Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dokukai, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. dokukai

    Will be submitted tomorrow, hopefully coming to a store near you soon™. I am tired, time to sleep now.

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  2. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    Oh I like the swords, still don't like the robes that can caught on trees and rocks
  3. Pikachu

    Swords on back what. Could you make a pikachu helmet for NC`?
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  4. Tankalishious

    I promised myself not to buy anything from this game(im a poor student)...

    You might get me to break that promise...

    Great work!
  5. SenEvason

    If that was how the VS looked in the game by default, I would actually play them.
  6. Exitus Acta Probat

    Damn it!... I'm going to buy this one:mad:
  7. Cyllus

    Nice! ... and ****, there goes all of my saved up DB cash. ;)
  8. Daigons

    Very nicely done! The ones on the far left look more intimidating than the current VS MAX.
  9. Corezer

    Have u considered making the robes into cables instead? the texturing already gives a cable-like appearance, just need to separate them. I feel like it would fit the VS techno-lore better than rando roman influence
  10. TheNCElite

    Looks amazing! Too bad I pretty much never play VS...
    On the NC side on the other hand, I've been wanting to buy the Nomad Armor and fitting helmets. However I've seen People on Reddit asking for Nomad Helmets, and I haven't yet seen a clear answer.
    So may I ask, do you plan on making Nomad Helmets anytime in the future? I'd hold off buying other helmets to have something that goes well with the Nomad Armor.
    (Fixed a typo)
  11. Customer45689

    Vanu Overpop incoming...
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  12. RockPlanetSide2

    luckily its 45$ for the bundle, individual does not come out for months after... you wont see any more vanu than normal, kids are poor, dirty, and cheap.
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  13. dokukai

    I'm planning to make a set of helmets for NOMAD and ZEALOT eventually, currently too busy with other jobs.
  14. TheNCElite

    Thanks alot for your answer!
    Just at this Moment, I have purchased the Nomad Bundle and a few other cosmetics (for 60€). I especially like the LA, Medic and Engineer. The Infitrator , looks like she has skipped leg day too often (bulky top, tiny little feet). I guess adding a bit armor plating at her calves would fix that, but it seems the armor cannot be edited post release. Still very good loking Infil armor.
    The one single armor I personally really do not like, is the HA armor. I prefer the badass looking Spartan Armor over the Fatsuit that is the Nomad HA Armor. But please don't take it to heart, you cannot please everybody and I'm sure, you've put countless hours into that armor.
    I think about buying already existing helmets, because there is a -40% Price reduction going on, but I still look Forward to your Nomad Helmets. Maybe you'll even convince me buying them :)
  15. Corezer

    I really love the TR but we don't have anything this cool. H3LP PLX!
  16. DIGGSAN0

    You should really update that account :O
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  17. Malfice

    Now that is sexy.
  18. Corezer

    I aint paying...
  19. Zaene

    Great job ! Very nice , .. just ... "Blades" ? More than that ... "totaly useless blades" ? Don't you think some "cloak generator" or something will be more logical ?
  20. XenoAberratum

    Is there any chance I can get the blueprint of these? :O I'm planning on 3D printing my Light Assault character ^^