Voodoo Company - Boobs, Beer and Freedom Fries!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by cfschris, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Hatsunemiki

    VCO official ops! Another night of milestones for both outfit and yours truly. VCO, for the first time since the merger, opened four squads of bonafide war heroes. We didn't quite make it to full platoon, peaking at 3.5 squads, but we're getting closer, lads! To top it off, we gave a longstanding member his first shot at the Squad Lead position tonight! An extra awesome night! :D

    I climbed back into roll of Platoon Lead for the evening and led our ops on Indar for some base tappin and gal droppin fun. Ops started with a bang as we dropped our first two squads on The Palisade. Out-popped, I gave as simple of an order as I could; take the point, secure positions in the L-shaped building. It was the only thing that would secure a cap with the numbers we had, no room for a fall back position aside from outside the base proper. Luckily the boys and ladies of VCO know how to take a hit and keep on dishing the pain; my Alpha squad dropped with one Max among the ranks. Turns out only one was needed, as the handful the TR sent at us folded against our bullets and will power. VCO tags on another base, gotta say that I'm loving this PL gig. That extra bit of "hey, we did something awesome!" is made all the sweeter when you can share it with your outfit brothers and sisters, let me tell ya.

    I am coming to learn many things about the PL role; for one, it most certainly is an easier job than SL. The trick comes to juggling the two, as I didn't have a lead to take over for Alpha. That's why it was so awesome that Thelonious to stepped up tonight to start a Charlie squad when we finally had the numbers to do so, and for Lux to step up for Delta later. Ladies and gents, VCO will give you opportunities to build yourself as both player and person. I'm learning how to PL as we go, still workin on my squad leading and gunplay too. We do not judge or mock or belittle anyone who wants to step up, if you gotta role you wanna fill and it fits into our battle plan then go ahead and say so! If you're not in an outfit that lets you do that, it might be time to give us a shot. Just sayin.

    Most of the tactics I tried to implement this evening incorporated dividing and conquering. In truth, it is VERY evident I still need a lot of work to get to the level of those I've learned from; the VS and TR both enjoyed pulling a slew of assets to every fight we found. Perfectly fine, tis the game afterall. But it didn't make my personal homework assignment any easier. There was one great fight we found where it did work though, an awesome siege at Seabed Listening Post. The VS were prepared; my first drop (admittedly by accident) was to secure the double-storied building right in front of their point room. The purple-pantalooned laser-lovers were waiting for us, and forced VCO back into the skies as soliders fell to maxes, infantry and I think one of them had a strobe light or something. The rest of the NC stood a good 750 meters away from the base, I knew I had to establish a deeper front to get them to move in and help us. With three squads at the time, I had Bravo redeploy back to Dahaka Southern Post and pull Sundrers and supporting armor to force a new flank, right under their bloody noses. How to get them into a position without the VS blowing them up? Keep the VS attention divided between the point and their spawn room. I had Alpha and Charlie continue to make drops upon the two-story building and force the fight to stay well inside the base. The window we created afforded Bravo enough time to eclipse the base in logistics, and coxed the rest of the NC into moving in. The fight was hard, but we created the space needed to win the day. VCO tags on another base, very well earned by all members. Great show!

    Join us for the next official ops on Tuesday! 8:00 EST.

    Thanks man, hope you like them. And I did make a VS and TR alt recently to gain a better appreciation for how the other side operates. I figured since I'm learning how to PL, it would be a good lesson. I wouldn't mind sitting in during some ops, I've yet to do so for anyone other than the NC. I'll letcha know if I make the time!
  2. FrenchRevolution

    It's late at night and your running OPs with an outfit you've just recently gotten back into after a few months of hiatus. Over the course of your break you've experienced great things in the real world, but you yearn for that feeling of thousands of electric cultists' and self-hating commies' tears lubricating your rifle. You hear your commands "Okay guys, rapid redeploy, we're headed to defend this base from the TR then we'll meet back up here at the amp station." You're running in Charlie squad and your squad leader gets ready for the pep talk "Okay, okay, guys let's roll! Number 5, Number 8, hit the redeploy button and lets get in the galaxy. Okay, the TR are about to take this base if we don't do something about it! We'll drop on A and defend, everyone good?" After a string of affirmatives an eerie calm falls on the majestic Sky-Whale of Freedom. (For any of you TR reading this, that's a Galaxy.) The man next to you has a series of TR BR100 badges pinned on his glorious Godsaw.

