Hey Robo, A friend and I are looking for a clan still, got your friend request but havent caught ya online, ign: CasandraDeezy
Dear Robo my name is Alex me 26 years old, i wery love aircraft/ heavy tanks and i wery good gunner whith dalton/zepfer/duster/helberd/supernova/saron and walkiria rockets gun. I have new character on Emerald but i want be need you and help each others from your outfit! In game i Alex26RUS ( my main character on Cobalt 53 battle rank but i not play there more ) Hope you assepted me) Whith regards Alex.
Hello, I am a fairly new player to this game, I have a lot of experience playing bf4, team-oriented and highly communicative, best on the ground. Quick learner as well, and willing to take some time out of game to really learn game mechanics and such. I just want to start off with an efficient team to work with. IGN: 116mike, br 15, have a mic. Thanks for your consideration, I hope to see you all on the battlefield!
Hello everyone, I have been somewhat preoccupied visiting family the past few weeks and have neglected this forum thread. If I haven't gotten to anyone yet, please just PM me here on the PS2 forum and I will get to you as soon as I can. Or, sign up on our website at www.gotr.us - if you already applied, try to find someone ingame to get you the TS info, I will hopefully be home in a few hours. Welcome to all of our new members!
GOTR is always recruiting team players! No BR requirement. If you're willing to work with your squad and use Teamspeak, we have a place for you. You can also check out our open squads, starting back up next week!
I'm quite new to this game, and I think that getting some time in with people who know what they're doing will help me out quite a bit. What would I need to do to join this outfit and get all set up?
GOTR is recruiting players of all playstyles, K/Ds, experience levels, and time zones. What can we offer you? Solid leadership, daily ops, huge weekly events, TS3, and no ghostcapping. For more information, feel free to send me a PM or send an email to Join@gotr.us
Bump. GOTR is a fantastic outfit! I started out in Planetside 2, as many do, by joining one of the large zerg outfits. While it helped me learn the basics, I was always hoping to find a mid-sized group that offered the perfect combination of coordinated tactical organization and good old fashion fun. I'm happy to say that GOTR has been the ideal outfit for me. Here are just some of the things GOTR has to offer: Outstanding leadership that is well respected in the VS community Many very skilled, high BR members willing to help newer players Teamspeak Server for private voice coms Organized Weekly Combined Arms Ops Weekly Tactical Squad Ops Legitimate Air, Ground, and SpecOps divisions Weekly Themed Fun Raids Active website and forums A wealth of training documents, guides, and infographics Opportunities to participate in competitive events such as Server Smash A venerable history that goes back to the original Planetside A true multi-gaming clan with members playing together in other games Check us out at http://gotr.us for more information.
hello looking to join, i requested to join on site, and in game now doing in forums. ign yosunu im low rank. and am new/returning player (stoped playing due to bad pc but now i have good one) can play game at 50-70 fps at max settings and im willing to learn any position from piloting to infiltration. i have teamspeak and mic.
I think we have you sorted out, I've seen that name around! If we haven't gotten you in somehow, please let me know!
GOTR is still recruiting players of all playstyles, and experience levels. Join today for massive combined arms fun! Find us in the in-game outfit browser, or visit www.gotr.us
Hello I would like to join your outfit. My name in the game is Daigons, I generally play a Medic but I've been experimenting with a Heavy Assault. After getting these two classes outfitted, I plan on working on Engineer to help support outfit armor columns as a Repair Sunder or guard against air power.