VS cheating on Woodman again

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by fish998, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. fish998

    Yup, VS just used the crash exploit again. Went from 40 NC defending the Crown to 2 and by the time everyone got back it was all over.

    GJ guys, must take some real skill.

    Any chance we can get a fix for this SOE?

    (And before anyone says 'your game just crashed', I was one of the 2 that didn't crash, but I did see everyone else all vanish at the same time, and then all trickle back saying their game had crashed)
  2. VSDerp

    report those non skill VS
  3. fish998

    It's hard to know who to report, a lot of the VS guys there were probably innocent.
  4. BigMacDeez

    No Vanu is innocent... They're to blame for the Magrider.
  5. Sinist

    Ban all the VS!

    Its the only way to be sure!

    • Up x 4
  6. Pat22

    You do realize it could have been triggered accidentally? It might even have been triggered by an NC trying to blow up a VS sunderer?
  7. Ender

  8. Imperium Assault

    Of course, a vanu would know how it's done
  9. Pat22

    An LA would know how it's done. We're the ones always throwing C4 on stuff.
  10. subz3r01337

    yes only vanu cheat of course
  11. ImGladUmad

    So what does it crash?

    Your PC?...How?
  12. RykerStruvian

    The crash exploit/bug/whatever. Its when your client freezes along with other people. Has something to do with C4/flash/sunderer or some combination.
  13. Brickwalker

    It was Tobuscus.
  14. Brickwalker

    ?? do you mix those 3 things in a cauldron to make this potent crash concoction?
  15. Girm

  16. RykerStruvian

    Like in Minecraft? Yes, lol.
    • Up x 1
  17. Brickwalker

  18. Intruder313

    Damn it if the exploit involves what I think it does then my plan to charge Sunderers with a Flash covered in C4 is up in smoke!
  19. maxkeiser

    More likely to be TR than Vanu. TR are Treacherous scum.
  20. Gladio