    "Why are you kitted out with TR stuff, dude?" You ask.
    "These are the badges of the TR I've killed using my bare hands." He replies in a rugged voice, as if it were simple as that.

    A squeaky voice on your other side pipes up, a light assault. "Yeah, check it out!" He shows you his jetpack, adorned in Vanu Infiltrator's face visors. "No one expects some C4 to the face." The LA and HA laugh as old friends.

    Then they return to their quiet solace. They are ready for whatever fate they meet. You feel at one with these people, but you sense their hesitation. Is there something they need? Maybe, a reminder. Maybe, a warning? Something to perfectly describe to them in the words of freedom what is happening. And, suddenly over Squad coms you hear that glorious rally.

    Who is playing our rallying call? You look down and realize your pressing your Squad Chat hotkey and your playing it from your cellphone. How did this happen? When did I play this? Who are you? Has freedom gone too far? Hey - what - wait - WHO ARE YOU? Get out of my third-person internal monologue! Yeah, you, the one reading this!

    I was just talking to myself about my experiences, jeez. Stop snooping around - what are you, VS?

    Hey, skeedadle! Get out of here, go blow up some VS and TR.

    Huh, still here? Your stubborn, I'll give you that. Say what, you got spunk. We like spunk at VCO. We don't tolerate people who don't have the right spunk. Are you a jerk? No humor? Too-good pants pulled up too tight?

    I thought not. Well, we could use someone like you. We run OPs every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

    Oi, what are ya waiting for? Come on, get in the Galaxy rookie - the Danger Zone's waiting!
  3. shadowcrusnik

    Here is a story, a legend, one could say. It is one i often repeat, as many of my fellow members will assure you, for it is one worth repeating.

    The legend of Dragonsss, the reason i joined up!

    One late summer afternoon, i logged into planetside 2 for the first time in over a year, since mid beta, so long i was practically a noob, i trashed my BR 78 VS account, as i had no idea how to use any of its ****, and sucked at it. And instead made a brand spankin new NC character. I joined up, immediately followed the games suggestions and pressed some button. It joined me into a random squad, from random platoon, full of random people i had never met before.

    And the first thing i hear?

    "I have a special, super secret mission for you, of dire importance. Noone must know."

    "Go to the area surrounding Allatum Biolab, in a lightning, and shoot every palm tree, once. Oh, also, when you do, say 'One sucka down'."

    It took me a little to realize it was not me they were talking to, but a young, maybe 10 year old kid, by the name of DRAGONSSSSS, who was so gullible it wasn't even funny. It was hilarious.

    He did exactly as he was told, and Charles, Mutha'******* Ramsey HIMSELF, the legendary morale raising soldier of death and awesomeness, continued to lead the platoon and troll the **** out of this kid. Kid never even realized he was being trolled.

    This is easily in my top 10 best experiences in my life (a little sad, i know, but hey, im only 17!). And it was the first time i laughed, i mean, really laughed, not one of those oh, haha, fake laughs, a laugh because of genuine happiness, in over a year.

    I immediately joined up with VCO, and have stuck with them, loyal to its original mantra, "Boobs, beer, and freedom", ever since.

    We may be down, we may have lost much, but as hatsunemiki can tell you, we are not out.

    We are recovering, quickly, effectively, and we will rise again. As the dominant, most badass, casual outfit on all of Emerald.

