Spot on! I play VS and all Medic Assault Rifles weapons are decent, all have there perks and ranges were the excel at. Depending on your play style they might be excellent for your needs, but that doesn't mean the other weapons are useless. I for example, I really like the CME and I've been using it long enough to learn how it handles. It excels at range but I can often stand my grounds in CQC as well. In the end it still boils down to who is using it and there skill with the weapon. If you still find TR or NC weapons to be better, than maybe you should reconsider your empire choice.
It's just the extra bullets. Vertical recoil is pretty much meaningless once you get past a few thousand kills with a weapon and it's always better to trade a bit of reload speed for another kill in the mag if you can.
I only use the Corvus, imho all the others are junk. Yes, including the HV-45. Way too much recoil and very low damage output per clip. Totally useless outside 40m. And in CQC the very small clip is just a huge drawback. Corvus is not too bad close range either, just connect the hits.
I tend to do the same, tbh. Not tested the latest VS AR, though, it's apparently the holy grail of AR, but I usually get suspiscious over these so called "better than all the rest which is junk" guns. Hydra for instance has many drawbacks, I find Corvus drawbacks far less impacting. Put a Laser Sigt on it and the CQC is just fine.
A lot of guns in this game are 'not 1,000 certs great.' but we still get them with the 1000 certs or our $7.00 just because we want something slightly better.
The Corvus is a contender for the title of "worst AR in the game". If it wasn't for the other low-RPM VS weapons it would be a shoe-in. The only thing it has to compensate for its worst-in-class damage output is accuracy, and it gets hamstrung there because despite the light recoil, the COF still blooms as bad as any other 167-damage weapon. Even at its ideal ranges it's only a passable alternative to the NS11A, which has higher damage output, similar recoil, faster ADS speed, and better damage per mag. The Corvus is only worth picking up if your aim and trigger discipline are too poor to get kills with the other ARs. Otherwise pick up a more challenging weapon that's actually capable of going toe to toe with other players. The Terminus is halfway between the Pulsar and the H-V45. Similar to the Carnage AR but with better damage and ADS controllability, though without the ADS speed. It's the highest RPM weapon in the game with the 143-125 damage profile, meaning it's got the quickest TTK at 40+ meters. It's also very refreshing for experienced players because it's got a really high skill cieling. The H-V45 has a side-pull recoil with a 3.0 first shot multiplier, making it effective at long bursts but very weak at hitting every shot in a small burst. On the other hand the Terminus has a side to side recoil with a 1.5 first shot multiplier, making it extremely effective at short bursts but essentially useless once that side to side recoil kicks in at around 10 shots. It's crazy good at dropping people with chained headshots, but at the same time you need to be extremely careful with how you handle it. Bad trigger discipline or poor recoil compensation will have you spraying bullets everywhere. I've used the Terminus more than any other player in the game, and I can tell you that it's well worth a thousand certs. Maybe not the holy grail of medic weapons, but it's definitely got the potential.
Exactly this. The Corvus is a novelty to skilled players and something that will chase people away to new/bad players. The Terminus is my new favorite VS AR, a mile. The recoil reminds me for all the world like NC recoil so it basically doesn't exist to me. Heavy recoil up, not much shake, first handful of rounds right where you need them. You can do a lot with a gun like that. I feel like it's more of a souped up T1 than a Carnage, though. Wish it got an adv grip instead of adv laser considering how much better it is at ranged work but ehhhhh, neither are even actually necessary.
You really missed the point I was making mate... Weapon stats are pointless if the weapons handling doesn't fit in to your play style.
After the last patch we can now use a battle rifle on our medics Besides that though, I'd say the default gun, the corvus, the equinox burst, the hv-45 and the ns-11a are all good weapons. Just use whatever fits your play-style best.
You must be joking. Medics have the best rifles in the game. The corvus is devastating and the CME is a no recoil machine with high rate of fire and good damage.
CME with foregrip, 2x reflex, compensator and high velocity ammo... You get yourself an accurate headshotting machine with an absolutely insane bullet velocity (It makes the high-powered sniper rifles cry) and with some very nice range. Just try to avoid extreme close quarters, because your hipfire isn't going to be ideal and the 143 damage combined with the rather below average ROF leave much to be desired from this gun when you run into someone with an SMG. Heavy assaults with overshield though... Just headshot the bastards because they're too slow to avoid your shots and they'll drop before their LMG's melts your face off. I <3 CME.
