Hey guys, a little disclaimer here, but this thread isnt really meant for complaining, I guess i just need a little justification? In any case, I am not the most qualified for this discussion, but I need to get this off my chest. So...many players havesaid VS ARs are, for the most part, lacking. I've tried to classify the faction rifles into "subgroups" and base my comparisons from there. Close range: TAR GR22 HV45 Pretty balanced, I would say, in this class. Same damage model and RoF, as well as CoF. TAR has the main advantage of mag size, but pays with extended reloads and the worst tolerance. H-V45 arguably has the best recoil stats (angle and tolerance). NC kinda get shafted, but close range isnt really the faction's strength and is thus understandable. Close-medium: TORQ-9 Carnage AR Terminus VX-9 Also pretty balanced. These guys are the versatile bunch, with the TORQ having excellent midrange capabilities and fire rate, the carnage having 0.75 ADS and excellent hipfire, and the terminus having excellent DPS and horizontal recoil. Medium: T1 Cycler Gauss Rifle Pulsar VS1 Where it gets a little hairy. The cycler has obvious RoF advantages, whilst the GR has damage potential and excellent accuracy. The pulsar lacks DPM, but makes up with a fast reload, although the GR isnt far behind. The problem arises when it not only has lower damage output than the cycler, it has by far the worst accuracy of the 3 by way of tolerance and angle variance. Its slightly better ADS CoF is its only advantage, and a minor one at that. Serviceable, but arguably the weakest of the 3. Long range: SABR-13 NC-9 A-tross Corvus VA55 Out of the 3, the corvus is the only one without a adv. grip. Why is that? Top it off, it has the worst DPS, which does matter for the transition between medium to long range. Definitely more controllable than the tross, with a better hipfire, so that checks out,but against the SABR? Not only does it have worse tolerance, it lacks an AFG. Granted, the SABR has burst fire, meaning oversampling problems, but 526 RPM is quite the disadvantage. "Faction specific": TRV Reaper CME These guns were the oddballs that didnt fit in with the common damage models of above groupings. They also resemble their faction traits of high RoF bad recoil shake, high damage high vertical pull, and moderate DPS with little recoil. The TRV trumps the close range ARs in close range DPS wise, but has terrible hipfire and only a slight boost to ADS controllability (i.e. still kicks like hell). The reaper needs no explanation. The CME would be okay.... but its horizontal shake EQUALS the T1 cycler (why?) and is heavily outclassed by the NS-11, leaving it little role to play. The CME IMO, is the most lacking of any AR.
Upon further review, it might look like I'm calling TR OP. Let me clarify: it does seem to me, stat-wise, that the SABR outperforms the Corvus in the parts which matter (horizontal tolerance, FSRM, RoF), and the cycler too with the VS1 (RoF, mag size, tolerance and recoil angle). I have all the respect for each faction and think the TR too could use a little help, examples being the rhino and the HC1 cougar.
I would actually call the GR-22 the oddball gun of the NC, it's 800 RoF, and a worse Hipfire than the Carnage AR. IMO the Carnage AR is a better CQC gun than the GR-22, it also has the shortest reload speed of any AR (IIRC)
Ive no usage experiance of VS or NC, but i will admit i feel the TR AR's are the best of the bunch. Certainly compared to our other classes the AR's are amazing. I never feel ill equipped vs infantry playing medic. (as far as TR goes that is) Its probably the reason when we need to retake a point most TR players go medic rather than Heavy. Where our best HA weapons are 'average' our medics worst weapons are 'average'!. The NC seem to have some effective AR's but I dont get the feeling VS are as potent as medics. I personally dont mind if you do feel TR medic is a bit OP, because i think generally our main assault class (HA) has the least effective weapons unless your farming. So our medic getting some cool weapons helps us out a bit! It seems to give TR a bad impression tho with us all running around as medics. But its just how the weapon cookie crumbled. I wouldnt call the T1 medium range given our other guns, imo the torq 9's accuracy makes it much more lethal at medium range despite its bb gun damage profile. T1 is a bit of a jack of all trades, out done at any single usage by the other AR's but it can get you by in almost any situation. And close range the TRV is probably better than the TAR, the tar has hipfire but if you ADS the TRV is one of the games most lethal weapons. Ive not used the SABR yet but cant wait, it looks pretty special.
I'd actually say the Corvus is the king in its segment. The fact that the SABR is locked into two-round burst fire is a lot more of a penalty than people readily admit, and I say that as someone who likes the weapon. And the Corvus starts with exceptionally low horizontal recoil at 0.15 unbiased, so you don't really miss the advanced grip. I consider the Corvus to be very close to the easiest full auto weapon to use if you want to put all rounds on target with sustained fire at medium-long range. And the lack of bullet drop is actually nice when you're making extreme range headshots. The close-range AR's are really all kinda the same. Hippy with the option of mediocre ADS at short-medium range. And the CME is surprisingly useable. I actually consider it one of my favorite AR's. It does get an advanced foregrip, so its 0.22 horizontal recoil isn't _quite_ as bad as it seems. And with that incredibly low 2.0 vertical recoil, it's one of the few weapons I'd consider actually using HVA on. With 670 base velocity + HVA and no bullet drop, it basically becomes a laser out to medium range. It's not an amazing weapon in any one role, but it's accessible and useful in essentially every scenario. I'm not really sure what to say re: the starter rifles. The Pulsar isn't entirely without its advantages. It does have a slightly lower moving ADS CoF, and its base horizontal and vertical recoil aren't bad. Regarding angle of recoil, it bears noting that it's calculated only once per burst, and it's fixed from there until you release the fire button, meaning it doesn't add more randomness to each bullet. It's not terrible to have a (slightly) variable angle of recoil, for that reason. And lower tolerance is nice, but it's not the end all. Foregrips reduce horizontal tolerance by a very large amount, and once that's factored in, very few weapons have a _bad_ tolerance. I'd only _really_ worry about tolerance on high horizontal recoil, high RoF hipfire weapons, since those generate a lot of horizontal recoil without getting to use a foregrip (since they're likely using a laser sight instead). I dunno. I don't see VS AR's as being problematic or bad. All of the points you raised seem valid to me, though.