    Do you want to know more? Join the Voodoo Shipping Company's Outfit, delivering freedom, one bullet at a time.
    • Up x 1
  4. Peahats

    We once ran a squad of entirely Stalker Cloak Infiltrators. We would Valk drop onto an enemy base and all hide in the point room with our knives out. When an unsuspecting soldier went to re-cap the point BAM! We would all decloak and slice him up. That was the plan on paper, in reality we flailed our knives around and TKed each other more than we got any kills, but it sure was fun!
  5. Hatsunemiki

    VCO official ops! VCO rocks some socks! VCO.... spends a lot of time playing in the sand. Very, very bloody sand as we crush Indar this evening.

    Keeping with our new theme of new leads, a biiiig shoutout to Peahats for stepping up to lead Bravo this evening! Shortly after forming, Peahats voiced interest in trying out the SL tags. Ladies and gents, official ops is when VCO comes out to play in force. If you're looking for an ideal time to practice SL, official ops is when you're pretty much guaranteed that enough officers will be on to help you out. I was only too happy to second for him and get him comfy with the new role. Orrrr as comfy as you can be trying out the position for the first time. An unfortunate (or maybe fortunate) side effect of recording gameplay is you get to relive allll those mistakes when you edit. Get flustered and forget which direction is which? I've done that. Stack you squad into a Gal and accidentally drive into a mountain? Yup, that too. Drop your entire squad onto the enemy spawn room? Allll caught on film. Luckily I also get to pick which parts I put into the video. :p Once you get the hang of it, though, it adds a whole new dimension to the game and, to me anyway, is far more rewarding of an experience than "go shoot that guy in the face". Definitely recommend trying it out at least twice; once to get rid of the "how do I set a waypoint" questions and a second to actually get somewhat of a feel for it.

    My highlight of the evening was while seconding for Peahats; our assault of Indar Comm Array took a couple tries, getting forced out by our nemesis in purple as well as the Vanu (damn you, Barry the Dinosaur!). But it served to only prepare us for our second attempt. Bravo and Alpha pulled logistic and accompanied them with a collection of vanguards. VCO forced its way up the hill, both shooting and running over anyone silly enough to stand in the way. Alpha pushed in first with Bravo in tow, many members of both squads manning their tanks against a small armour squad from West Highlands Checkpoint. Once dealt with, Bravo manned the base floor of the two-story building and dared the VS come try and touch our point. Some did and got shot. Better learn your lesson, VS!.... Or... I guess you shouldn't, or we kinda wouldn't have a game anymore. VCO tags on another base, becoming a more common sight these day. Huzza!

    Shortly after our cap at Indar Comm, the call came for a Charlie lead and I stepped up after confirming that Peahats was comfy on his own for a while. Charlie squad had only one other VCO member for majority of the evening. I must get used to this if we're to reach our recruitment goals. I believe I let myself get too drained leading a squad of mostly silent members; I had some members of other outfits join us, most notably a couple of cool guys from TAS who were some of the few other folks with mics in the squad. One of them had trouble understanding me several times during the evening. I must remember to try and still play it cool even when my squad is mostly people who are still learning how we play. After a bit of reassessment of my own verbiage, I was able to convince about half my squad to form up when requested. Huzza!

    Yup, still learning. Always will be. Never stop growing, both as person and players, mates. VCO can, at the very least, take care of the latter part. :p

    Our next official ops is Thursday at 8:00 EST. See you there!
  6. Hatsunemiki

    VCO official shenanigans! As well as official business! More on that last one later, the fights tonight were red hot with gunplay from both sides. Keeping in theme with players trying out new positions, my good friend OJ006 asked to Platoon Lead tonight to try out some new moves he had thought of. Does VCO shy away from trying new things? Hell no! OJ had come up with a move he called 'the switch', deploying two squads to draw out the enemy by deploying them close enough to a base to be considered a threat but far away enough to force our enemies out of the base itself. The goal was to use this to take Abandoned NS Offices on Indar and it did work to draw out the enemy. Unfortunately the NC armour zerg had died out that we thought would rush up to claim the base after the TR were dealing with us. A good try! Lots of fun too, a good gun fight was had by all.

