[VS] Ghosts of the Revolution [US East]

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by robo, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. BhBeeZo28

    Hey there, also interested in joining. Been looking for a group to play with. Look forward to hearing from you!
  2. robo

    All requests processed, check your PMs!

    We hope everyone had a happy holiday, whichever one you celebrate!

    ---robocpf1, Outfit Leader
  3. Ptyochromis

    Hello, I am very much interested in joining you guys. I will submit an application on your website and pm robocpf1 in game.
    Im br 23 heavy speced in Engie, burser, and A2A scythe.

    Look forward to playing with you
  4. robo

    All requests processed!
  5. Tsuri

    I play daily and I'm interested in joining. I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone in game, so I'm posting here. I also have a friend who plays with me who may also be interested.
  6. Shady

    I am his friend and am indeed interested in joining. We have both submitted apps on your website and hope to hear from you soon.
  7. robo

    Great, we'll see you two on the site!
  8. DPh4ntom

    i was interested in joining. i play whatever u need
    my name in game is dph4ntom
  9. MeatballMobeus

  10. RushNY

    I'd like to join the outfit, please fill me in on the details.

  11. robo

    Requests processed, check your PMs and see you on the battlefield!

    ---robocpf1, Outfit Leader
  12. Cidolfas

    Id like to join up. I do all my fighting on the ground, in a tank or on foot.
  13. robo

    Request processed, check your PMs and we'll see you on the battlefield!
  14. Arcurus

    I'd like to join you guys. Played for a lot of the Beta but took a break when launch hit.
  15. robo

    All requests processed! Looking forward to a great new year in GOTR!

    This will be our 10th anniversary - Join now for some of the best VS camaraderie on Auraxis!

    ---robocpf1, Outfit Leader
  16. MrPWD

    Interested in joining the outfit. Could you let me know, the details.
  17. robo

    All requests processed, check your PMs!

    Happy New Year!
  18. KILTIN

    I would like to join!
  19. robo

    All requests processed, check your PMs!
  20. robo

    Had a fantastic raid tonight on both Amerish and Indar. Meatball will have the video up soon!