VS: The Forgotten Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ruvan, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Kalivix

    Vanu have everything, I swear the VS know full well they are the most powerful faction so are determined to cry about things that are no problem to try and make it look like they don't need major nerfs. No faction is as easy to use as the VS, all their gear just handle so incredibly well its almost impossible to do badly with it.

    You can tell they know they are Op cos they never mention things that are underpowered they just chose the most OP they have and say "this is all we have", and the rare times they try to say stuff they have is UP they get shot down massively
  2. Ruvan

    I know this is sometimes hard for Americans to understand, but there are people outside of the US.

    Also, to all those trying to use Emerald VS winning as evidence that the faction is imbalanced in some aspects, I'll introduce you to a famous phrase: "correlation does not imply causation". People learn this at approximately ~14 at school. It's not a hard concept.
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  3. Lamat

    I know right, there are Canadians on those 2 most important servers too. ;)
  4. Champagon

    For those saying that Vanu are the "most powerful" faction you need to look at it from a different angle. It's not cause of our weps. it's not because of our camo. It is simply, and i mean SIMPLY because we have better coordination and teamwork. We are playing this game the way it was MEANT to be played. As a coordinated combined arms game.

    This is the sole reason why you other factions get wrecked. you are playing this game like its Battlefield or COD.

    You in turn cry about nerfing our weps on the forums. Leaving us with crummy weapons. FORCING us to use even more teamwork and coordination to continue wrecking your faction

    Solution: Get better leadership, use some common sense. good freaking luck
  5. emjayz

    clearly the NC and TR are made up of a different group of people than those playing VS, and all the VS are just more skilled players naturally and not just a product of "skilled" players that "naturally" gravitate towards the best equipment. nope.
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  6. Champagon

    We do not have the best equipment. Take a look at some spreadsheets, the weps in this game are actually pretty inline with one another
  7. Kalivix

    The problem is the VS faction trait is accuracy (most important thing in a fps) and most of those spread sheets do calculation based on reloads, ammo capacity, damage per bullet, and rate of fire as its hard to work on accuracy. HOWEVER the accuracy is a huge thing and the NC and TR guns are just much less accurate.

    Think of it like this, all the guns have more or less the same TTK, but a NC person will hit less than a VS person as their guns have so much recoil until they practise a lot and finally get the hang of them all, VS however can jump right in and hit constantly. Of course you can't have it so that the NC guns just hit harder than any other faction is every shot hits as then NC would be OP as their best players would be unstoppable.

    What does that result in? at a pro standard they are balanced, in average gameplay the faction with the easiest to aim guns (the VS) have a huge advantage and will perform better than the other factions.
  8. emjayz

  9. Huxer

    So, anecdotal slurs aside, and frankly latin logical falicies are not something that is taught in school until the first 2 years of college, but I do understand what you are saying. My argument still holds water. Soon there will be 4 servers, of those 4 servers VS will be the overpop on at least one of them. This is not a corralation nor is it a causation, it's a fact and the data supports it. Do you have any other snooty eurotrash comments to make so I can debunk them as well?
  10. TriumphantJelly

    Sheesh.... VS aren't OP as many claim. We aren't UP either, but our tank is really hard to master and is statistically worse than the otehr MBTs.The Lasher isn't great in a game that is all about fast TTK (atm anyway). And our pistols.... Ouch.

    But we are balanced, and to people who main VS, often boring: I should know.

    Also, just saying, on my NC alt I have literally no difficulty aiming weapons, and they're more powerful, have greater range and larger mags. :p
  11. TriumphantJelly

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand we definitely won't be overpopped on more than 1/4 servers. If anything, 1 server will be VS, 1 will be NC, 1 will be TR, and the last will fluctuate (Probably between NC/TR)
  12. Huxer

    I completely agree that at the time of the merger that it will be a madhouse. If I may go back a little bit. I played in Planetside 2 beta, VS all the way until a few weeks ago. I live in Ohio so I played on Waterson. I was playing VS intentionally because they were underpopped and that's just the way I like it, lots of targets. For a couple weeks after the merge I rolled with the big zerggy influx of highly experienced VS. It was like there were hundreds of VS who were experienced all of a sudden. It was a meatgrinder. What happened is you take some large coordinated VS outfits and inject them with a bunch of players who had survived and thrived on being outnumbered every day. Since last weekend I have not logged on my VS guy, I am TR now becuse, that's my play style, underdog...equalizer. I am willing to bet the house on the fact that there are many.. many other players who are likeminded. When mergers happen...people make changes, so lets leave schrodingers cat in the bag for a couple weeks after the merge shall we?
  13. Noktaj

    Dunnow what's the fuss is about.
    I played extensively on every faction and I like VS NS weapons the most.
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