    VCO did work its magic at Dahaka Uplink, though. I ran as Bravo lead this evening and rallied my friends against the evil purple tides of the VS. They were knocking at our door; three sunderers shoved themselves against our tank shields, waiting for their allies to break our gens. VCO made its first priority to rid the battlefield of those battle buses, but more replaced them. It became clear that defending the shield gen building was a greater calling. Bravo led the charge straight from the spawn room, Alpha making their way across the western bridge to ensure our enemies weren't able to flank us. The battle was tough, the VS put up a hell of a fight, but we pushed them off the mountainside and cleared a way to pop their last few sunderers after securing both point and shield gen. The NC keeps its base and VCO relaxes to the jam of LMG fire. All good in the world.

    After ops? Do we do things after ops? Of course we do! I led a small basic training squad after the action to give some of our new members, as well as some new players to the game, a basic rundown of how VCO approaches a fight and basics within Planetside itself. I plan on doing this at least once a week to help get our team back up to snuff. If you ever wanna try us out, or ever wondered what the crap a SCU is, check us out.

    Also catch us at 8:00 EST on Sunday for the next official ops!
  7. Hatsunemiki

    VCO casual squad! I led a full squad of super cool guys and gals, some with tags and some without, just as an open squad tonight on Indar. Had some fun, the highlight being our attempt at taking Crimson Bluff Tower. We were ultimately unsuccessful, we were just a squad afterall, but had some fun. Our priority was the C-point building, which had recently lost its convenient sunderer logistics. So what does VCO do? We take our own logistics! A gal drop into Rust Mesa Outlook and a terminal hack later, VCO rolled up in style with new logistics and supporting tanks. We gave the TR a run for their money... until they outpopped us and kicked us out because yay Crimson Tower. :p

    We also tried some strats as suggested by our squad mates, a nice fella from RIP played with us and suggested a fun armour demo camp, spawning on a sunderer placed on a hill overlooking at least five VS sundrers trying to set up shop by Quartz Ridge Camp. Did it matter that he was rockin another outfit's tags? Hell no, he was rolling with us and cool enough to make suggestions and contribute to the fight at hand. We love anyone willing to step up.

    ... Although, gotta say he'd probably be a lot more sexy with VCO tags. Just sayin. :p

    Join us for official ops tomorrow, Sunday, at 8:00 EST!
  8. Peahats

    Everything is sexier with VCO tags.
    • Up x 1
  9. Hatsunemiki

    VCO Official ops! VCO official compy crashes! Holly Bujeebus, friends. Hossin did not enjoy having so much freedom on it. I ran as Platoon Lead for three squads of pure, unfiltered awesome on the latest continent to our lovely game and several members, including myself, found their games dying on them. I even had to restart my computer at one point.

    When we weren't combating the servers themselves, we had some fun along the Ixtab and Chac lines. I must admit, I let my greed get the best of me. I just want to see those VCO tags on one of the big three once more and know that I was PL when we crashed in while riding flaming and slight intoxicated shotgun tigers!... That last part has been submitted to the devs. I don't know if it will be approved or not.

    We did assist in the taking of Chac; landing on a balcony drop, I had Bravo and Charlie push up to the double doors while Alpha watched the rear flank. The VS resistance was pushed back to the SCU building, a quick collapse meant the base was now home for the NC.

    I must remember to lead with the soldiers I have rather than the results I want. That's the lesson I take away from this. It wasn't the best night, but we did have some fun in-between game crashes. :p

    Join us for the next official ops at 8:00 EST on Tuesday!
  10. Peahats

    Have you ever been on the receiving end of a surprise Galaxy drop? I hadn't, until today. We had fallen back and were defending a base from the TR, the battle seemed to be dying down. That is until three squads of VS showed me just how formidable the Gal drop really was and took the base from right under both the TR and our noses. Even though we out-popped them we were not able to push them out of the point room.

