AM I the only one finding this hilarious, that he called BWC bad. At the end of the day he died and they won.
It's not hilarious at all; it's masterful marketing. Last week, our protagonist, Mpal the Brave, was accused of cheating. As our hero fought valiantly, his king, his valiant leader, Ender, stood against the unfaithful and cast a spell of misdirection by shifting blame to the evil NivX!! The cruel priest, Roamcel called upon his disciples and retaliated with semi-empirical evidence attempting to prove Mpal's heresy. In the end, the SOE gods, cruel yet benevolent, crushed the frail mortals and ended the tale! This week, our hero reveals that one of the most respected outfits in the entire kingdom is not fit to eat with peasants!!! Apparently the outfit that worships the spider will be brought to justice once and for all!
I don't know mpal, that's not the first time you've trash talked me after I killed you a few times, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Players of your caliber usually don't need to be Internet tough guys... Because your gun does all the talking. Sorry to derail the recruitment thread over a sour grape, I found it strange more than anything else. Keep up the good fights, it's good to have tough opponents on the battlefield. WHY I HAVE STAYED IN BWC: obsession with spiders.
DA taught me that with great power comes great responsibility. DA taught me that it's not the size of the man in the fight, but the size of the fight in the man. DA taught me not only to wax on, but to wax off. DA taught me that as long as you can calculate a 15% tip, you're good.
I was alone. Afraid. Pinned down by enemy fire. My training had lasted a decade, yet one small mistake would result in an unfortunate ending. The spawn room I crouched in had wide, open areas covered by shields that prohibited entry for the explosive globs shot by large, mobile arachnids of red and black. Should some of them exit their chariots of metal, I could put them down, but the invertebrates lived up to their physical nature. I considered using C4 on myself to deny them the satisfaction a killboard victory as a voice of spiritual inspiration derided me for not living up to Vanu's standard. A voice broke through the smoke caused by lowered accuracy percentages and stiff fingers. A figured appeared in the gloom; tall, handsome, and fair of skin. He said, "Fear not, fellow soldier, for I have come to lead you from the depths of subnormal. Do not give in to your micro-ness, for you shall be made bigger than micro. Join me, and I shall give to you a method of deliverance from this trying time. We, together, shall rain fire and C4 from the sky upon these spiders, and regain the control point that has been so tragically left in solitude. Outnumbered we may be, but three to one odds are not what they seem!" Ender31 blazed above his head, in letters that became gold as I accepted his offer of solidarity. I followed his suggestion to redeploy and found a beacon of light carefully hidden from view. Other voices joined my new leader's as we rode the beacon of light from the heavens and rained fire and C4 upon the unclean. Soldiers became comrades, spiders died, and from the depths of despair, I was reborn. Fear not, brave Vanu soldiers, for should you find yourself being surrounded with no hope of escape, we shall find you and deliver you your freedom.
My most memorable moment with DasAnfall had to be when 50SHADESOFPURPLE told me I was a wizard. While I tried to tell him that I had merely redeployed from Hvar to the Warpgate, he assured me that I had actually unwittingly "apparated", and it was a miracle I hadn't ****** myself up seeing as I didn't have the proper training. He gave me what he said were train tickets to a magic school in Scotland and then left. Considering I live in New York I was a bit worried about airfare until I looked down and I saw I was holding two receipts for scratch tickets and beef jerky. When I went to 50's refrigerator box to ask for actual tickets, the alleyway was mysteriously empty. Erring on the side of caution, I quickly secured a flight to England, assuming the receipts were simply magically concealed. When I arrived in England, I went straight to King's Cross station. While I couldn't find the magically hidden platform 50 had alluded to, there was a conductor that seemed nervous about an American demanding Wizard seats in exchange for bodega receipts (in retrospect clearly a dark warlock afraid of being discovered by someone of my talents) so after some bartering I got on a 1:15 train to Glasgow. When I got to Glasgow I was immediately greeted by none other than VitualGuerilla. After spitting on my hand, as is the custom of the Irish, he welcomed me to the country he really has nothing to do with. "Wow," he said, "why the actually came all the--dude we were just messing...**** it, let's get you to magic school, boy-o." As one of the two European DA members he had been assigned to show me around, and did a passable job at a Scottish accent, but it really could've been better. We walked around for a number of hours while Virtual explained, in an increasingly loud voice, about the types of magic I would be learning. Most of them centered around avoiding Striker missiles and successfully using medkits on Indar (clearly black magic of the darkest sort if I ever heard it), but I indulged his ravings as I was fairly certain he was having a mild heart attack. When we finally got to the store to get my supplies, as Virtual called it, we went straight to the bar and ordered a pint each. The following few hours are a bit hazy, but I know it involved buying a wizard's hat: and getting a magical tattoo that Virtual assured me would make me irresistible to women: I don't remember much of the rest of the night. At some point I have flashes of meeting some of Virtual's lady friends who kept asking me if I wanted to party (clearly witches who recognized my latent power), but by three or four I had blacked out. Next time I will detail my first day at Wizard school, as well as how to navigate the Scottish legal system as a foreigner. That was the most memorable moment of my time in DA.
