Voodoo Company - Boobs, Beer and Freedom Fries!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by cfschris, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Aeflic

    Come check out the new face of VCO. Come play with us at 8 pm est.
  2. Hatsunemiki

    VCO Official Ops! You know what's up! High intensity smashing of Indar, that's what! Hatsunemiki is sick today, the family wanted to spend a day in Muskoka... in the rain... to see turtles. They were cute. Cute little bastards who make your family ignore environmental danger to see them... Sore throats suck.

    So I didn't lead tonight. Technically I did volunteer, but Aeflic mistook my voice for the Air Div lead and I didn't bother to correct him. No worries though, because I meant I got to roll in Air Div tonight (not as lead... that actual Air Boss, Ryker, ran the show). Fun fact; when I first joined VCO, I planned to become a member of the old Air Div. My first day as an SL, I stepped up despite wanting to show off my new ride (I had unlocked Comp Armour 2 :p ). The rest is history.

    Tonight though, I learned that I am by far less experienced at flying than leading squads. I kinda already knew that, but it was just reaffirming the lesson. The night found us clearing the air surrounding The Crown and Zurvan. It took me a while to get the hang of judging a safe engagement area, but after I did I was cruising alongside my brethren. We spent most of the night fighting back against the TR, the pilots from OAK and AOE came out to play. It made the night intersting, I ended up scoring a kill and a few assists against each team. For my first time running in the air for an entire Ops night, I'll count that a success and hopefully even more improvement to come.

    Stuck in an outfit doing only one thing all the time? Wanna try something new? Give VCO a try. You may like what you experience. The next official ops will be Wednesday at 8:00pm EST.
  3. bladedcross

  4. Hatsunemiki

    VCO casual ops and more of Hatsunemiki's flying experiences. Tonight our Air Div ran casual ops to allow any member to come out and test their wings. It's all too common for players to get on the ground during non-ops and the one things that's guaranteed to get you better is experience. It is HUGE in the air game, just ask any pilot. There's a very good reason the best pilots also happen to be BR100s folks, it takes dedication.

    Also helps to be with a crew that loves to make jokes mid-flight. And thus was born unto the world:

    The Ladybugs! VCO's Masters of the Pogo-Stick Jordan Dunk!

    Please, please. Pick up your jaws from the floor. Drooling is not appreciated although the sentiment is.

    In all truth we did end up air-zerging more so than intended. Changes will be implemented going forward to avoid this as it is intended to give members time to develop skill rather than rely on shear numbers to overwhelm. And overwhelm we did; a squad of 10 starting on Amerish, we gave a squad of Vanu air all too many dunks for their donuts. I made a personal best by going 20 minutes without going down and participating in seven kills, one of which I claimed last hit. Moving to Indar after the Amerish air proved sufficiently dead (me and a squad mate Kannon-something-or-other *I forget how to spell his name* ended up crashing ourselves into the TR warpgate by the end. Turns out you don't actually crash into it, you sorta just slide down it until you hit the ground.), we moved from TR to Vanu warpgates, eventually making a home over the J908 Impact Site and swarming anything that made it past the Firing Range. Battle Gals, Libs and Scythes all hit the deck. I discovered a preference for my default Mustang over the Vortex I picked up and I discovered that Awareness is awesome but drains energy like none other.

    Things became more difficult as we moved back to the TR warpgate. Not because of the enemy, although there were plenty of them. The NC decided it was gonna flood the air behind us! It was almost impossible to move without hitting someone. I managed to get away with only hitting one person in that swarm.... unfortunately it was our Air Boss, Ryker. Not a good first impression, but hilarious none-the-less. We dispersed as the blueberries left for other battles and we didn't particularly feel like cleaning up their mess with only 10 minutes left in Ops time.

    VCO? It welcomes air. It welcomes leaders. It welcomes anyone who can step up and follow orders even when **** hits the fan. If you do/want to play at our level, even if you're like me and still learning, try us out sometime. It's worth a shot.
  5. Aeflic

    I have to give a shout out to ryker for putting in gods work with getting VCO air div off the ground and pulling in some ace pilots.

