Voodoo Company - Boobs, Beer and Freedom Fries!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by cfschris, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. cfschris

    Voodoo Company
    Emerald, US East



    Voodoo Company is the Emerald NC’s premier airborne-infantry led unit, specializing in rapid response, platoon level coordination and tactics. Voodoo Company goes where the fights are, and we win the day with the expertise of veteran leadership and the discipline of well-trained squad members. Currently ranked #1 amongst all Emerald Outfits of 200+ members, [VCO] hosts Official Ops three nights a week, and runs casual “squad-play” sessions throughout the day, ensuring there is fun to be had in the Outfit at almost all times.

    For Beer, Boobs, and Freedom,
    Voodoo Company vows to fight for the glory of the New Conglomerate,
    VCO will fight for you!

    Official Ops: Sunday, Tuesday, Friday @ 2000 to 2200 Eastern.

    What is Voodoo Company?

    Voodoo Company [VCO] is the Planetside 2 division of Voodoo Shipping Co., a multi-genre gaming community founded in 2010. Formerly of Mattherson, [VCO] has made a name for itself on our new server Emerald as one of the New Conglomerate’s most important outfits, capable of organizing and coordinating some of the server’s best infantry and air players at a platoon+ level. We are an Outfit committed toward the team-oriented players; the players that can be trusted to stick with their squad leaders, those who can react accordingly to situations as they arise, and who can work together with their squad to ensure that the objective is accomplished.

    On Official Ops Nights, our Outfit generally runs 3-4 squads of fast paced, specialized infantry supported by Sunderers and Galaxies, strategically deployed across a given map to rapidly capture and hold as many objectives as possible. In addition to the guys on the ground, [VCO] also offers official Air Ops and training 1 night a week, hosted by some of the Emerald NC’s most dedicated pilots. These 2-hour sessions feature a squad of our Outfit’s best players in the air, and are reserved for those who have true passion for the air-game.

    [VCO] Offers:
    • A strong, tight-knit community of fellow gamers and friends, through which are formed the bonds of brotherhood and loyalty that help us succeed out on the battlefield.
    • Experienced and veteran leadership who will do more than put down a waypoint and say “Go here.” Expect to coordinate, flank, and work as a team to accomplish objectives in a [VCO] led squad.
    • Dedicated Air and Infantry squads that offer the full combined-arms gameplay that Planetside 2 has to offer.
    • Official Ops 3 nights a week (Sun, Tues, Thurs), giving you plenty of time to roll with Emerald NC’s best led, most effective Outfit. Casual Squads every day in the East Coast evening hours.
    • A Teamspeak 3 server for Ops Night Briefs, community meetings, and casual squads. In-game Comms used for Official Ops.

    [VCO] is currently recruiting team-oriented players who can prove themselves passionate towards our community and to the Outfit we are trying to build. If you want to lone-wolf, preserve your K/D, or prove how "mlgpro" you are, then Voodoo Company is probably not the Outfit for you. [VCO] prides itself on our ability to work together, pushing for objectives rather than kills, and operating as a single, versatile 12-man unit or greater in order to win the battle.

    If this sounds like the style of play you want to experience in Planetside 2, or the sort of community you want to become a part of while playing, then visit our website, join our TS, or contact one of our members in-game. Roll with [VCO] just one time and we’ll change the way you play Planetside forever.

    Join the War
    Enlist in Voodoo Company today
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  2. Aeflic


    Aeflic here, current VCO Co-Outfit Lead.

    Just want to vouch for VCO and what we have turned it into. Many thanks to Dzire from CML for helping us get on our feet. Yes we do have many new and green members, but we are recruiting many because we are interested in A training them B keeping a strong community on Matterson C giving the TR and VS decent fights. We do not have many high battle ranks, but we are starting to shape up and actually get things done. We do use tactics and strategy and work with many outfit leads on a daily basis. Once we have a core membership we will be shaping up and cutting our fat. We do encourage competitive gameplay and bring a good fight to our opponents.

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  3. cmdSentinel


    cmdSentinel is my name, I'm currently one of the officers in VCO.