I demoed the HV-45 six months ago and never looked back. That and the Eidolon cover pretty much any situation I find myself in.
Long range situations: Corvus, CME. Medium range: Pulsar, Equinox. Close-medium range: Terminus, HV-45. I'm not too much of a fan of the medium range ones, as the close range ones usually perform just fine at those ranges as well. The CME and corvus are friggen beast at longer ranges though, they're both headshot machines. The HV-45 melts people up close, and the Terminus with an advanced laser sight can hold it's own up close with hipfire while still being able to kill people at medium range just fine if you slap on a 2x reflex. I can't deny the awesomeness of the TAR, GR-22, AC-X11, the default NC one... but I'm pretty happy with my medic guns.
IMHO, the Corvus and default Pulsar are great weapons. The Corvus destroys at long range. Slap a 3.4x scope, a compensator, and a forward grip on it and watch the headshots roll in. As for the Pulsar, that thing kills with a 2x reflex and forward grip. I think that they just don't conform to everyone's playstyle.
No, no they're not. The Corvus is a niche log range weapon like the SABR or the Reaper... only worse than those two by pretty much every conceivable metric. The Pulsar is hands down the worst default AR in the game, and probably the worst default weapon in the game. It's recoil angle & tolerance is crap, it's DPS sub-par, and it doesn't make up for either one of those with .75 ADS... which would go a long way to make it go from "utter crap" to decent starting AR. The CME is a NS-11a with worse recoil stats, less bullets per mag, and no .75 ADS. It has better bullet velocity but fun fact... HVA ammo only adds 2 m/s to it's velocity for 10% worse recoil. That's not a typo, it's velocity goes form 670 to 672 with HVA, GG there devs. Really, the only decent VS AR's are the Terminus, NS-11a, and H-V45. So 2 actual solid AR's for the VS when the other empires have at least 4 each.
I've been playing mostly engineer/medic since i started playing 2 months ago, and almost done with my objective: getting all ARs/Carbines through certs or buying packs, and get a gold medal (160 kills total, or a little more in some cases) with each. The only one left right now is the equinox VE2, which i'm around 40kills off with, i believe. I've also played a few others for variety, of course. My opinion is not entirely firm, since i've made a lot of progress in the meantime. At this point, the AR i feel i've had it best with is definitely the NS-11P. It's a true gem for me, fits exactly my playstyle. I feel most of them are 'alright' (as far as comparison goes, as in absolute, i don't get the niche of burst versions for the default weapon): - Pulsar is all around ok - HV-45 is great at close range - Terminus is a good compromise between CQC and mid-range (best VS AR?) - Equinox VE2 is where a polyvalent weapon should be - Equinox burst is so-so as it should be and is in that similar to its equivalents on NC/TR Thus the real problems for me are the CME and Corvus. Though i don't agree with him on the rest, as ATRA-Wampa-one said, the CME is basically a worse NS-11A in every aspect. It's not bad, but it wouldn't get any comparative advantage if not for the adv. forward grip. The left horizontal recoil is a downside for NS-11A, but i'm personally not disturbed by it, especially when playing with a forward grip, as i do. The only advantage it has over NS-11A would be when not using HVA. With HVA on, the CME's theoretical strongpoint is no more (HVA CME is actually slower than NS-11A+HVA). The Corvus is a bit of paradox for me: it's the AR i have the best accuracy with, yet it felt the most uncomfortable to use. Yes it's super accurate, but the rather high vertical recoil forbids longer bursts, contrary to NS-11/CME, so it's mostly about alpha damage. The bigger handicap though, is RoF, which is very impractical even at medium range. that gun seems to compare to the SABR-13 for TR and Reaper DMR for NC, but the first is a burst AR with low first shot multiplier+167/600RPM model, while the latter is a 200/500RPM model I don't understand why the Corvus isn't at least 550RPM. Even if it caters to longer range engagements it shouldn't be such a bad close range weapon.