[VS] The Pony Brigade

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Blackety, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Blackety

    Update to the Brigade:

    We have removed the official outfits on the NC & TR and we will instead focus primarily on our VS outfit. Along with this change, we have removed the Alicorn rank.
  2. Blackety

  3. Nerfley

    I shall most definetly be joining y'all with my VS alt. I primarily play TR, but I shall find time for fellow bronies. If we ever end up on the business ends of each others' weapons, I shall make sure to pump y'all full of love and tolerance (and by that I mean lead).

    • Up x 1
  4. DefectiveHumanModel

    Does this outfit still exist? The website is down, and it doesn't show up in the outfit searcher ingame.