i just bought Nyx (semi automatic scout rifle) and i plan on using it on a sneak in sneak out Inf. i already bought a silencer and IRNV and 2x scopes for it. i wanted to ask, what should i upgrade next for the inf himself?, i upgraded hack skill to second bar, as well as the 10% faster cloak regen and first armor regen.
Proximity mines or health packs are a personal kind of choice. I use regen kits (I know medkits are better, but that's what I got initially and screw paying more than twice the engineer cost for mines) x2 with the capacitor. Feels like a good synergy - get out barely alive, patch up HP and shields get up in a pinch, keep rolling. On the other hand, drop a mine as you're fleeing - easy kill. The basic upgrades you have so far seem fine. Higher tier hacking time and cloak regen are pretty handy for those purposes, so you might prioritise higher tiers. The flash recommendation is a good idea too. I'd suggest vehicle stealth on it as well to make it harder to find. The first tier at 30 certs is sufficient for that purpose.
I personally use the Phantom for how you use the Nyx because it does a lot more damage a shot (dropping people in 2-3 shots consistantly). It's also the daily deal at 350 SC (50% off) if you got some SC lyin around. Cloak Regen seems handy. I've yet to try Nano-Armor Cloaking but that seems like it could be especially handy. Nanoweave armor for 11 certs (rank 2) could be helpful for you since you have lower HP then other classes. Flak's also good to prevent getting instagibbed by a nade. The shield regeneration is pretty iffy, especially since you don't regen when you cloak. If you're in very very large conflicts (like the crown), Decoy Grenades COULD be useful but they are very expensive (75 inf resources iirc + 200 certs) but if you enjoy ******* with people like that it could be worth it.
wait im confused.. The damage meter on the Nyx is maxed out,yet the Phantom has a faster firing rate,only has 3 bars in the damage column and still does more damage per shot than the Nyx?
The problem with Phantom if you forced in close fight you can't hip fire properly due to very high COF in hip fire. I got Phantom from daily sale and still need to test it.
Ostensibly those meters are based on the class of the weapon. Scout rifles are different to sniper rifles. In practice, the bars are lies and trickery and not very useful for comparing anything.
Take a look at this spreadsheet with the real weapon stats. Infs have 500 Shield (400 for Infiltrator) and 500 Life
oh lord, please throw brains from heaven... You can choose which faction or category you want to see! Have you never used excel or sth like that?
Recon darts. Cert them up, at least to where you get the third dart, and they are incredibly valuable. Someone posted the other day that they want infils to get the ability to call in artillery strikes. We can already (kinda) do that. When your sneakiness gets you in position to see something the rest of your team doesn't - a sunderer parking behind a ridge, for example...put a dart on it and watch the focused fire of your teammates rain down. Get a lib crew from your outfit on team speak and you're calling in the air strikes and painting the targets. "Why not just Q spot them?" You need to maintain line of sight for that and you will verbally call out those targets. Every enemy within voice proximity will hunt you down. Q spotting is the opposite of stealth. Darts quietly keep targets lit for quite a while. Solo players, overload a generator, shoot a dart, hide outside. When the little red dot walks in to deactivate, cloak up and pop him in the back. Most people hate that we don't get points for dart spots - rightfully so. We should get something and my guess is SOE will fix this soon. But IMO being an infil is never about cert farming. Play a medic or engy if points are what you want. To me, there's nothing more satisfying than being that annoying battlefield pest that sees his enemy before they see him, or being that eye in the sky lighting up enemies on your team's mini map.
About the Phantom vs. Nyx: I've spent a lot of time with both guns in the non-snipy infiltrator role and at extreme close ranges the Phantom outperforms the Nyx, dropping people more quickly especially if you can open the fight with a headshot. However the faster you pump out follow up shots the more inconsistent the aim becomes and hipfiring with it is not as useful, and the reload time is much higher. With a silencer on both guns it's also more effective at making long range shots because it seems to have a higher initial bullet velocity, but it's also much louder than the Nyx and can give away on occasion. All in all the Phantom feels less wieldy than the Nyx in most situations but definitely performs in this role. For both the Phantom and the Nyx I use the 2x reflex and the 4x crossair sights which seem to give good flexibility and performance at all ranges. To the OP: Mines are by far the best thing I have spent my certs on, they give you a good escape option if you're pursued and allow you to hold control points solo or ensure that the generator actually goes pop. They're also a great early warning system especially if you're out of darts and your flash is dead. Grenade bandolier is also another great cert buy, as the ability to get the drop on groups of enemies and enough explosives to kill them is priceless. Grenades also give you options against maxes.
Even with a 4x scope unless I'm trying to snipe further than I really should I don't ever have to hold my breath with the phantom. As a close-mid range weapon it's not an issue.