VS Medic, wrong decision?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by CronN, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. CronN

    I have a feeling that in 1v1 combat I'm pretty much screwed.
    - Light assault have far better aiming it feels like, I die before I can fire 1/3 of my NS11-A clip and 90% of those bullets fly next to my target even up close range (yes I have the forward grip).
    - Heavy.. extra shield, 1v1 close combat I'm dead.
    - Trying to rez people.. They are either bugged, being rezzed already or reject
    - Trying to heal people.. always snaps to the wrong target, other medic heals him already
    - Healing people... low XP cause I heal too fast
    - rezzing people.. oops snapped to a target in front of me, other medic rezzed already
    - K/D score... screwed over
    - Tried multiple rifles.. After 2 shots the "recoil" gets so bad that I can't hit anything anymore
    - Tried healing someone, if he's under fire I can't outheal the damage and by the time he gets dmg that I can heal (aka shields down), he's dead in 2 shots

    Other than farming rezzes I see no real usage for this class and I feel like I've wasted my certs.. Being a supportive class just doesn't reward in this game it seems.
    - You can't outheal
    - You can't outrez
    - You can't outdmg

    And yes, my FPS experience is limited, but I have had virtually no issues killing stuff with other classes.
    - Sniper, headshots nearly every time
    - Heavy, missles splash kills <3
    - Light assault, feels so precise with so much dmg

    I guess I chose the wrong class :<
  2. DerpyHooves

    I would have to agree.
  3. Ixidron

    You think the recoil is bad as vanu? poor innocent boy.
  4. CronN

    I have played every faction in the Beta, the recoil in combination with the bullet-spread that the VS has.. hard to hit stuff. With forward grip the recoil is manageable, but that doesn't change the fact that if I keep firing, 50% of my bullets will not even hit my target at close range (say 20m) using the NS11-A. Where as I notice that I die to light infantry under a second. Therefor it feels like the gauss for example is far more precise.

    It's not the recoil that's bad, it's the combination for recoil with a very large bullet spread. If I fire 1 bullet at the time, it's precise as I said before, any more and you can forget about hitting your target.
  5. Vortok

    Sounds like it's not the class for you, then.

    Grip is a great attachment for many guns to make recoil pretty manageable, but given all your other perceived issues it just sounds like Medic isn't the playstyle for you.
  6. TheEvilBlight

    Are all of your medic issues with the NS-11? It's a CP (and at the moment medic-only) gun. Any improvement with the other assault rifles when trialed?
  7. Qaz

    not sure how the ns11 handles, but the pulsar c is great. slap a grip and a reflex (or 3.4) sight on there and the recoil should be quite manageable. If you activate your healing AOE at the right time, you should be able to kill most things, really.
  8. CronN

    Lately I've died pretty much under 1 second by most light assault and heavy with my AoE heal up, I guess headshots when shield is down are not that healable :p
  9. Joust

    You could try rolling a TR medic and seeing if using a Cycler fixes your issue, though I find the NS-11a to be the most accurate of all assault rifles at short range.

    Honestly, if you're still new to FPS's, the game does slow down. You start to notice things, you don't tunnel vision, you know what spots will offer good cover, what hillsides you can sprint up, etc. The medic class can contend 1v1 in a mid to close quarter firefight, but there's still variance; sometimes I kill a BR30 HA and don't get hit, sometimes I get dropped by a BR1 Eng using his sidearm and I don't even hit him.

    Keep at it, focus on healing more so than killing to get your exp.
  10. h1perkarma

    Wrong decision when you joined the VS. ;)

    Re-roll and go TR.
  11. ProjectRay12

    You realize the majority of medic weapons have a SF option for a reason, correct?

    Save the full auto for inside buildings, trust me, it's a lot easier to hit targets.
  12. xyc

    • the ns11 is pretty good on mid to short range engagements
    • ns11 is pretty easy to control even w/o grip/comp
    • an in the face engagement with an HA should always end up in a death for u, but most of the HA are pretty bad so yeah ...
    • as long as a LA gets the drop on u u're dead (this is actually the case for all classes), keep an eye open for higher up positions used by LAs u should win a straight up mid/short range fight (again most LA are pretty bad so u can even win when they get the drop on you)
    • heal and rezz is secondary, first be sure that it is safe to heal/rezz
    • positioning is key, you don't have an escape mechanism or the oh **** shield, clumping up with 4+ ppl usually isn't the best idea
    • use cover ... a lot ... u should win against any other class as long as u got good cover
    • don't overstate ur welcome, if ur position is known a good opponent will use this against u
    • wasd moves ur character, use this knowledge to ur advantage
    • l2aim: personal skill isn't all that important in ps2, but don't expect good personal stats if ur aim isn't at least on a decent lvl
    Increasing ur own skill lvl can take a long time and it seems to me that's ur main problem. I would search for an outfit and play a lot with them, proper teamplay will get u quite far in a game like ps2. It doesn't matter when u die to a better player as long as there're more of u that will still kill him.
  13. AdamantK9

    The NS-11A rifle is by far in my opinion the best weapon for combat medics.. I might be a little biased because it's the first weapon I've managed to get a gold medal on (with the Piston following soon after).