    It's a new day for VCO. 4 squads ground 1 squad air.
  6. Aeflic

    Still looking? Been solo playing? Check us out.
  7. Aeflic

    Anyone want to coordinate for wed around 8 pm est?
  8. Aeflic

    COME ON GRAPE 30k for 99! Double XP event this weekend for 100?! We gotta help him we gotta!
  9. Aeflic

    Ops 8 pm est, lets get it, wed.
  10. bladedcross

    VCO y'already know what it is.

    Getcha popcorn ready for Wednesday Night Ops. 8PM EST.
  11. Aeflic

    VCO had a great ops night. Thing a are really coming together. A small hiccup with air div but I do see it paying out dividends later.
  12. Aeflic

    Are you a competent player? Can you follow orders? Can you kill ***** as a team player? If yes then apply. Voodooshipping.net
  13. Solidpew

    Apply today for your vintage recording of Aeflic saying, 'get dunked on ******!'

    Ahem, I mean. We've seriously improved over the past few months, and it's great to see the level of coordination and effort put forth by our members. Join up for a good time!
  14. bladedcross

    Are you ready for VCO's weekly Friday Night Ops tonight?

    Featuring 2 hours of NC's best led, most efficient platoon and air squad on Emerald.

    7:45 EST Teamspeak3 Brief, 8:00 EST Operations Commence. Get in touch if you want to see how VCO rolls.

  15. Aeflic

    Ops at 8 pm est lets get it. If you're interested in running with us /tell Aeflic.
  16. OJ006

    Good job for ops from everyone from Aug.22,2013. As well as Air Div good job in owning the air.
  17. Hatsunemiki

    Gawd dammmmm, VCO wrecks face once more during Friday Night official Ops. Hatsunemiki? He makes money!... Real money, at his job in real life... the job that keeps me from playing Video Games with my friends... At least I gotta play the last 15 minutes of Ops. :p

    That 15 minutes of murder-frenzy found VCO at Cairn Station, battling both VS and TR among the three-point facility. I joined Charlie squad, assigned to protection of B-point along with Delta. With two points under NC liberation, the first part of the battle (or the part when I joined, anyway) was spent dodging sniper bullets as we protected the roof from VS light assaults. A TR breach at C-Point drew Delta and, after ensuring there were enough Blueberries to body-block any VS intrusion to B-Point, Charlie squad joined the party. The TR were packed in, but quickly lost spawn logistics as the NC hit the C-Point building from both East and West. It was just a matter of time and explosives before the point was ours once more and the base soon after. Well done VCO.

    Next official ops is Sunday at 8PM EST. Check us out if you think you can keep up!
  18. Brains101

    Loved that final assault on Cairn Station. BWC and VCO duked it out over C while the VS grabbed popcorn and enjoyed the fireworks. That was a lot of fun, all around!

    We run casual squads daily where you can join us on Teamspeak and talk it up with the members, but we run ops every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM EST. As an experiment to compensate for upcoming busier schedules for our members, we're thinking we'll try to have ops at 8:30PM tomorrow (Sunday), but it is ultimately still being discussed.

    Interested in running with a squad that gets right into the fight? Check us out today at http://voodooshipping.net/ !
  19. Aeflic

    Come join us for ops at 830 pm est tonight.

    Dont know us very well? Have a misconception? Check us out for ops and see for yourself.
  20. Hatsunemiki

    VCO founds the biggest fights today. I mean, BIG fights. I wasn't with the team for the full Ops, evening shift at work and whatnot, but I don't think we fought in any less than a platoon in a half on each side.

    I joined fifth squad, Second Alpha. First tasked to third bridge defense at Eisa Mountain Pass on Esamir. Pushing bridges to keep the enemy at bay, the TR had no chance. The attempted to flank us over our spawn, but little did they know that people come out of there after they die! A quick hop over the pipes and their Sunderer was destroyed.

    VCO effectively won the fight, but left before the push was quelled. The VS were pushing Mani Lake and earned a thorough ***-kicking. AT pushes were order of the day, the Vanu brought out their toys. Fortunately we brought our rockets.... they explode the toys. Sundy kills left and right, the VS were unable to sustain the push and the fight was soon taken back to Aurora Material Labs. Ops ended, VCO satisfied that it defended what was theirs and the NC stronger for the effort.

    Join us next time! Wednesday, 8pm EST. I'm finally not scheduled for work and also no longer have my sore throat so I'm looking forward to doing some Squad Leading! Also will probably join our Air Div for casual ops tomorrow night. Until then, friends.
