VS Population Decrease on Emmerald?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zimeks, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Zimeks

    Is the VS Population on Emmerald server Decrease??? We wont win alert, the organization is poor or what? I wont change again the server. Sorry for rhe bad english. Im from chile, i speak spanish :(
  2. Exitus Acta Probat

    I notice the TR pop is picking up.

    I tend to play the underdogs so it just means I can play VS a little more.
    • Up x 1
  3. Beerbeerbeer

    It's been down or headed down for a while.

    It's actually slightly better now then a week ago where prime time pop dropped to a meager 27% and it has been like that for some time. Now it's hovering around 30%, while NC and TR trade places on who is the biggest fat boy.

    What I don't understand is that it is always better to kick someone when they're already down and the lowest popped faction would get concentrated on the most. It doesn't seem like that is the case recently, but it is recommended.

    If you see VS (or any faction) hover around 30% or lower, that is the time to smack them around, from both other factions. We've kind of strayed away from that and it should return.
  4. FieldMarshall

    In Miller, whenever i play. The TR usually has overpop (around 40%). Followed by VS, and NC at the bottom.
    I think VS used to have a pop advantage, if i remember correctly.

    Good thing i swapped from TR to NC full time a few months ago.
  5. ThreePi

    TR had spiked on Alert wins since the last balance pass where a bunch of TR LMGs got buffed and the VS and NC LMGs got moderately altered.
  6. WetPatch

    Its decreasing across the board, Cobalt has 40% TR / 32% NC with 28% VS.

    I think Cobalt is dying.
  7. prodavit

    Well actually the game as a whole is dying. It's pretty hard to find good battles now a day. I think it might be time for the Devs to merg severs again.
  8. MikeyGeeMan

    All the lmgs got buffed. Or at least that's what people keep saying.

    But that was called compensation. Looks like the rest of the vs didn't agree. Basically the 4th faction shifted and the vs is awesome crowd went to the newest shiny they could find.