(VS) Manticore worth the certs?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Crywalker, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Crywalker

    It certainly looks better on paper, but in practice is a significant increase in CQC effectiveness? Infil is probably the only class that heavily relies on it, but it'd still be nice for those occasions with other classes as well. I'd mainly be buying it for a better infiltrator experience though.
  2. Blitzkrieg

    It's not worth the certs.
  3. Rigsta

    It's the same as the NC mag-shot but with slightly worse accuracy. The beamer has slightly higher DPS (something like 7-8%) but only if you can spam the fire button fast enough - I think I worked it out at around 7.5 times per second - and if you land every shot. I find the Manticore with a laser dot more reliable for this reason.

    No need to trial it - just create an NC character and if you like the mag-shot, the Manticore will be an improvement over the Beamer for you.
  4. Nehemia

    Pistol purhcases are pretty much the "luxury upgrades." Since you can use pistol on any class (except max). I strongly recommend upgrading to Manticore, as I feel its vastly superior to Beamer. Naturally, smack in an Laser Dot & Silencer, 200 certs for universal use is quite cheap.
  5. Ripshaft

    It's all sidegrades, it's worth it if that's what you want, that's all there is to it. If you're happy with the beamer, stick with it, if you're looking for something with a bit more kick, try the manticore, 30min trial should be enough to figure it out.
  6. Lavalampe

    30min trial could create a wrong view at the manticore since the weapon feels completly different (imho better) with an laser. You will finally start to hit targets from the hip. Absolutely worth the 100 extra certs.
  7. KoooZ

    Definitely worth SC, certs no imo.
  8. Vortok

    The no damage drop off at range is nice, at least.
  9. Dr. Euthanasia

    It's a semi auto weapon which actually fires at a respectably slow speed. In most cases, it'll do the same job up close as the Nyx, save for one extra bullet required to kill.
  10. SavageSage

    Bought the manticore early and I didn't really start liking it till I got the dot for it. It's a very decent choice if you're using SC but I wouldn't waste the certs on it unless you don't have any better use for them.

    It won't out damage the NC, and it won't out ROF the TR, but it tends to be very accurate at range, same as the beamer. I actually sometimes use it to 'snipe' at range when I'm carrying the artemis.
  11. SpecOps Delta

    I, for myself, have to say: definately YES. I am very happy with this gun. It its harder than the Beamer. I make a lot of kills in CQC with the Manticore. I like that weapon. It suits me better than the Beamer.
  12. Obuw

    It's an excellent upgrade to the beamer, and will perform much better in every situation, unless you are capable of clicking your mouse 7.5 times per second (that's the beamer's actual max firerate).

    That being said, it's nowhere near as good as the rebel or repeater of course. But it'll get the job done when you get a jump on people.
  13. SeventhFrost

    BASICALLY, you want to create a nc character and fool around with their default pistol for a bit until you decide if you like it or not. if you do, and find you're more effective with it, then it's a good buy. If you find you're equally or less effective with it, then don't bother, as certs aren't exactly easy to come by and it's quite expensive for such a sidegrade. Just try not to get too caught up in being NC. ;)
  14. DemoEvolved

    Can someone confirm / deny if paying the certs to upgrade the pistol causes the pistol to be useable by ALL your classes?

    That's a big deal.
  15. TheEvilBlight

    The Pulsar C I upgraded for my LA works on my other carbine class (the Engy). With pistols it /should/ be the same. Unless the Manticore is coded as infil only, in which case the point is moot.
  16. Krona

    This is pretty much /thread.
  17. Flukeman62

    no wait the smgs may be secondaries. we don't know but wait and don't run the risk it will be worth it trust me.
    • Up x 1
  18. Khethatipet

    Yes, I have bought the Manticore and yes you can use it with any class that fires a pistol. I haven't cert'd a laser sight for it... yet. Seems that might be next on my list.
  19. BurntDevil

    Its the only VS pistol that ever actually kills me outright. Take it as you will.
  20. Zanduh

    I kill a lot of people with the starter pistol with a suppressor, do note though that I am ADS and then spamming