I think an often overlooked quality of Ender and his outfit comes from all the work they do to raise awareness in the community about glaring social issues. When I ran into Ender as a member of my traveling choir visiting the rainforest, I knew that he and I shared the same social values and that DA was the right place for me. Below is a clip from our last tour. He sings a hell of a tenor btw
My Favorite moment in DA was when Ender made me write testimonials on our recruitment thread. Since this is kinda short I'll also write that my 2nd favorite moment is the mandatory 4th factioning. Its an incredible rush when you switch factions in just the nick of time to get that hard earned XP. Timing is key!
My favorite moment in DA was when mpal taught me all his HA tips and tricks to give the purposeful illusion that he's hacking. It was a pretty great night, and I exploited them to their fullest. DA - A Mere Ad Hoc Amateur Collective Run By Some Loose Communal Affiliation Of Lone Wolves, Probably More Than One Fight.
My most memorable moment in DA was the culmination of months of training in squad based tactics. Our 10 man squad was trying to take Snake Ravine from hordes of rebel CML scum (I'd estimate enemy strength was at least 7), when we got a distress signal from our leader, Ender31. He was at the Mao Tech Facility, where he'd come across a hacked terminal and the A point flipped red. He was scared and alone. We were like machines - redeploy, squad beacon was up so we could all instantly drop to expunge the filthy Maoist. Haha, get it? TR, communist, Mao. Witty, you don't get that level of material in other outfits. Anyway, our drop pods descended at breakneck speed to the LZ. Our commander for this operation was unfortunately the first casualty. Ender31's game had crashed. He was lost, he couldn't see the tactical picture - he couldn't...command. However, like any legendary leader, he quickly assigned Mpal as the acting commander. Unfortunately, Mpal was assessing the situation when indiv's drop pod obliterated our newly promoted leader. Comms became hectic, "What the **** dude" was followed by "I'm so confused". The rest of the squad dropped safely - we were down to 8 brave souls. I checked the population indicator, we were at 87% Vanu for that territory. Dicey numbers, we'd need to perform at our best. I was assigned Rynan as my battle buddy, and as the only two LAs in the squad, we would be responsible for the intel that would determine the failure or success of the mission. Tragically, the other 6 squad members, due to lack of an acting leader, followed each other off the top of the tech plant and fell to their deaths. Rynan and I would have to overcome insurmountable odds to deliver a Vanu victory. We looked at each other and I said, "Let's do this." We navigated the tech plant and came within sight of the control point. I heard the distinct sound of a cloaker and alerted my battle buddy. Two against an invisible one...not good. Rynan caught a glimpse of the TR scum in a corner, and like the valiant hero that he is, rushed the assailant. Floating above, I dropped my C4 on top of the infiltrator in desperation. My eyes met Rynan's. I whispered, "I'm team" and pushed the trigger that ended both soldiers' lives. A tear ran down my face as I secured the point for Vanu, in memory of my fallen comrades and in knowledge that their sacrifice allowed me to accomplish the mission.
From the Annals of DasAnfall Historical Records of Auraxium: A Vanu force of approximately 7,000 men marched South to block the pass of The Crown. The TR army, alleged by the ancient sources to have numbered over one million but today considered to have been much smaller (various figures are given by scholars ranging between about 100,000 and 150,000), arrived at the pass in late GU10 or early GU11. The vastly outnumbered DasAnfall (DA) held off the TR for seven days (including three of battle) before the rear-guard was annihilated in one of history's most famous last stands. During two full days of battle the small force led by Ender31 of DasAnfall blocked the only road by which the massive TR army could pass. After the second day of battle a local resident named Tristen betrayed DasAnfall by revealing a small path that led behind the DasAnfall lines. Ender31, aware that his force was being outflanked, dismissed the bulk of the Vanu army and remained to guard the rear with 12 DasAnfall Ninjas, most of whom were killed. Both ancient and modern writers have used the Battle of The Crown as an example of the power of a patriotic army defending native soil. The performance of the defenders at the battle of The Crown is also used as an example of the advantages of training, equipment, and good use of terrain as force multipliers and has become a symbol of courage against overwhelming odds.
Are they having a group psychotherapy meeting in BWC or something? It's gotten embarrassing. Bumping for the cause. Also, to be thorough and touch on the topic at hand, DA's awesome. They hurt my face a lot. I moved. Now NUC hurts my face. I make poor decisions.