Yep, by no means are VS assault rifles bad. I do like using them a fair bit. Regarding the corvus, Im sure that it has some merits over the SABR, and does have a loyal following so I guess we can leave that alone. The CME is quite the gun to handle. Very smooth, decent performance. The problem is that the NS11A outclasses it almost completely with the larger mag, 0.75 ADS, and tighter hipfire, only losing in the recoil department. Honestly the CME fix would be simple: either reel in the horizontal recoil more and increase vertical recoil for serious accuracy, or buff the max damage range from 10m to 20m as what they did with EM1, polaris, T16 For the pulsar VS1, it gets out DPS'd by the cycler, while having to contend with worse horizontal tolerance and angle. Angle deviation is actually randomized per shot and not by burst ( check out wrel's serpent/vx6-7 video where he compares the recoil). This leaves the VS1 with only better vertical recoil, which is easily compensated for and hardly a concern. The fix would be to reel in tolerance as well, and maybe the angle too, so that it can compete with the other 2
Dont worry mate, LMG balance patch along the way. Hopefully they balance the stuff properly. Really hoping they relook the assault rifles though. Itd be great to main medic on all 3 factions without feeling like im limited on 1
That explains why sometimes it's so hard to hit, much less kill, anything that's at medium-to-long range with the VS1. Its poor accuracy is maddening, even with the foregrip, and up close you lose the majority of engagements because its damage output sucks.
I don't mind VS ARs much these days. Pre-terminus, the vs selection was pretty ******. However, the terminus filled in the biggest hole in our lineup. Sure, most of the rest of our ARs are crap, but the hv-45, terminus, and ns-11a cover most situations (honestly, the terminus alone covers most situations -- I basically never use a different ar). It would be nice to have the same breadth of selection that the nc and tr have, but I still can only use one ar at once. Having 4 other wonderful guns sitting in my inventory doesn't help me kill things with the one I'm using.
Good post. For me as a VS I typically use the ns11-a for medium to long ranges. It's a great medic gun.
I've heard the Corvus put this way, "It's like fruit cake, you love it or you hate it." NS-11A is love, NS-11A is life.
I've played medic a fair bit on VS/TR and I definitely feel more comfortable, and have more fun, with TR's array of assault rifles. The reds are infamous for their uncontrollable sideways jiggle, yet as OP said anything based off the Pulsar VS1 model has a pretty horrible tolerance/variance angle. The spandex medic's main saving grace for me arrives in the form of the Terminus. The Corvus is an odd one. In some situations it feels like it fires way too slowly, yet once you start shooting at things further out it feels rather nice indeed. Not sure how it compares to the SABR in my book. I prefer the latter just for its quirkiness, but it has its downsides. Only played a little NC, but I really like the NC1 Gauss Rifle. Hella accurate, good damage, and surprisingly versatile. Oh and the Reaper DMR is just sublime.
Great Thread OP- I was just wondering about this same subject- I was wondering what players thought about VS AR's? I have been using the pulsar but I feel like I lose 1V1 more often than not- even after getting the drop. Which VS assault rifles do players prefer the most? Thanks for your thoughts
The general opinion about VS ARs is that they are mostly mediocre, with many of them being blatantly inferior to other faction or NS equivalents. ...and then there is TERMINUS OUR LAWWWWWWD AND SAVIAAAARRRRRR! PRAISE TERMINUS! I PRAISE THEE, IN TERMINUS NAME, MY LAWD! HALLELUJAAAAAAAAAAH! So basically: CQC-Short-Medium range, (basically >95% of the time) use the Terminus with Forward Grip. Maybe for medium-long range use the NS-11A.
Does anyone find it odd that how well you use any of these guns and how well you're attached to them, is mostly depedent on how compatible it is to your ears. The Torq is everything you would want and then it sort of ends up Blitzing itself GD-10 style at a certain range.
For long range you shouldn't be comparing the Corvus; nobody uses it anymore. It was always really bad, but people only used it because there was no other similar option for that engagement range. When the NS AR came out they switched to that or more recently the Equinox Burst.
Having started playing the medic frequently, I can only say I was appalled by how repulsively dire the Pulsar assault rifle was. Considering that gun is the first introduction to Vanu medicine, I can blame no-one for switching over to actual combat classes with viable default weapons. The saving grace of Vanu medics are revive grenades (4 with maxed grenade bandolier!) and, I truly hope, the other assault rifles available for a nominal fee.
I went back to the Pulsar VS after the max range nerf made the HV45 pretty bad at more than 5 metres and it is alright imo. I was not impressed with the other choices you can cert into. Only the CME seems to come anywhere near the all-round capability of my TORQ9 and Carnage...............and not enough for me to want to buy it yet (I like good RoF in any infantry primary).