VS SMG has 2 Barrels

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WetPatch, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. WetPatch

    What the Duce, if you look at the model for this new SMG it clearly has a Under-Barrel launcher of some kind, yet if you go into the cert upgrades there is no option to upgrade it.

    Design flaw?
  2. Redshift

  3. hawken is better

  4. Autarkis

    Control-C Control-V Control-C Control-V Control-C Control-V Control-C Control-V Control-C Control-V

    Now you're a PS2 weapon modeler!
    • Up x 3
  5. WetPatch

  6. Goden

    Oddly enough the SMG's are the only weapons are are not made of other weapon parts. (Excluding the HA specific guns). I'd imagine any future SMG"s they add will use the same parts though.

    Good lord these devs are lazy.
  7. Phazaar

    The second one is the speaker to play your cool new anthem:

  8. Autarkis

    I don't think they're lazy - just pressed for time.

    If you look at the VS assault rifles you see a lot of noticeable variety with everything still looking related - some of them are beautiful. At some point they stopped bothering, or ran out of time, and you get our everything-is-the-same lines of Carbines, Pistols and LMGs as a result.