It doesn't. Neither the Flare nor Ursa existed when this thread was created in November. The SVA-88, which is basically an Orion variant, should not be considered a medium-range LMG, especially not now that VS actually has real medium-range LMGs to use. However, it still remains the case that neither the Pulsar LSW nor Polaris have much in their favor. Their one stat advantage is in vertical recoil, but as that's entirely predictable and correctable...meh. The only reason to get them is for an attachment advantage.
It doesn't. Thorbs info about SPA was off too. I use it on every weapon that has access to it. It worked out to being more damage between 20-40 meters (I forget exact range sorry), then the same as usual after that point. You might be surprised at how often you're fighting within those ranges. The -only- downside to SPA, is about 30 less bullet velocity.
The SVA-88 has dramatic muzzle flash.. more so than the other LMGs and it doesn't have a Flash Suppressor.. its bearable during the day, but it's really distracting at night, although to get around this you could use a 4x or a 6x scope.. but then you're hosed in CQC. When this thread was made the SVA-88 was considered the ultimate Vanu LMG.. but these days the Pulsar LSW does so much better than it and it's a lot cheaper. I'm not a big fan of the Flare, but the Ursa is actually fairly good at medium-long range (both hit for 167).
Store stats are meant to basically be a guideline to help push people in the right direction, though usually the text description gives more insight into how the gun performs than the bars. There's a ton of player made info out there on these guns, but almost all of it is outright wrong. I mean most of the claims I've read on this first page are flatout wrong.... buuut appeal is psychological and not literal, so really it only matters that you like your weapon, if you want to imagine stats on it, go for it. That said, just ignore the stats, ask yourself what you want from the weapon, find a few weapons with attachments that seem to fulfil this role, and a few that suggest they fill this role based on the store info, then try them all out extensively in VR. Once you've got a handle on that and a basic feel for the weapons, find a battle that's fairly stable, and start trialing the weapons, seeing how they perform in actual combat vs VR. If you're not sure what suits your fancy, or if you're just overall not impressed with your selections, go back to vr, think outside the box, try smgs and shotguns, then trial all the weapons again. I will start off by pointing out that the pulsar lsw and sv-88 are vastly different weapons. The flare and ursa are more recent additions to the arsenal, and both have a low rate of fire and fairly decent performance at range, with the ursa being comparable to the gauss saw (but definately not the same, they handle way differently). I've been wanting to buy the ursa for ages now and finally got around to it, and boy is it nice, though it takes awhile to get used to the handling and bullet velocity at range... it's utterly beast if the target stands still like in VR training though =p
LSW Pulsar is the best, at least if you want a versatile weapon. To sum up the differences: Orion - fastest ROF, 50 ammo clip, no 2x reflex- best LMG for close quarters Pulsar LSW - 75 ammo clip, no soft or HV ammo (not needed anyway as difference is miniscule), higher velocity round than Orion (but lower than SVA-88 or Ursa), has flash supressor, lowest recoil SVA-88 - 100 ammo clip (iirc), no flash supressor, worse recoil than Pulsar, has more attachment options than Pulsar (things you do not need) Flare - lower ROF, but higher damage, bigger recoil than Pulsar or Orion, lower bullet speed than Pulsar (with HV ammo it could be equal I am not sure), very good attachment selection. I used all of the above quite a lot except the SVA, so my judgement: Orion - 50 ammo is a bit too low, and lacks 2x reflex. still a very good choice for close range due to high ROF. Use it in biolabs, towers, etc. Pulsar LSW - best LMG that can do everything pretty well, especially with the 2x reflex. very accurate, good bullet speed. Recommended attachments: 2x reflex, forward grip, flash supressor. All the other attachments and fire modes that are available for other wepons, in my opinion are not needed. As a heavy you should fight in the 1-50m range, but with the 2x reflex you can actually snipe up to 200m without ruining your CQC abilities. SVA-88 - I have only tried this in VR, but lack of flash supressor means I will not get this gun. supressor kills all the advantages the weapon has, while without it, the muzzle flash ruins your aiming and makes you more visible to enemies Flare - after all the praise on forums I have used this for a few weeks, however the LSW is superior to this weapon, with the LSW it is much easier to fire controlled bursts at range. LSW also beats it in CQC due to higher ROF.After switching to LSW after Flare my K/D went up dramatically, with LSW I win much more in 1 vs 1 situations. If you use 6x sight on an LMG, I do not know what to say. In my opinion that does not work well, if you want to shoot that far, use Battle rifle or go infiltrator. With all its problems, the Battle rifle is better at long ranges.
Ursa is nice, very low recoil and good bullet speed, however it has inferior ROF and DPS compared to the other LMGs. It is a long range LMG and in CQC you will get beaten 1 vs 1. If you participate mainly in big battles and like to shoot from range, than Ursa is the way to go. Just do not go solo with it and do not go indoors either.
Niche, works better then most lmgs on long distance but absolutely sucks in everything else. WTB BIPODS/TRIPODS !
I used the Orion, LSW and 88 all for a long time with full attachments, Orion, for some reason its hard to kill medium range for me. Acc issues LSW great clip size improvement. Still cant hit things at medium range. 88 clip size is good. Can hit things at medium range. Also while ads, I feel faster than LSW. Overall, I like 88 the best by a lot and I don't think I will ever go back to those other guns.
Be cautious with LevelCap reviews. He's amazing with anything he picks up.. literally. He mostly does iron sights, and he's phenomenal with them, but it also points out how much a scope magnifies your recoil. I'd like to think that he plays on a big 65'' monitor, so his iron sights are like a normal persons 4x. Vanu lucked out getting an actual hardcore gamer as their leader for that empire event.
Why bump this necro'd thread? There are plenty of identical topics on the matter with better and more updated info in them.
In my opinion the Pulsar LMG is the best balanced LMG for Vanu. You got a mid-size magazine with 75 bullets, nice Firerate and very good accurancy with using the foregrip. By the way the Pulsar LMG got the quickest reload time of all 75-Bullet-Weapons. And its very cheap too! Enjoy...
Every time one of these threads gets popular I read through it searching for peoples opinions on my favorite LMG, the Polaris. I own every LMG available to the Vanu HA and from months of trial and error I still always go back to the Polaris. Most versatile gun I own. Accuracy and longevity are what I look for in a weapon and the Polaris has it all. Plus, and even though its not vanu, I also dig the **** out of the EM1.
Orion excells in CQC LSW is all around, does well in both, close, medium and long range but doesnt excell at anything. Just a very easy to control LMG SVA-88 is pretty much the same as LSW, but harder to control and not as accurate in any range. I got Auraxium medals on both orion and LSW, and id recommend the LSW anytime and its also only 100 certs, where as teh SVA-88 are 500. And the argument about softpoint ammo on LMG is pointless, unless you want to CQC only. and you wouldnt do that with an LMG anyhow.
Except that the SVA-88 is virtually the same weapon as the Pulsar except that it has faster movement rate (0.75, with the Orion) and faster projectile speed. It's only downside compared to the Pulsar is slightly higher recoil. In my opinion the SVA-88 can be used effectively in more situations than any other VS LMG. All of them are good, and some are better than others at some things (Orion at CQC for instance). But in terms of raw flexibility, then I think the SVA-88 gets it.
The higher velocity of rounds should end up putting the SVA in a far better position for killing enemies running across people's field of vision at ranges of 20 and going farther. unless that extra recoil really negates this -or the projectile velocity ends up not making that much of a difference against moving targets due to too little of a difference.