VS Mid-Long Ranger Weapon Choices?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Psychopoweranger, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Psychopoweranger

    Hi I have become a pretty dedicated medic and was wondering what choices do people tend to use for mid range to long range battles (namely field battles). I use the H-V45 for most of my engagements but when it comes to field battles it just doesn't cut it. Any suggestions?
  2. asdfPanda

    Slap a foregrip on the H-V45.

    Or, you could go with the Corvus. That's pretty much it.
  3. Fenrys

    After spending some time in VR trying different guns and attachments, I decided to go with the CME assault rifle with Adv. Foregrip, Compensator, and 2x Reflex for medium range burst fire. The 3.4x and 4x sites can be useful also, if you are sure you'll be in the field or have a chance to rearm before going near the enemy.
  4. Psychopoweranger

    Perfect I'll try these out thanks!
  5. Parz1va1

    +1 for Corvus with compressor, HV ammo, adv foregrip, 2 / 3 x scope.
  6. DocteurVK

    HVA is bad, you should feel bad:p But Yes, Comp + foregrip and 3.4 scope is definitely a must !
  7. Mongychops

    The Corvus has very low vertical recoil, so the extra vertical recoil is not too bad. I believe the effect of the HVA is ~5% higher velocity (varies from weapon to weapon) and to add 5m to the minimum damage range. So up to 80m, use HVA, beyond that, the velocity isn't worth the recoil.

    I could be wrong, but that is what I understand.
  8. Halkesh

    I don't think medic is a good class for long range fighting.
    Forward grip and advanced forward grip are good for medium range but are useless when you fight at long range because you don't full auto.
    I depend what you call long range. For me, it's when x1 zoom is useless or when you have to shot bullet 1 per 1.

    HV45 is good for short to medium range but it lack damage at long range.
    Corvus is good for medium to long range but it lack RoF at close range.
    I'm tightfisted so i've don't tested weapon that cost more than 250.

    I've not tested it but Equinox VE2 can be good for long range assault with the smoke grenade.
  9. Unclematos7