    From the other side of things, it's really interesting to see how VCO's main tactic works so well.
    • Up x 1
  11. Hatsunemiki

    VCO Official Ops redemption! Sorta! :p Had a lot more fun tonight, primarily due to lack of compy crashes. Okay, I had to restart ONCE but that was because I forgot that I cannot record and alt-tab at the same time. :p

    Ran as Platoon lead for three squads of amazingly coordinated bullets who sprouted legs, arms and freedom on Indar for tonight. And... gotta say getting a little sick of Indar. It honestly was the best choice as far as continent pops are concerned. Maybe I'll purposely hold ops on another continent next time, just for kicks. Tonight, I learned the value of taking a moment to just wreck face. No, seriously. I had to teach myself this. VCO had engaged the TR at the Palisade, but the NC got kicked out. I issued orders to pull back and Gal up, prepping to head towards NS Material Storage and make a defense against another TR push. I thought I had all leads check in, apparently I was mistaken. The drop failed, Alpha and Charlie were wandering in too far apart and Bravo was still at the Palisade. After a few other fights it became obvious I had to reset the team, things were looking a bit off kilter. So I plopped everyone in Ceres Hydroponic and had them slow push up towards TI Alloys, marching up the hill into TR bullets and dishing their own back. You know what? We got into the point room. It wasn't an actual victory, but a little accomplishment that (I hope) got everyone back into a good mood because we did it as one platoon, as VCO. Reset complete, we carried on to wreck face and have some laughs. Even made a huge armour column just for giggles and ran it straight into the vehicle bay at Crimson Bluff Tower. Twas fun. :p

    We did make one great base capture. West Highlands Checkpoint was held under VS control and had proved a thorn in the NC's side. I was under the impression that the armour was too thick to drop into the point room actual, one of my leads suggested my squads to fly as low as possible over Seabed Listening Post and come in over the mountains to avoid the flak and tank fire. Turns out all the armour that was there had moved on to Indar Comm Array, so my leads took advantage of the situation and set up on the point itself. I know it would only be a quick redeploy for the VS to pose a threat to our operation, so I ordered Charlie to flip and guard the shield gen while the rest of VCO remained on point. It was to draw the VS to the small gen building in which the NC could provide cross fire. If nothing else, we would be able to roll in with tanks and logistics to counter attack. The plan worked, the VS were torn between our highground on the point and the crossfire of rescuing the shields. Charlie did get thrown out by the end of the battle, but by then it was too late and the base was ours. Shiny new VCO tags too, love it.

    Oh, by the way, guess what's happening tomorrow. Imma gonna get our Air Div back.

    Join us for our next official ops Thursday at 8:00 EST!
    • Up x 1
  12. Hatsunemiki

    VCO! Your request has been fulfilled! You wanted it. You wanted to see the skies filled with V's for Victory. You wanted to know that your boys and gals on the ground do not fear the heavens above. You wanted it. It has returned.

    VCO Air Div! It's back! Muhahahahaha!

    Orrrrr we're gettin there. I held the first VCO post-merger Air Div practice and my first attempt at multi-team Air Boss. Results? Negligible. It's literally day one, man! We're most certainly gonna need a long time to get on the same level as the competition. But we worked on our core flying skills and mapped out our initial strategy. We took it in-game and managed to get a few kills on some Mozzies over Hossin. A promising night indeed and a huge thank-you goes out to Daelong from BAX who dropped by to help us get started.

    The Air Div practice night is every Wednesday at 8:00 EST. Come on out! All are welcome regardless of skill because we're all here to learn, myself included. But unlike our main platoon, which is open to all who wanna try us out, VCO Air Div is only open to members rocking the sexiest voodoo in the land. Join today and help pave the way to free skies!
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  13. Hatsunemiki

    Ohhhhh my, I've been stepping up mah game as of late. Platoon lead, squad lead, casual lead, air boss, A-Tross.... I can be a gun if I want to! Disney said so!

