Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Bastid721, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Bastid721

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  2. Kevorkian

    How bout never.
  3. Marinealver

    Fixed the post for clarity of those sensible.
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  4. Kevorkian

    Has nothing to do with LA class. Has everything to do with equality/balance between the Maxes, which right now is terribly unbalanced, TR max at the bottom with Lockdown.
  5. Kon

    Never. you got ZOE enjoy
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  6. NeverWas

  7. Beljoda

    Lol. No. LockDown is pretty good. L2P
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  8. NaySayer

    Lockdown is pretty good, but why just pretty good. TR gets a half-***** ability compared to the other 2 maxes? I wanna glow red and stay still and shoot and have limited angle of view, yeah that'll be an advantage. I would rather glow pink.
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  9. Lyel

    How about you come with some proof before spouting out "YOU JUST SUCK"? The majority of TR players in my outfit agree that Lockdown is too situational, and more importantly, BORING.

    But in regards to the OP, Jump Jets aren't very much needed, ZOE already fills that role, giving the MAX the ability to rush the front lines.
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  10. Nepau

    I truly was surprised they put in the PS1 Launch version of Lockdown. I had thought that the TR would more likly get the later version which was a Timed Fire rate Overcharge smiler to how regular charge works (activate and your fire rate is boosted but you can't turn it off, need to wait full duration before each use).
  11. OldMaster80

  12. Lyel

    Berserk mode? No, they gave that to the VS, which is suppose to mirror that the VS are about Mobility (which I will argue it doesn't, but lets not :\).

    I'd be ok with a concept of Lockdown if things like C4 and damage from small arms fire didn't exist. There's so many options to take out a Max with now, and C4 with light assaults is just becoming a nuisance. Literally, it's becoming a problem.
  13. Sabreur

    Part of the problem is that MAXes can be infinitely repaired/resurrected, and any halfway-competent squad will have engineers and medics on standby to keep the MAXes going. It's hard enough to permanently kill MAXes as is, which makes it very difficult to justify increasing their durability even more. Some kind of nerf on the resurrectability (if that's not a word, it is now) of MAXes would let the devs justify increasing MAX armor. Perhaps greatly increasing the time it takes to rez a MAX so that attackers have time to push into the room and take out the supporting infantry, or a limit on how many times a MAX can be rezzed.

    I really like ZOE, but I'd still trade it for a jetpack if they offered it. Some of my fondest memories from PS1 are of jetting my AI MAX up onto a wall full of snipers and just going to town on them... which is probably the exact reason why they didn't let us have jetpacks this time around. Oh well.
  14. Ripshaft

    Currently no plans for jumpjets. So, there is no when.
  15. Chipay

    Then stop whining about it being OP, okay thx.
  16. Taiga

    Jumpjets would break a line between max and a single class
    ZOE is breaking the line between max and EVERY class.
  17. Nakor

    TR max users wining because their ES ability only makes them better at the thing they dominate at instead of just better at dominating. Shocking.
  18. KodiakBlack

    Agreed, Maxes need some limiting factors coupled with a survivability upgrade,

    IMO they aught to be only spawnable from the WG/specific locations, possibly tied to Tech plant control same as MBTs? Maxes should require logistics and effort to be maintained in the field,

    As for Rezzing... I dunno, yes its too easy atm, maybe some system where once the max armour is gone it enters a disabled downed state that require an Engi to fix with a limited window whilst the crewmans actual health ticks down and can be damaged by enemy fire (as the armour is breached), Medic can stabilise and buy time but it requires an engi to get the suit back online, possibly even an action rather than just the rep tool, so its a fixed duration like overloading generators (ie the action to START it Overloading, the hold down E wheel.
  19. vanu123

    Oh you mean the only thing that once it goes live will be worse than the flash light? I thought it was about balance and fairness. Get rid of ZOE and give us our old ability back.