VS's extreme under pop on the Matherson server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Heavypoint, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. TheStonehawk

    I suppose but even still, I hear lots of insults and such coming from the Orders all the time. This just reinforces what I've already experienced. I even had to go into /re chat recently and start redirecting some idiocy coming from the Orders and start guiding the huge zerg nearby to a smarter strategy. Quite a few actually listened to me. But that was probably because the words the leader in question was using to guide his faction was to say "Go to the ****ing crown you stupid dip****s"

    Quote for quote.

    So when I said "Guys, ya'll are doing just fine. We need to go to Zurvan amp station because this is an Amp Station alert and I think there is enough of us that we can cap it back." people listened to me probably because I wasn't calling them names or yelling at them.

    Thats just my guess though.
  2. Hasteras

    All the insults are just Wisdomcube, man. No one else does that. He's just one guy who doesn't even lead a real squad but thinks he's smarter than everyone. The leader of every major NC outfit has him muted in command channel, and it's really shameful on SOEs part that they haven't banned him from orders chat. Just ignore him. Don't imagine for a second that he actually represents the NC.
  3. TheStonehawk

    I've only had one altercation with WisdomCube that he probably doesn't remember. That altercation involved him shooting my sunderer with his MBT trying to destroy it only to have my squad turn around and bomb his MBT till it blew up. (Ah, good old Triscuit with his ESF) I honestly have no idea why he was shooting it because he never said a word as to why and my /tell "wtf was that? Why were you trying to kill me?" went unanswered. I have since avoided him at all occasions. But for future reference if anyone wants to TK me know that I roll with a minimum of about six people and we usually play AV or A2G.
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  4. DQCraze

    Omg, how do you even get anything done. This is insanity, I can't believe anyone would tolerate that maligned language. Wow...
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  5. Giggily

    I have command chat turned off.
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  6. BaronVonVirtu

    To be fair, Wisdomcube does have some basic concepts that NC should consider every now and then.

    However, he falls into the same trap that I see many folks fall into command wise. There are a ton of off the wall vocal players in command trying to each be Patton, however most of them are lucky to command an entire squad. They're not even able to really contribute to their own commands, they're just telling other outfits to do ****, which I'm sure must look great.

    After TR ****** up at Andvari on Saturday night I had a lovely conversation with Wisdomcube while he argued with me in /tell about how we did everything wrong and how giving up Rashnu was a bad idea because we would be split up on Amerish and continent locked even though both factions were already pushing 3 of our biolabs concurrently and if we really had the extra population, it would have been at Andvari since there wasn't any reason to be on Indar.
  7. DQCraze

    The NC have lost countless alerts with 40%+ pop. This is absurd. The VS purposefully overpop a heavily disputed base because they know they just have to break the will and people just quit. A couple good solid punches in the beginning of an alert and it's GG.
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  8. MasterCheef

    a lil OT: but everyone on this board loves to claim that there is no point to this game, there is no meta, no tactics or strategy and just dumb zerging boing on. This vid clearly shows (although ineptly) that there IS strategy and tactics and planning in PS2. PS2 is not as mindless as COD or BF
  9. Stormsinger

    I have come to the conclusion that the quality of a faction's strategy is an inverse proportion to the mass of the rounds their weapons typically fire.

    In all seriousness, Mattherson VS have more good leaders that are willing to lead, listen, and coordinate with other outfits then any other faction on any server. Without any single leader running the show (Go home papa vanu, you're drunk. It's ok, we have the control console, go back to sleep) our command is decentralized to the point where leaders can take a few offnights here and there without degrading the faction's organization.
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  10. Pineapple Pizza!

    Random off-topic question: What exactly is going on with TR? I get the vibe that all is unwell, but I haven't been able to listen to command chat, since I don't lead squads and what-have-you.
  11. Thurwell

    So has this thread come to the conclusion that the VS are not severely under popped? Because there are nights where we the VS are under popped. Friday or Saturday the 4th or 5th, I forget, we were sitting around 24% and got our butt kicked, however usually the VS have at least 30% global pop. There are also nights where the TR are quite under popped. As for NC I'm not sure they're ever under pop, but they do often decide to sit out alerts and so they are under popped on the alert cont quite badly and lose.
  12. DQCraze

    Given the language and tone in command chat, I'm guessing most would turn off command chat rather then be berated for 2 hours.

    This lack of communication and organization prevents them from being dominant. I'm sad to see such a blatant waste because of a few people. Just think, 2-3 people are screwing over hundreds. On the other hand it makes my life easier. Btw, IRL they'd be mobbed and taken to the woodshed for a lesson in civility.
  13. Aeflic

    No no that was super old, once you have wisdom muted it isnt so bad. Lots of pride and ego as well. For whatever reason its more like warlords for the NC more than anything. Lots of the NC hates VCO, lots of the NC hates other outfits, but for no real good reason. Some even refuse to work with each other at all. Its a very interesting and good learning experience that I have had leading VCO. Any eye opener, but its been a lot of fun and we are still here.
  14. DQCraze

    I'm going to level up a NC character the next two double xp weekends and try my hand at getting a public platoon going and doing some zerg herding. Should be fun NC are such brutes, be nice to sling some lead. See ya soon. :)
  15. Aeflic

    It would be an honor sir. o7
  16. Aeflic

    I know some of you are in comm clash or taking a break.


