VS weapon models are why I'm stuck on TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Boggloam, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    The reload... battery thing... really bothers me on the VS. I use NS weapons on the VS, just because I can't stand those things. If you know anything about how rifles work, the batteries don't make any sense at all, too... just a really weird design decision there (yes this game is in the "future", but TR, NC and NS weapons all still use magazines)
  2. LibertyRevolution

    Why are you looking at your gun??
    You should be looking at the field, the gun shouldn't have your attention at all...

    Don't worry about weapon models.. Join the darkside, come kill some oppressive TR overlords.

    (Tech camo not included with conversion.)
  3. Xasapis

    What is weird is how little charge those batteries hold, not the actual "batteries" technology. An energy based weapon in an era of star travel across the galaxy makes more sense than using the outdated technology of today.

    Or to give you a different perspective, imagine a Battlefield game, where one of the sides had access only to muskets, swords and crossbows.
  4. SpaceZeal0t

    Didn't we used to have old models for our guns before the whole greyscale redesign?
  5. FateJH

    Current physics postulation (with some anecdotes) is that handheld energy-based weapons are not impossible, just inordinately impractical to make relevant or practical. I know we shouldn't bring real life into the discussion but that's perhaps an unintentional consideration during their design phase, on top of retaining similarity to the other factions that they have approachable downsides (that is to say, they have to be like "guns").
  6. Xasapis

    Sci fi is not about realistic but plausible anyway.
  7. MajiinBuu

    I never even thought about the models of the guns. I don't really care. I chose a faction, not going back (unless I alt for awhile. I'm loving the AP Prowler).
  8. Stormsinger

    Lore-wise, VS guns are only really a few steps past prototype - I would love a revamp to make things look more along the lines of the fallout series Laser / Plasma pistols / rifles, only much sleeker, with less protruding components. Even after 1500+ hours on VS, I frequently have to double check which gun I have in my loadout, I have difficulties differentiating even in first person.
  9. Saber15

    Pump action shotguns have you inserting individual Energizerâ„¢ D-batteries into the bottom of the gun.
  10. p10k56

    I like the look of LMG-sniper Polaris.