Vulcan changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Eclipson

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  2. Aractain

    Still terrible against infantry but it supposed to be AV not AI. So Enforcer and the Eye need a nerf vs infantry so thier AI weapons are acutally useful.
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  3. BarxBaron

    +1 for that new beautiful true gatling gun sound it now makes.

    Thanks for the heads up - gonna dl PTS now so I can hear it in person!

    Now just need to nerf Saron/Enforcer 1 shot inf kills to 2 shots and all will be well. Afterall, didn't prowlers need "omg nerf" because they had the ability to 1 shot more then 1 inf without reloading easily? Saron/Enforcer have even more then triple that potential.
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  4. Kunavi

    This may sound silly but I have to ask; Is this a completely NEW Vulcan which we have to pay for again, if we have the current one? If so then that's probably the cheapest and lamest thing I've ever seen in a F2P and I won't buy it. There are limits to condoning.

    Also.. Is this a fully Certed Vulcan in your presentation....? It still seems lacking but definitely is better than what we have(Assuming we don't have to spend more Certs for it).

    @BarxBaron I think the BF3 ones are actually much closer to the real thing. Never been close to one so I won't argue if you know better, just saying.
  5. Compass

    Buffing my Vulcan? DON'T MIND IF I DOOOOO
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  6. Eclipson

    Its not a completely new Vulcan, so you don't have to re-buy it, and its stock. The thing might actually be pretty good depending on how much the magazine size cert increases the magazine.
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  7. BarxBaron

    Erm. They changed both the prowler and harasser vulcan varants. If you only have one the other is a seperate gun entirely. Whatever you already have its gonna get the changes....
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  8. FnkyTwn


    (I didn't fix "thier" or "acutally") :eek:
  9. Aractain

    If the fracture was as good as the Eye of sauron I would be farming certs with it right now but you actualy have to aim with those. :(
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  10. IronWarrior

    Please Machine God, I hope these changes are real and come to the live server. This is what all our Mini-Guns should be like.

    Still sucks against the other two through since they have the range.
  11. KAHR-Alpha

    So many bullets, it's beautiful.
  12. FnkyTwn

    Saron doesn't have any splash damage now, so how is that the
    same as a double-barreled Prowler in Lockdown mode lobbing
    HE rounds into masses of Infantry and killing 3-4 per shot?
    And the Saron has "triple" that potential? How dude?

    The Saron also has a firing delay, in that, when you click the
    button to fire it, you get to wait until the weapon actually fires.

    I'm all for balance, and heavy splash damage that kills loads of
    Infantry isn't good for 'balance', but pinpoint sniping, that doesn't
    have splash damage, with a firing delay, usually fired from a
    moving platform is highly skill based and not just point&click.
  13. Aractain

    Which Sauron do you see in the game?

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  14. Ganelon

  15. Covah

    Very nice sound !

    Lolz the new shotgun is what the Jackhammer should have been, lot of ammo.
  16. DrazahNede

    still far worse than Enforcer and Sauron
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  17. Kunavi

    Ahhh thanks for clearing this up! *Happy*
  18. sindz

    LOL, time to make 200 nerf vulcan threads each day.
  19. Cowabunga

    Ermahgerd! Love the sound!
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  20. Cowabunga

    Now we just need THAT bad boy on our MAX units! And not the cyclers that sound like banging two tea pots together....
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