I would like to join this outfit, It seems very friendly for a new player like me I have teamspeak 3, unfortunately, due to a driver issue my mic doesn't work Hope you'll consider me! EDIT: I have joined DaPP as no one from GOTR has gotten back to me in around a week.
Hey Bouncy, sorry we didn't get back to you. We get very little traffic here on the forum nowadays so I don't check it very often. I'll update the OP so if people do drop by they won't get hung out to dry. If you're still interested in joining, just friend request me (robocpf1) or my RO, PorkPuller, and we'll get you set up. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey guys I'm thinking about getting back into this game now that I built another pc I'll hit you up in a couple of weeks when I move into my new apartment IGN is murderbot9000
I'm not sure how many players are active on these boards anymore (long live reddit, I guess) but if there are players looking for an active VS outfit on Emerald, GOTR has you covered! Feel free to apply in-game and jump on our Teamspeak (the TS info is in the in-game outfit browser).
I want to join but i dont really voice chat even though i have a mike. Also i don't know how teamspeak works or anything though i will try to learn. Can i join this outfit even though i dont use mike that much because my friend foxy in the outfit dosen't think i can.
Currently i in dapp and i like it bit they dont have scheldule for when they play so i cant go on specific times
New to the game and looming for a group to bring me up to speed. I have ts3 and a mic. HarryPooner in game or pm me
GOTR is stepping up recruitment in the face of huge enemy activity on TR and NC. If you're interested in fighting the TR and NC's biggest outfits, you'll need teammates, and we can offer them. Join our Infantry or Vehicle divisions today! www.gotr.us, secret word is Summer
We never left Our activity levels dropped with the game's population, but we're here and fighting. Good to see TE back again.
WE AIN'T AFRAID OF NO SWAMP Have you been looking for a fight on Hossin but been frustrated that "nobody plays there?" In GOTR, we actively seek and start fights on Hossin, moreso than most other player groups. Join us for some murky swamp action today!
I've updated our recruitment materials and the OP. You can join GOTR by applying in-game or by finding us on Teamspeak3 or discord! https://discord.gg/Dq4fZht TS3 - address: gotr.us, password: sovereignty555 @robocpf1#6479
Man if someone could wake AT up that would be amazing but unfortunately there hasn't been any activity in some time aside for less than a handfull of not dead people
You can join GOTR by applying in-game or by finding us on Teamspeak3 or discord! https://discord.gg/Dq4fZht (and then post in the #recruitment text channel) TS3 - address: gotr.us, password: sovereignty555 @robocpf1#6479
GOTR is announcing a new ops schedule for this winter, all ops starting at around 8pm eastern! Mech Mondays - ground combat vehicle ops Tactical Tuesdays - infantry ops Air Wing Wednesdays - air squad ops Thursday Night Raid - combined arms platoon, the main event! Fridays - Joint Ops with other VS outfits Saturdays - free for events and pickup squads Sundays - the Sunday Fun Raid, a themed shenanigans event We are still developing our full ops roster but there's something for everyone! Come to any you're interested in, none are mandatory (but we hope we see everyone on Thursdays, at least). Recruiting Details: You can join GOTR by applying in-game or by finding us on Teamspeak3 or discord! https://discord.gg/Dq4fZht (and then post in the #recruitment text channel) TS3 - address: gotr.us, password: sovereignty555 @robocpf1#6479
Ghosts of the Revolution is spinning up recruitment efforts now that the big DX11 patch is stable! GOTR is one of the best combined arms experiences on Auraxis, utilizing teams of infantry, armor, air, special forces, and even construction. We welcome players of any level, playstyle, and time zone, though most of us are located in the United States. Our community has been active in the Planetside franchise for 16 years - join us today! Recruiting Details: You can join GOTR by applying in-game or by finding us on Teamspeak 3 or Discord! https://discord.gg/Dq4fZht (and then post in the #recruitment text channel) or contact @robocpf1#6479 TeamSpeak 3 - address: gotr.us, password: sovereignty555
Recruiting for Infantry, Armor, and Air players! Check the above post or the original post in the thread for contact information, find us in-game, on TS3, or on Discord.
GOTR is participating in Outfit Wars! It's a great time to join a large and active VS outfit on Emerald. I should go update the first post in this thread, but for now, join us on TS3 and discord. TS3 Address: gotr.us Password: sovereignty555 Discord gotr.us/discord
GOTR is looking forward to the 2022 season of Outfit Wars - but you can join us on Emerald for Live Play as well! Go to www.gotr.us or discord.gg/gotr for more info!