    [Outfit] [Total Members] [Active in 7] [Days Active on Command]
    VCO 589 420 High
    BL 888 360 Low
    TAS 727 267 Medium
    KN1 378 211 High
    HYUN 646 187 Low Almost Never
    GOON 1363 138 Medium
    4ACE 198 133 Low Almost Never
    NC10 336 125 Medium
    TG 469 111 Low
    SG 177 104 Low
    1COG 462 93 Low
    CML 236 85 Low
    LN13 313 70 Low Almost Never
    TRKS 145 62 Medium
    KBZA 150 61 Low Almost Never
    WMD 284 58 Low Almost Never
    TENC 90 49 Low Almost Never
    SMG 64 47 Low Almost Never
    QRY 55 33 Never
    PHXC 88 31 Low
    WILD 83 28 Low Almost Never
    7BAT 67 27 Low
    Czars 43 23 Low Almost Never
    WLPK 52 19 Low Almost Never
    NCWW 28 17 Never
    MDNS 47 14 Low
    2RCN 50 14 Never
    SAS 49 12 Never
    FGX 57 11 Never


    Even if these smaller outfits wanted to talk more they dont have the numbers to even field a squad most nights. Remember, that's 7 days active at least once in 7 days. Im curious what they have on most nights. Usually I see about 15-60 a night. With 60 being extreme and 15-20 being the norm for most outfits. Not even enough for two squads... This is why NC struggles to win or work together because while most of us dont have the time and cant be on command the other times we have plenty of ppl there but not enough troops. The troops are off derping around because they have no one to lead them and if they do that lead doesnt care for coordination or communication and is most likely on Indar.
  17. SilentUmbra

    Hey guys this is like my 3rd or 4th post but I feel like my insight maybe be able to provide some sort of insight.

    Having been quite involved in VS Command for some time now I find that not only are our amicable methods of command cohesion reason for our success, but also our willingness to understand the strengths and abilities of our fellow outfits. For my own part I have attempted to ascertain more information on whom I am playing with. I've tried to get an in depth look at other leaders and their way of leading so that I always know what to expect. For instance I've come to realize that despite their inflammatory nature, GOKU with leaders such as ArghyVS and KomradeVirtunov will respond in force very quickly when called upon. Now I realize that my outfit is small so I never take it upon myself to boss "the bigger fish" around. I do understand that our weakness is strength but that our strength is speed. My outfit [WLDC], often arrives first at a specific point, creating a foothold for the necessary larger outfits to do their part. The experience I've had with GOKU does not end with them, I always receive similar responses from my brothers in V, NTMR, AT, NNG, etc.

    The solution I propose to the NC is a fervent reimagining of inter-outfit relations that would transcend the already established frame work that is the NCC. It is not enough, in my humble opinion, to simply maintain a line of communication between outfits, a communication of ideals is infinitely more important.

    For instance in a non-alert setting when tensions are low you may come to realize in speaking with Wisdom, that he is actually a knowledgeable strategist, someone you can count on in a bind. Conversely, Wisdom may find you're not actually "stupid" as he so eloquently put it and that the only thing creating a divergence between you is your lack of faith in each other spurred on by arguments exacerbated by fiery situations.

    These downtime meetings could quite possibly forge a solid edifice of comradery that would strengthen every day for years to come.

    But that's just my two cents!
  18. ChampagneDragon

    Actually that video is pretty tame compared to some incident recently. Lately WC has decided to spend entire alerts berating others.

    A few observations I've made recently:

    1) WC will NEVER suggest/order an attack against the TR. NEVER.

    2) WC will always attempt to lock up our zerg in a big fight against the VS. The last time I was on command chat it was an Esamir alert. VS were significantly underpopped (right about 30%). TR had over 40% of the territory. He kept spamming /orders to attack Saerro, leaving the TR unchecked.

    3) Any group that does attack TR he will destroy their attack; usually by taking out their sundies.
  19. DQCraze

    Someone devoting so much time team killing should be banned in my opinion. I would make it my life's work to make sure this happened. Creating petitions, repeated reports, calling support etc. I would probably go as far as sacrificing my account by offering SC bounties for his death. He would live the plague and never be safe. Homey don't play dat...

    He would end up like BCP and have a faction wide tk order.
  20. SniverTenu

    Generally we "shouldn't" listen to el cubo del estúpido. But I guess some people will follow anyone leading them off a cliff. I've not really had an altercation with him tho, but we had a lot of people in this one esamir alert talking in yell chat at Fyrer Amp, and I told them that if they put as much effort into killing the enemy and taking bases as they do typing in yell chat, then we'd have pushed the VS off, instead WC replied with "I can type and still maintain a 5.0 K/D" (or something like that). Personally, I think that was a bad idea to give that sort of impression to the rest of the players there (who actually did listen to me and talked less in yell). But I do notice that WC is not very "Wise" for someone who calls himself so.