    As I delve further into these roles, I'm gaining a greater appreciation of those who fight for VCO. It's becoming more clear what I can expect my squad to do or what the lead's gonna say. For example, OJ006 stepped up to PL on Thursday night official ops and I took over as Bravo lead. Bravo ran beautifully, most noteably when switching seamlessly between ditching a shot down Gal to pulling armour and riding up in style to the next base. Did it matter that we just lost our main logistics? Hell naw, we just adapted to the situation and made the best of it. The sunderer we pulled even ended up helping to cap our first base of the evening. Huzza! OJ has a habit of becoming quite the storyteller when he's in a good mood. Did it bring us down? Naw, just asked him to clear comms a bit so I could relay orders.

    Again, last night, just letting my mates be themselves. Running a casual squad, the team just wanted to take a moment to soak in the kills along the TR lattice on Indar. I could have fought them and tried to keep our mandated level of giving a crap, but instead just my mates chill. We didn't try anything too fancy until we were about to sign off. Then to hell with all the passive murder, lets drop a squad of Maxes onto West Highlands Checkpoint!... It didn't work, but it was fun. :p

    Speaking of learning, here's some more of it. It's the latest VCO Moment!

    Catch ya for official ops tomorrow, 8:00 EST!
  14. penandpencilman

    Outfit kills: 1,020,873
    Outfit deaths: 1,110,608

  15. Hatsunemiki

    VCO! Ya'll know who first strikes the match when the flames of battle start burning! SOE! But if it were an outfit, it would be us. :p

    Been slacking off a bit in my story telling, enjoying my freedom too much. Two official ops in this recap!

    Sunday found VCO on Amerish to start off the night. Sick of Indar and an alert ending on Esamir, VCO began setting up defensive plays against a TR front that had a 10% continent pop advantage under the assumption that the pops would even out after the alert had ended. I was wrong. VCO staged four attempts at defending tech plants and small bases but the TR proved too numerous to deal with. So instead of smashing our heads against a brick wall, we moved our two-squad team to a new continent and finished our ops on Esamir. As PL I gotta remember to not get tunnel vision. Yes, we abandoned our post, a tip of the hat to the TR who kicked us out. But hell, Easmir was much more fun! And that's all we're here for at the end of the day.

    Esamir also played host to our ops tonight. Once more, in the driver seat. But this time I had enough leads to go around and VCO took charge of four squads to break our enemies. Even had another brand new SL take the reins. VCO, man. We be just building up those leads, turning boys into soldiers... in our little virtual world. :p We started out creating diversions for the major fight; Eisa tech plant was under siege and although we attempted to help out in the fight itself, it was clear that our team wasn't getting back in. It was clearly the biggest prize on the map, so we knew it would come under attack again sooner or later. The best thing VCO could do was draw fire away from the front. We did so by assailing Nott AMP Station. What started as a diversion came almost to a full base cap, as VCO single handedly (or... single... outfitly? ) took down both shield gens and made TD on point. I went on leader chat and called for reinforcements. We battled for a good four minutes before the TR outpoped us 2-to-1. Mission accomplished, the Eisa front was completely secured with all connecting latices under NC control. Better yet, I learned some new tricks to taking amp stations that I plan to put into action.

    By far, the highlight of this evening was Saerro Listening Post, the last base of the night. As Echo Valley Substation was getting back capped, we dropped there to resecure the base and pull the assets we needed. Sunderers. All of them. And lightnings. A full platoon of metallic freedom barreled its way into Saerro, running down all in its path. Those few tanks the TR had stood no chance and I'm certain were very surprised. It was a good show to end the night; Alpha, Bravo and Delta rotating around the A-Point and keeping the TR busy while Charlie watched our backs and took care of those who would dare jump from the tower and our guns. VCO earned its base and called it a night well spent.

