[VS] [US West] [Helios]- Mephisto's Hatred

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by Hammercannon, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Hammercannon

  2. Mighty2Save

  3. Nogrim313

    galaxy pilot << think ive been flying some of you around shoot me an in game,

    so far all the outfits that have tried to recruit me have less than enough to fill a galaxy at prime time
  4. Mighty2Save

    I'm at work for another couple hours, but add me, Hammercannon, TrustedKiller or anyone else with a [HATE] tag. We can invite you when we come online. Anyone in [HATE] can add you to the outfit for that matter.
  5. Hammercannon

    i have a vauge memory of your name, but yeah just add one of us and whisper us in game, i tend to be on from around 5:30pm PST to around 9pm PST mabye later, on weekends I'm on from around 24/7 to 24/7
    • Up x 1
  6. armorer2142

    I would like to join. Experienced fps player with a good ps2 skillz. Name krazykat. Please add and invite to outfit.
  7. Hammercannon

  8. TrustedKiller

    Keep it goin'!
  9. Hammercannon

    Trusted post or galaxy video already! my footage glitched and is un-viewable.
  10. Hammercannon

  11. Hammercannon

    i will be leading ap latoon at around 4pm PST tonight.
  12. Hammercannon

  13. Hammercannon

  14. Mercadion

    Im definitely interested. Especially after today and the horrible horrible pickup squad I was part of. My in game name is mercadion, and I generally play heavy. But also use engineer when piloting tanks, both of which with upgraded weapons.
  15. Hammercannon

    well im on right now, ill send you a tell.
  16. Ruov

    I'd like to join. IGN: Ruovs
  17. Hammercannon

    already got you in, lolz, BUMP!
  18. Hammercannon

  19. Hammercannon

  20. Hammercannon