Voodoo Company - Boobs, Beer and Freedom Fries!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by cfschris, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. LucasVCO

    Running with Death Company with the Good Doctor last night was a blast, something very satisfying about watching 5 lock-on rockets all arcing out simultaneously to hit a distant sunderer in one blast. Squad cohesion is a beautiful thing.
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  2. Aeflic

    Ops tonight? Ops every damn night!

    It's a take over. Domination in all areas. Having fun fights against the TR and VS. Primary infantry outfit.
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  3. bladedcross

    Caught the tail end of Death Company Ops late after the alert last night, and had a blast jumping around the map in Indar. Dropped one squad on Vanu Archives, watched it split up into fire-teams to cover all three points, all while I was providing close air support with our Galaxy Bulldogs.

    Went 17-0 on those things within the first 20 minutes of logging in. Big shout out to Brains who was leading, Lady Lucia for the awesome Galaxy piloting, Ober for the Harasser flank we pulled on enemy Sundies at Heyoka Chem, new Officer Aramorel for taking over the squad after I left, and all the other members that stayed tight and offered some great teamwork throughout the night!

    Sound fun? Join up with VCO today and get involved with our specialized divisions, including special forces Death Company, today! What are you waiting for, do you wanna live forever?
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  4. Aeflic

    Choppin heads off the TR and VS since beta what have you been doin?
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  5. cfschris

    Added four new solid leads to our officer corps last night! Give VCO members Creete, Jakhara, 4thwrldMrshl, and Aramorel a hearty congratulations next time you see them out on the field!
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  6. Obersturmfuhrer

    Want to get in the thickest and most vital fights on Mattherson? JOIN VCO.
  7. Aeflic

    This game is large scale not small. VCO provides large scale as well as structure and organization
  8. MasterFancyPants

    Glorious farm at the BioLab today. <3 TR
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  9. Aeflic

    Tough alert but we still wrecked ****
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  10. LucasVCO

    Great cert gain at the lab today and we still managed to lock down 2nd place despite huge pop imbalance.
  11. Stormpaw

    Hi, I'm Stormpaw, I'm a member of VCO, I joined a random platoon and got kidnapped by TheCrimsonTickler and Aeflic and I've never looked back since. Maybe it's love... maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, but whatever it is I've never had a better time in this game than with this bunch of magical nutters. Wouldn't trade it for the world, epic fights, fantastic friends and a wonderful atmosphere.

    A lot of outfits say anyone welcome, but this is the first one to genuinely make me feel welcomed and at home. I can't do them justice with words, I'd always advise joining them.
  12. Hatsunemiki

    Tech planet Alert didn't go our way tonight, but it didn't stop us from giving them hell! The highlight for me was a 5-man killing spree upon a Gal drop. Poor TR fools didn't know what hit them. Score one for ridiculous shotguns! XD
  13. XDenis

    That Esmir Alert today was insane. I love being in the hot seat, and knowing that my guys are having fun kicking but, o7
  14. Aeflic

    Just another day in the life. Make sure you hooligans and bearded folk get outside and enjoy this weather! Otherwise come shoot elmo and barney boys down with VCO.
  15. OJ006

    On Tuesday April 22nd at 4:02pm Eastern on the server, VCO and the other outfits started on the Amerish Alert. N.C. had less then 20% territory and while the TR had the majority of the content. At the end of the Alert NC won with a total of 45%, VS 19% and TR with 35 %. Good job VCO we had a full platoon and headed the Vanguard of victory for the NC.
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  16. Aeflic

    Did someone say VCO? Love the coordination that command has been bringing to the table. Love it! Join the team, join the fight!
  17. bladedcross

    Sick of ghost capping and spawn capping?

    Join VCO today! Always in the fight!
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  18. Aeflic

    Indar Tech Plant Alert tie, keeping the boys entertained while defending and attacking for the alert.
  19. Jakhara

    Amerish alert this pm. Came from a 15% deficit against the TR and VS to narrowly lose out by 1% to the VS. At least we firmly put the TR in their place. Great result for an afternoon Op and sets the NC in good stead for tonight's main Op with VCO. Get involved and join in the fun!
  20. Aeflic

    Hats off to the TR and VS what a battle on Indar! Was a lot of fun!