    Catch us next time on Thursday at 8:00 EST!

    Wow, I hadn't bothered to look that up. I would have thought it was much worse given that we do not discriminate based on BR or personal K/D. Cool stuff, thanks man! :D
  16. Hatsunemiki

    VCO Smashes it! Crashes it! Repairs it too if its blue-book value justifies it!... I dunno what a blue-book is, I don't actually drive.

    VCO ran a full platoon strong last night on Indar. We decided to not rock the alert simply because we kinda already had things started and I wasn't about to move what was, at the time, two squads over. I ran as Platoon lead and tried to implement some of our old organizing tactics with the ol' "get all leads in TS right at the start and decided who leads what before you get the ball rolling". Turns out it did help, good thing it's standard SOP for pretty much every outfit ever. :p

    Most of the night was spent trying to find a good fight. VCO's still working on building our soldiers back up to the glory of old and I have to remind myself of that, many of our fresh recruits are still getting used to us and not to mention a lot of new leads are stepping up. We attempted to crash Dahaka Amp Station and made good headway, breaking down the gens with little help from blueberries. It wasn't enough to take the base, but we still had some fun. I wanted to place our fight at T.I. Alloys simply because a) it's a simple base which is good for our current level of coordination and b) GOKU seemed to spend most of its night there and they're some good guys to fight against. But we just couldn't crack it, even tried a Max Drop just for giggles (I would have enjoyed it more if two Liberators didn't decide to have air sex with Alpha Gal. Not a big fan of those guys or their outfits right now, just sayin).

    But we did have a taste of glory last night. By far, the defense at West Highlands which then turning into the siege of Indar Comm Array and Dahaka South were some good fights worth playing. At the time, we were two squads thick. I had all of my 24 soldiers drop to re secure point. The point itself was lightly guarded, most of the VS infantry concerned with camping the spawn room and flipping the tank shields to allow an even greater armour presence of purple toys. The two squads dropping in was enough to create a big enough window to convince our allies to run from the spawn room. Pushing our enemies out of the double-story building, Alpha maintained the point defense while Bravo made drops to take care of the immediate threat of VS sunderers. It wasn't long before the VS sounded the retreat to try and save their toys. With a brief break the the action, I took a moment to open Charlie squad and pressed the attack. Our first priority was asset denial; we had to carve a road of blood and scrap metal before we could safely move up our sundrers, tanks and enemy liberators dotted the mountain face. After a brief tutorial on why Annihilators are awesome, the VS armour zerg was thin enough to push up with realative ease. VCO pushed hard for the two-story building close to point and made it a foothold for our cap at the base. Well played VCO!

    ... Also, totally took a Tech Plant with VCO tags. Yay! :D

    VCO? We know we're awesome. We take hits and still keep fighting, cap bases and smash faces. Oh yeah, we make cool videos too. Take a look at this little number I put together with some shenanigans we got into while filming the next training video.

    Check us out Tuesday, 8:00 EST for official ops!
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  17. vikingbirch

    Hey I am new to the Game and looking to get into a outfit where i can learn and have fun in a team setting
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  18. Hatsunemiki

    Heya man! We would love to have you join us. Add HatsuneMiki ingame or just join a VCO squad when one's listed on our ops nights. The next one is Thursday at 8:00pm EST.

