VS on miller, Underpoped and supernerfed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhoenixSTF, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. PhoenixSTF

    I just want to thank the devs for making the VS the most farmed faction of the server, thanks for all the nerfing, and the underpop.

    Right now, 29% VS TR 37% and NC 32 % and NC adn teh TR dont even bother to fight each other.

    Again Thank you!
  2. Nabutso

  3. PhoenixSTF

    Above Avarage is not Balanced! you just confirmed what I said! Plus the nerf!
  4. asmodraxus

    So what Nabutso is saying, is for VS to be on equal pop, it has to be on average at its highest pop (gaining players etc), while the other empires have to be on average at their lowest population...

    I wonder why that is?

    I mean it can't be the infantry weapons as on average they are equal (despite having no useful defining characteristic for the VS, I mean how useful is no bullet drop on a Pistol or Carbine? Unlike the 200 bullet damage tier for NC or 10 extra bullets for TR Carbines and Assault rifles). Seriously apart from a few glaringly obvious fubars (pistols) they are all equal (maybe Orion could do with a tiny buff as it does under perform compared to the TR and NC equivalents (and I don't mean the Gauss Saw or the T9 Carv).

    It cannot be ZoE is useless as Wrel himself after making the changes thought that they would make it OP?
    (lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol and so on ad infinatum).

    Cannot be the magrider as everyone states that they are godly death machines able to one shot a galaxy from half a continent away... Nor is it how useful magburn is, as with it you can get from the northern Indar warp gate to Hossin or whatever the same people that think the Magrider is death incarnate state...

    Its probably just a combination of random factors (like all the unwarranted nerfs to VS weapons (well the Magrider) or buffs to NC and TR weapons (shell velocity) or the style and the crappy VS backstory, once upon a time in PS1 they were a bunch of mad scientists, now we are apparently just mad cultists.
  5. JonnyBlue

    I did a thread on this a couple of weeks ago I too thought like you did that maybe VS need a buff or two I was wrong when VS have the numbers they do fine this is purely a cosmetic snub by players who don't want wear spandex and have silly looking guns.

    If anything it proves the fact that even though VS are under popped they still win alerts and lockdowns which is credit to outfits like DIG and VS players in general.
  6. PhoenixSTF

    By skill and organization, not by pop or buff.
  7. Nabutso

    "Other factions lose because they are unskilled, VS wins despite being under-popped because we're the most skilled by far!"

    Prove it.
    • Up x 1
  8. Nesodos

    The fact that VS wins anything at all despite all the underperforming stuff we have proves there has to be something true in it.(alongside the notorious underpop)

    A little reminder of the VS "special traits;

    (most) infantry weapons have better accuracy and no bullet drop - accuracy is only a bit better than their TR/NC counterparts(along with handling, its super easy to control most NC guns), no BD is useless 90% of the time, while the overall damage output is smaller

    MAX unit spec. is nearly useless unless you want to run away and still have enough health to tank the extra 20% damage you get

    magriders "agility" is useless in most terrains because you can not arrange the main turret properly to land clear shots,doging incoming fire is near impossible under 250 meters (unless you are a pro, but a NC/TR pro would wreak a lot more havoc with their tanks)
    magburner is very situational (you often dont live long enough to hunt down enemies and its not good enough to doge enemy fire),
    people complain about the saron, but to utilize it in combat you need 2 people while the other tanks are strong enough to compete with only 1 driver
    scythe is super easy to hit from the bottom

    Im no expert(and i presume neither are you), but i played all 3 factions (main vanu) and compared all of the stuff, both NC and TR have better quipment for the job (expecially NC have monstrous firepower close range, where all of the important things happen)
  9. Nabutso

    You make the assumption that their equipment is worse. You have a victim complex.
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  10. Nesodos

    You clearly favor NC and think everything is fine altough it clearly isnt, you are the one with a complex here
    calculate it yourself, you will see
  11. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    - lost their .75 ads
    - nerfed ppa into uselessness
    - nerfed zoe into uselessness (why do the vs not have a usable ES max trait devs !?)
    - majority of weapons subpar to other faction weapons, .75 ads was supposed to makeup for this and no bullet drop in 90% of encounters means nothing. Note no bullet drop is not on all VS weapons
    - Magrider has advantages but they are too situational, most of the time if you are finally to get the mag leveraged in a good angle you'll have several c4 fairies coming at you from all angles and the majority of the time the mag has to stay stationary once it achieves its position
    - Beetlejuice being left as one of the good points of the VS, the latest LMG nerfs combined with buffing the Butcher and Godsaw while not even giving the Juice something like SPA screwed the pooch (thanks devs)
    - VS sidearms ? Anyone who says they would trade either the NC or TR sidearms for the VS is straight up full of it.
    - I know I'm missing something else but can't think of it at the moment.

