except at very close range) but it's definitely considerably better than the other empire AV turrets. Sustained DPS up close: Enforcer ML85: 539 Saron HRB: 607 G30 Vulcan: 2142 Burst DPS is slightly better (700 vs. 2125 vs. 3333) but overall it seems there's a clear balance issue. The other factors involved (indirect damage, accuracy) definitely don't account for that extreme a discrepancy.
To add to what I said earlier, in my opinion the Enforcer and Saron seem more suited for MBTs -not that they're bad on Harassers, just that their designs seem better suited for being MBT secondaries- while the Vulcan and the Harassers are a match made in heaven. The Vulcan and Enforcer -as guns- don't really benefit from the agility of the Harasser, while the Vulcan's main weakness -which balances its very high damage- is compensated by it being mounted on the fastest, most maneuverable vehicle in the game.
At close range the TTK is essentially the same, a .5 seconds slower than the Enforcer. S'just, it's easier to hit these flying tanks and harassers with a Vulcan as opposed to a Saron or Enforcer.
Harassers, honestly, need their power knocked in half... their weapons need to be cut in half... their armor needs to be cut in half... and the repair while moving crap needs to go. They are far, far, far, far too much overkill. And whoever created that monstrosity, I really hope they got the boot from SOE... they need to be working in a different field.