    And for those hoping for a story, don't worry. I've been a little busy lately, been trying to get After-Ops Basic Training started up again, and that's usually during the time I used to write my stories. I promise one tomorrow. :p
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  19. Hatsunemiki

    As promised... tada!!! VCO! We've been tearing it up all the dang place this past week. It's been filled with ups and downs, I've learned some lessons of being a PL and relearned some old ones. But tonight's story is of a foreshadow on the horizon of our enemies. Tales, they say, just tales. But it's true, and TR and VS all have reason to fear. VCO Air Div!!!!... Practice. :p

    We're four weeks in and we're actually starting to look good. Or shaping up to anyway; the team roles are becoming better defined and I'm most certainly leading targets better with my Reever's Mustang. I had our boys and gals fighting on Indar tonight, started looked to the VS front but not a single scythe on the horizon (okay, there was ONE guy, but still rather a-typical) so we moved to the TR side and OHHHH my, lots of fun things to shoot at and duel with. Mossies and TR Libs dotted the sky between Regent Rock Garrison and Scarred Mesa Skydock. VCO held it's line at Regent Rock, focusing on baiting Mossies and collapsing on targets. After baits were successful (masterfully so, if I may be so bold), Mossies went down. I snagged a handful of the kills myself, trophies to my ability to not only live longer but to improving my aim as well.

    But Air Div isn't the only thing we working on though, oh no sir. We have another division being prepared. One that's completely new to VCO, both old guard and our new team. Enemies, best prepare thy anuses. Muahahaha!

    Buttt more on that when we're ready to implement it. :p

    VCO Moments keep on truckin, here's the latest! VCO vs The Wall!

    Check us out Thursday at 8:00 EST for the next official ops!
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  20. Hatsunemiki

    VCO! Shaken up the world! Or... a continent on a moon/planet thing. Ops tonight ran four squads strong on Esamir, situating me as dedicated PL. VCO's been growing lately, new members and leaders stepping up each and every ops night. Tonight we grew even more with the unveiling of our first non-standardized infantry division since the leadership swap! Drumroll, please...


    VCO MAX DIV! That's right folks! VCO's rapid redeployment hasn't been quite as rapid as it once was, our recovering talent pool hasn't quite reached our former glory. With VCO a little slower than the norm, doesn't seem to be any harm in developing our Max game as we, previously, had no use for the robot buddies. They were costly and needed to be ditched when the new orders to redeploy came through. So VCO rarely pulled them aside from Max crashes, even then rather lack luster compared to our allies and enemies. But the new guard, we want to make change that! Max Div is VCO's own personal Max Crash that runs the entire ops night, functioning as the extra mussel we need to balance out our, currently, public platoon nature. Dedicated members are uping their game and we run practice every Saturday at 5:00 EST if anyone's interested in joining an outfit that loves finding new things to bring to the battlefield.

    And how did the first ops with Max Div fair? Rather well, much better than I thought it would if we're being perfectly honest. :p The highlight had to be the siege at Jager's Fist; the enemy had drawn the line, a mountainside escarpment gave the Vanu a perfect line of sight onto the NC armour attempting to encroach from the southern roads. After dropping deep to see what we could do to control any VS toys heading from the base, it became clear that we had to tackle the threat head-on. Regrouping all four gals at warpgate, we headed into the breech. It was a perfectly executed drop, once of the first in a long while. The initial shock was enough to drive the VS off their front lines and continual drops eradicated their logistics. The NC forces at Jager's Crossing were able to push up. Alpha, Bravo and Delta moved into the base while I had Charlie pull up new logistics as I have learned, very well, to avoid leaving logistics to anyone but your own guys whenever possible. Max Div situated itself right on the point, daring any purple pants to try and take it back. Alpha and Bravo locked the VS into the northern side of the base, joined by Charlie and the fight came to a close. The NC took the base and VCO earned its owner tags, great job everyone!

    Another first, more of a personal one. I used Leader voice chat for the first time this evening. VCO attempted a raid on Eisa Tech Plant to turn a TR vs VS fight into a sexy three-way. To voiced our approach to rally the allies in the region.... annnnnd then Alpha died on impact due to ingame silliness and Charlie forgot how we usually approach the base. Not the best first impression, but a fun one none-the-less. :p A special thanks to whomever responded and hopefully we'll do better next time. :p

    A full ground platoon, Max Division, Air Div in the works and all the freedom you can handle. A good time to be VCO.

    Join us for the next official ops on Sunday at 8:00 EST.
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