If Ender did say this, this is an extremely rare moment and is generally out of character for him. Ender is literally the Chillest if not the most relaxed guys I've ever played a game with. Sure we all get our rage moments, but he's on the opposite end of the spectrum of how Buzzcut acts sometimes if you recall the double XP weekend civil war with AOD and TE. Ender is probably the least vindictive person I have ever met.
I, for one, definitely enjoy squading up with these guys when I get the chance. If you're VS and want to play alongside some really skilled players, check these guys out.
Planetside 2 is coming to that point in time, just as PS1 did, where people will start getting bored with being in larger outfits that let anything ago. One of the few play styles that never gets old is the, "Secure your **** with 20 seconds left, drop 2 squads in pods onto a point." If you want to re-ignite that PS2 adrenaline spark, DA is looking for more experienced players to join our Ninja Force. BR50+ Preferred, there's a reason more and more veteran players run with us on a nightly basis. No ********, just straight up *** kicking with other experienced players. Teamspeak is always open to drop by if you want to run with us for a night (or more ), trolls will be ip banned immediately.
Yes he has an obsession. Almost like when you go visit a friend, and right from the start that small dog won't stop trying to hump your leg. I think a restraining order is due.
Unfortunately his obsession is usually focused on other DA alts now haha. I swear when my stream goes live and he gets out of school i'm suddenly Public Enemy #1. My default scattercannon had a few words with his LA the other night though. Little **** managed to run a scythe into my uncerted TR mossie 3 times in 10 minutes 2 nights ago. Singapore is just so far away to show up at his door. Localparasite = Best <15 year old PS2 player in the world, easy. Just lay off my mossie
Official Ops are Thur/Fri 8PM-12AM Pacific. Saturdays are 1 on 1 improve your game, days. MSG Ender31 in game or friend me if you want to run with us and get a taste of legitimate squad/team play.
I'm a TR player on Mattherson, and i play aginast Vanu the most. DA is probably the best oufit I've gone up against. All thier players are good and organized. Been killed By Mpal and Rynan alot too (And I'm not sucky player: https://players.planetside2.com/#!/5428059164958393057/killboard)
Going to repost since some mod thought it best to delete the entire message rather than ask me to remove one line which was a crack at SOE not prioritizing transfer tokens accordingly I had a chat with you before in tells, whilst on my TR, I'll consider moving a VS character here since I can't find any outfits on Connery, but there needs to be actual server transfer ability first. I kind of want to stay away from matherson right now anyway. time will tell
It sucks that the VS pop is so heavy It's made it really hard to have fun as an outfit because you know as soon as you find a good fight the lolzergBAM players are going to show up within minutes and turn it into a camp fest full of PA's, Libs, HE splash, and ZOE. Should the pops ever balance back out and server transfer tokens happen though, we're always looking for intelligent players to run with us
Mpal and Rynan are both extremely exceptional players. Running into them is not in your best interest. Shoot them in the back! haha