[VS] Xen of Onslaught

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Dullard, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Dullard


    Vanu Sovereignty

    Waterson (North American East)

    What is Xen of Onslaught
    Xen of Onslaught was formed prior to the release of the original Planetside. We started out as a smaller outfit with around 50 dedicated players and quickly bloomed into a much larger outfit during beta and into release. Xen quickly became one of the top ten outfits on the Emerald server using our military style communication and tactics during outfit assaults. Since Planetside, Xen of Onslaught has branched out into many other online games where our community has continued to grow and expand. We have always remained true to our roots and continue to use the skills, tactics and leadership that we perfected during our time in Planetside. We excel at building long term members and friendships and our community is a testament to that.

    Play style:
    Our primary focus is having fun while using structure and tactics to maximize damage to our enemies. We promote strong leadership and teamwork.

    We are actively seeking members of the Vanu Sovereignty to help us crush the Terran Republic and New Conglomerate, and to help us conquer Auraxis in the name of the Vanu.

    Minimum Requirements:
    Age: 18+
    Teamspeak 3
    Team player

    Contact Information
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  2. DeltaGun

  3. Fear The Amish

    Required Daily XoO Video!
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  4. KiddParK

    Great bunch of guys. Don't fear the Amish.. embrace it.. or him... well, now it sounds kinda creepy... I'll just let myself out.. where's the door... no wait, that's a closet... seriously, i can't find the door, i'll nevER GET OUT I'LL BE STUCK HERE FOr... oh wait, there it is.
  5. Fear The Amish

    Join XoO we are a large organized outfit that is newbie friendly... Outfit Op's tonight people join up for alot of fun!

    and like always Daily XoO Video

  6. RebelAngel

    Newbie friendly is true... im there and im about as bad/new as they come :cool:

    Now, w.t.f are you still reading this for, click, apply, join.. Do YOUR part.

    edit: Interesting that i cant use the word they used in their own video...
  7. Dullard

    We ran an Outfit Ops last night, an hour and a half later, we had control of all three continents. Now I'm not saying it was all XoO, but... it's hard to argue with the facts. :D
  8. ({x})Kyoji

    Blarg. They reset the outfit forums.

    As for the triple cap. XoO participated. I also saw some fellow guilds from our alliance - Vanu Alliance. XoO did show up in force though. :)

    Here is a link to the article.

  9. ({x})Kyoji

  10. shinjorai

    Yep, was pretty great yesterday seeing it all purple.Great job Xoo and the rest of the VS too. BTW I see SOE at your thread as well. I really wish theyd warned us about that.........

    Just want to say for anybody reading this, Xoo is a great outfit and if youre looking for one then you cant go wrong with these guys.
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  11. Fear The Amish

    Daily Video!!

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  12. ({x})Kyoji

    Here is the difference between VS and TR.
    When VS take a continent, or 3, we do so with limited numbers as shown above.

    When TR capture a continent, or just the 1, they do so with their entire server. hah.
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  13. Fear The Amish

    and kyoji they don't leave.... just sit there at 80% pop
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  14. Charlie

    Played against you guys back in RF, (Spirit + Novus) Though I dont know how many of your active folk played that!

    You guys were always good sports, shame we're on different servers this time around!

    N.I.N.J.A. Ftw..... :)
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  15. Fear The Amish

    Daily Video Join XoO

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  16. Fear The Amish

    join XoO we kick *** take names and turn the map purple.
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  17. LordSpaceCat

    Tired of being a lone gun and always being abandoned when killed Want it to end Will look no MORE JOIN http://www.xoohq.com/ps

    We are very New recruit Friendly.
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  18. Fear The Amish

    we have the guns! we have the planes! we have the tanks! but we need YOU join XoO today!
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  19. RebelAngel

    Hey!!! stop hiding, yes its YOU he is talking about!!
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  20. Dullard

    Going to be doing Outfit Ops tonight. Looking forward to it!
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