    I have played all faction but vested too much time into my BR120 VS char so will be sticking with it but it sucks what the devs. have done to the VS, I cancelled my all access because of it.
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  12. PhoenixSTF

    Play vs for a bit then tell me about it!
  13. LordKrelas

    That .75 ADS granted them a hell of an advantage.

    If it's useless, then how is it actually granting Kill streaks.

    The ZOE. That is ****** completely, the one thing I agree on

    VS weapons have an easy time compensating for any recoil and distance.
    Bullet drop matters in longer ranged combat, and if VS had it on all weapons, VS rockets & snipers would be God.

    The Magrider is a devil to actually hit if its not running you over.
    If it was actually inferior, it should have near garbage stats, not near equal stats to those pulled significantly more.
    For LA attacks.... you literally have the best odds of dodging and escaping these hovering infantry units.

    The Beetlejuice, if I recall, that's a missspelling. And its the VS Directive LMG, which outpreformed both TR & NC directive LMG's, by an excessively high margin, to the point of being superior in every way; No ammunition troubles, No bullet Drop, moderate rpm.
    Switch to your pistol & back, results in a 'reloaded' LMG with no down time.

    Considering that NC's Gauss Saw damage is replicated by a slower firing pistol, vs a highly accurate fast-firing Pistol, aka Beamer.
    I'd take the Beamer, since it can mulch targets damn fast. - Makes me miss the damn thing.
    Wouldn't trade the TR auto pistols however for the Beamer.
    For sheer killing power; The Beamer is deadly, you can kill a target damn fast at a decent distance.

    That somehow VS manages to win alerts, lock continents both with the least people, have the best LMG results, more Directive LMG's, starts with the Orion rather than a Gauss Saw \ Carv equivalent.
    If they truly were cannon fodder, then with such low pop, they should have stats equal to their reduced numbers:
    Which they don't.

    The balance needs work.
    But consider the fact that VS actually has less, and manages more than TR & NC do using the same numbers.
    So that's kinda funny.

    The most useful tank for securing Sunderers, capable of engaging and retreating at will.
    Less time spent repairing due to ease of projectile avoidance.
    You can more reliably ram a target with a Magrider. It was a joy to pilot.

    If you ever engaged at range, VS weaponry in general provided that extra ease of accounting for target movement at such range.
    No Bullet drop, allows you to remove any adjustments for this drop, allowing you to more accurately fire faster.

    At night, you'll enjoy a default camo capable of blending into the native terrain, which was glorious.

    Scythes have a simple time firing off directed Rockets, while having the smallest front when facing the target:
    Reduces your exposed surface area for return-fire from the ground, with rockets, bullets or whatever else.
    - Weakness: Greater surface area for directly above or below weapons fire, perfect for flak rounds to hit the aircraft.

    Heavy Weapon: Lasher.
    Allows attacks to bypass cover, and in numbers, allows complete area denial.
    Slow projectile speed however cripples effective use in smaller numbers.
  14. boey

    What i would be interested in, LordKrelas, is your VS character. Especially your magrider stats.
  15. LordKrelas

    I bet.

    But considering I answered about experience playing VS, any personal stats are useless for practical purposes.
    As the practical purposes, uses data from each side as a whole, not a specific player, since the entire thread is about balance.

    Since VS as a whole, is succeeding with less, while TR & NC have a grand more people, and are barely ahead if that.
    That's on a faction whole, not a specific user.
    As it's a faction not a player.

    So let's not make it a "Well you didn't play long, Or you're the exception" for specific players, when considering VS.
    While making it "The entire TR \ NC achieves this" when considering TR or NC.
    Aka If you want to be specific to the player, you can't have the debate about any side's balance.
    If you want to address the balance of any side, you can't be focused on singular characters.

    Did that sink your battleship?
  16. PhoenixSTF

    You Dont play on European servers do You?
    - Magrider is absolute crap in HeadOn combat, Has got the worst main AP Round all MBT.
    - Magrider is only hard to hit at long ranges, on the other hand we cant hit anything at long ranges.
    - Some VS weapons have bullet drop, and when they dont the recoil is unpredictable under sustained fire, even LMG!
    - Beamer has no FullAuto, only does that much damage at close range, it has no bullet drop but hey... like you shooting people with a pistol a mile away, with a beamer that is not acurate @ 50 meters RECOIL IS NOT PREDICTABLE.
    - Damage per Round not the same, a trait for no Drop, only under certain weapons, then we have bullet drop.
    - Zealot is crappy, if we use it we take 20% more damage, we do not have a OP shield or shotguns.
    - Beetlejuice is a Directive Weapon, how many newplayers have the beatlejuice, omg thats right vets have it, experienced players!
    - scythes have the worst cockpit, Field of view is horrible with the pointy things, lower frontal area maybe, HUGE bottom area like a big shoot me bulsey is the only thing missing.
    - once you go purple you never go back, hopefully...
    - We cannot secure surenders cause they are deployed, prowlers make quick job out of them

    Why vs wins, 3 simple rules, Follow waypoints, Aim for the head, magy is a heavy harrasser not a MTB, now nerf us to oblivian and I will quit on spandex and go for blue shotgun, or TR minigun! Maybe this should be a two faction game, instead of one 3rd faction that only wins by being fast and smart, wonder if we can nerf VS players to make them more stupid!

