vs medic loadout

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Ballto21, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Ballto21

    with my sirus at araux now and my infiltrator cloak/tool/other stuff certed and on its way to aurax im taking a break from sneaking around like an ***. Medic was i class i never really played, what loadout should i get for primary/secondary/ability suit and utility? attachments too
  2. Xasapis

    I assume you have some proficiency with the game:
    Abilities in terms of importance:
    1. Medical applicator, maximum if possible. The higher it is, the least amount of time will be needed to rezz, the smallest the exposure.
    2. Flak armor or grenade bandolier. The first is a survivability choice in hostile environments, the second is a squad tool to rezz people fast in an emergency.
    3. Nano regen, as high as you can get it. Shield regeneration field is more team oriented and much more situational.
    4. Revive grenade. Useful if you want to rezz a big amount of people up in a hurry.
    5. C4, because you have everything else and you don't need med kits due to nano regen.
    6. Triage, eventually, if nowhere else to spend certs.
    For weapons, there is really one strong choice in AR, the Terminus. Everything else is too weak or too situational.
  3. Prudentia

    Xasapis basicly has the default loadouts covered. if you take those you'll succed.
    tough i personaly prefer ASC on my medic as i'm a COMBAT Medic, not a combat MEDIC.
    but maxing medtool and your healaura, getting 2xC4 and Reznades are always the right answer.
    so is the terminus, only other choice is the NS11A if you want a little bit more range for a little bit less power.
  4. sindz

    Terminus for all round combat , NS11-A for range and H-V45 for close range.

    Rest of the VS assault rifles are pure garbage and should be avoided at all costs.

    I prefer Shield regen field over healaure, since it generates more certs. I use regen implant rank 1 for hp regen. Also I prefer advanced shield capacitor over flak on medic, since you will be ducking out and in of cover to heal/ress so bullets are way more likely than vehicles to hit you, generally.
  5. Ballto21

    ok, what attachments for the terminus should i get? Im thinking 3.4 mag scope for mid-long range, no barrel attachment, ALS to hipfire close range, and of course soft point.
  6. Xasapis

    Attachments is partly a matter of choice. Personally, I don't go over 2x with any non scout/sniper rifle. Yes to ALS and soft point.
  7. Ballto21

    alright thanks, ill pick up the terminus the next free sc drop i get on the 17th. until then i have an eridani to araux.
  8. Leivve

    Can't comment on VS weapons.
    Max your ,medigun ASAP (priority over a "better" weapon)
    I prefer the shield regen as it lets you bring something to the field to help your team, plus it's a good team coordinating tool as if you're leading the charge and drop that down, people will realize "Oh, we've pushed up, I need to move forward." So it's a good way to keep the zerg from getting bogged down.
    The defult heal is good to though, so it's just preference.
    Med kits if you have shield regen, c4 if you go with nanite heal.
    Revive grenades.
    Grenade bandolier once you get revive grenades, otherwise it's personal choice.
  9. Xasapis

    Just keep in mind that the Shield regen tool is also a grenade attractor ;)
  10. player16

    my shield made me 2000 xp yesterday until i could not earn more xp