    It's great as a stock weapon with no certs spent, but you can further customize it for long range or excellent medium range combat. I have two load outs- one for each range type.

    The only thing I wish it had was more options for a railing- like smoke grenades.. or just a grenade launcher period.. because it feels like I've wasted points on a forward grip on a weapon that doesn't have too much horizontal recoil to begin with.
  14. Pax Empyrean

    I play VS Medic primarily. I don't regret it at all. The H-V45 is a great assault rifle with excellent hipfire rets (advanced laser attachment for the win) and a high rate of fire.

    Being able to eat corpses and poop certs is nice.
  15. DaftMedic

    Definitely try the H-V45, this gun is amazing. One thing you really want to exploit is the advantage that the medic has to heal itself.
    The assault rifles have a huge advantage over other weapon, the H-V45 is especially good in CQC. Given these things you want to engage a target, then retreat and heal.

    You don't want to be at the forefront of a huge fight, you want to clean up the edges and let the heavies do the main fighting. As you get better with one on one you can take on more and more people, healing when you need it and just endlessly chewing through targets... until you run out of ammo.
  16. Accuser

    Pretty much this. As medic you should be engaging at range with your assault rifle. SMGs, shotguns, and LMGs will out-class you at closer range. Of course, you can get your own shotgun (the automatic is awesome) and rely on fast reaction time to take out HAs.

    Also, I'd recommend picking up a sight of some kind... I hate iron sights with a passion.
  17. Chinchy

    The default medic gun for all empires is better than the NS11 the ns11 has the same damage as the TRV and the recoil and firerate of the gause I personally have no idea why people use it
  18. CronN

    I don't mind trying out new weapons, but the NS11-A fires way better than the starter medic weapons for VS.
  19. Jac70

    You have some valid points OP but I think if you persevere you'll find the VS Medic can be a great class. In a big battle you can get lots of XP and keep the momentum of a fight going.

    Upgrading your Medic Tool makes rezzing/healing much more effective, you can have a friendly back up almost instantly and don't have to expose yourself too much. You can get almost as much for a revive as a kill. Cert your nano regen ability too, this will heal friendlies faster and help keep you alive too. When you have some spare certs you may as well get the early levels of triage - this can net you a small amount of XP when travelling in Sunderers/Galaxies after a battle.

    As a Medic your tactic should be to shoot, cover, heal, shoot against targets like heavies and MAXes. You can wear them down but can't compete in a head on. Light Assaults are tricky, you just have to listen out for the sound of their jetpacks but if they have set-up position in a high place before you arrived then don't feel bad if they get a kill, there is no real counter except looking at every possible location constantly - this gets very tiresome.

    I use the H-V45 because it came unlocked with Alpha Squad and looks cool - it's a decent weapon to use, good for hipfiring at 3-15m, ADS at 15-50m and controlled burst fire at anything more. Hitting targets over 50m becomes pretty hard due to the spread of the weapon.
  20. StrikerKOJ

    What this guy said.

    I play the medic like most people play an HA. The self-heal was the first skill I maxed out, followed by Adv. Shield Capacitor. Coupled with the H-V45, you can comfortably go toe-to-toe with any class. The ones that give me the most trouble are HAs with maxed out shields, but I never felt like I couldn't win. Running out of ammo (pistol included) after killing half a dozen guys gets frustrating after awhile, too.

    I got my Auraxium medal with the H-V45, with 1x Reflex, Soft Point, Foregrip, Flash Suppressor. This was a close-quarters beast. Run in, melt face, run away and regen full health and shields in 5 seconds, repeat.

    Im currently working on the NS-11Platinum (200 or 300 kills in, so far), with likely the same load out. Slightly better at range, but still similar philosophy. The major PLUS to the NS-11 is the fact that it shoots bullets, and sounds like a TR weapon. Couple that with some brown-ish Camo (I use Giraffe, some use Desert Scrub), and its very easy to confuse the enemy into think you're on their team until its too late.

    Hang in there, the medic is a GREAT class on any team.