    Things are unbalanced, VS players are moving to NC, and VS are not getting any new players, they never have:
    All I hear is
    OMG no bullet drop
    OMG splash damage on a weapon that works like XMAS lights
    OMG a tanks that strafes
    OMG energy weapons
    OMG turret stabilization
    Every edge VS had you complain to take it away or you want it yourself and not consider your own faction OP traits that actually makes a dam diference in the game.
    well give me the dam bullet drop, take the lasher for all I care and balance things, then you will quit cause every vs is a hacker or someone that plays this for far too long.
  17. Nabutso

    Why is it that ONLY VS players are this delusional? I've never seen any group feel so persecuted and useless, with all the numbers showing otherwise.
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  18. LordKrelas

    When the **** did the server become important?
    Are the European's playing a different ******* game version?
    No? Then the damn everything is identical between servers.

    Stop trying to use a Spear as a club?

    Magrider is hard to hit with low velocity rockets at any range really.
    As it can move in any direction but up & down, unlike every other tank.

    Most bloody VS weapons have no bullet drop.
    The exceptions being Rockets, and most sniper rifles: As that'd be making them impossible to fight against.

    Beamer can be macro'd to achieve full auto, without accuracy loss; There's even a clip of it slamming down two heavies at once on this site.
    And For NC, full auto is also impossible.
    TR, is TR.

    If VS had equal damage to TR let alone NC, they'd be impossible to fight.

    I played VS originally.

    NC can not secure sunderers or even keep up with our own Sunderers due to Magriders and Prowlers.
    TR can not secure sunderers due to magriders appearing, killing, and retreating before they can be destroyed.

    VS has been nerfed due to over preforming with the original stats.
    If you were underpowered, you'd be unable to compete on an equal number-basis; At present, you win on equal numbers, and can trump greater numbers with fewer.

    200 damage tier, with slower firing weaponry, generally unable to use the full firing rate without inability to hit a target.
    Largest hitboxes often enough.
    Incredibly Potent CQC weaponry focus, that is the near sole option for Anti-infantry maxes.
    Survival specialty for Armor.
    That is NC.

    Faster Firing rates, faster tanks, quick reloads, with large ammunition capacity.
    Less damage per bullet, generally high recoil, and bloom.
    Abilities focus on amplifying firing rates and reload speeds.
    Maxes can use only use variants of chainguns for anti-personal, but have Rockets & grenade launchers for anti-armor.
    Range specialty for Armor.

    No Bullet drop, moderate firing rates, Limited Recoil.
    Unlimited Ammunition for select weaponry, wide-range of effective options for close-range, and long-range combat.
    Smaller Surface area for vehicles, and max units.
    Long-Range firepower for Max-units,with a focus on accuracy.
    Unconventional weaponry, that are amplified when in number: Lasher, Lancer.
    High Mobility specialty for Armor.

    NC has to rely on a shotgun to kill infantry, unless they use anti-armor weapons like Gorgons.
    You want to complain, try using an NC max without standing in a door-way waiting for C-4.

    Or the TR Max & prowler which must stand still for an Archer, to use their abilities.

    VS's max has the ****** ZOE, which originally dominated.
    You see, VS started with capabilities well above the rest, which resulted in nerfs.
    The beetle outpreformed both TR & NC Directive LMG's to the extreme, and was slightly altered to reduce this difference.
    This lead to:
    VS posting about how Daybreak wanted to delete VS, due to this slight change that still left the beetle above TR & NC LMG's.

    If VS didn't start out being overpowered compared to NC & TR, they wouldn't have had some many nerfs.

    VS has less people, the least in fact.
    It should be losing, not near wining & wining.
    It's like saying a 96+ being nearly beaten by 12 people, by equipment alone not skill, is normal.
  19. PhoenixSTF

    So you think is, is VS is winning then weapons are ok? Or has long as you can kill them they are ok?
    Vs is winning based only on player experience, that is gapping now, not help by the zerg numbers.
    All you have shown is in spite of having worst weapons Vs still pulls a few wins, there is no patch or nerf for player stupidity.
    The experience gap is disappearing and all the vs has is squirt guns and fancy tech they cant use!
  20. PhoenixSTF

    Hell yes EU server are different and hell yes US server are free farm, again no patch for player inexperience.
    Thats where we go to get some revenge!