    I used to play this game alone, from Beta up till July or August of this year, when I stumbled on Aeflic leading a VCO platoon. I ran with them for a while and got an invitation to join from him. I wasn't going to but I hit yes anyway and I'm so glad I did. The outfit is full of awesome dudes that just want to sit back and play some games with other cool dudes, and they never complain when you can't, they get that real life is more important.

    I've watched us grow in just the short period of time I've been with VCO from some ragtag group of 250 or so to be a full member of the NC Coalition with 700.

    We have fun, cause at the end of the day, games are supposed to be fun, and we keep it that way.
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  4. krayons

    Aeflic great working with you on Friday's OP. Look forward to working with you guys in the future!
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  5. SweetRvng

    What's up, forum readers?

    SweetRvng here from VCO, just stopping by to tell you my story with the Planetside and our outfit if you aren't satisfied with your current one and/or the posts above.

    I never heard of Planetside until about a year ago. I went to a club at my campus where a bunch of really cool guys and girls come together to play games of all shapes and sizes. One of the guys that goes would bring in his own custom rig each week, pretty much a custom PC savant. Well, one week I was bored playing Halo in the other room, and came over to see him going crazy in this open field. All three factions were fighting there, and with the graphics set on ultra, I was mesmerized. About twenty minutes later, he went to go get some food, and let me play while he was snacking. Next thing I know, it was four in the morning and I was still going, and my quest for a gaming rig began.

    I finally get a laptop that would allow me to handle the game, and I log in one night. The friend I mentioned earlier would always tell me to join an outfit when I start playing, because that's when the game gets leaps and bounds more fun. So I'm looking through the running squads one night and come across one labeled "BOOBS, BEER, AND FREEDOM - Open to recruits!". Now I'm thinking "Well, I really do like boobs, and freedom's pretty kickass... And if they're already drinking, then they probably won't be annoyed at how crappy I am. Let's do this."
    As soon as I join in, I'm hearing over the comms guys laughing, and making jokes. Included in this was the fearless leader you see at the top of the thread, cfschris. After a few hours of pushing along the newly-added lattice system, we win an alert! They start saying how they're open to all recruits, and you just have to go through an application on their website. Five minutes later, my journey with VCO began.

    You're probably like "Okay, you joined the first outfit you stumbled across, big deal. How does VCO differ from anyone else on the NC side of Mattherson? You probably don't know anyway." Well every now and then (and this is becoming more and more rare), VCO isn't running a squad because there isn't anyone wanting to lead. Sometimes the main platoon is on another continent I really don't feel like grinding on. When this has happened, I have tried about ten or so other platoons and a few other outfits.

    In a few of them, there has been little to no in-game communication. Some of those would be constantly talking about how they only talk in their outfit's TS3 or Mumble server, to the point of feeling like they think they're in a higher class than you.

    Some others wouldn't be up for collaboration, with either your idea or other platoons. The leader would talk down to others like he knows more than you because he's been playing longer and has a higher Battle Rank. Not really inviting for newer players if you ask me.

    Other squads I've been in would get insane with competition, getting irate if they lost a point or an attack wasn't successful. One dude once even had the audacity of blaming the capture loss on me and another random because we weren't in the room all of the other guys got killed in by a heavy and a MAX.... Pity.

    Anyway, Voodoo Company is a super awesome outfit to be a part of. The community is what makes it the best. In game, we usually try to keep a relaxed atmosphere even in the most heated battles. On the website, you can even see that is our main rule to playing ANY game, we're here to have fun. You can find groups of people that are playing other games, with the list is growing daily on games like Minecraft, EVE, Civilization V, Team Fortress 2, Warframe, and more. Other than that, feel free to stop by and have some fun with us!

    TL;DR - Screw you man, I took a long time to type this stuff out. No summary of my summary for you, jerk.
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  6. TheBlindFreak

    I've been in VCO for a while now, and I have to say, this is one of the best outfits I've been able to play with.

    I used to run with 3 or 4 friends in small, private squads, all of us pretty competent players. But that got a bit old and boring. So I started trying out different outfits by joining in on open platoons.

    I eventually went with VCO. Organization is our strength. You don't get criticized if you aren't some super elite player with 7 KD and 10 hours a day to devote to PS2. VCO understands that it takes time to learn the game, and the officers love to give out advice and help new players get the hang of things.

    The main thing that I love about this group is the quick response mobilization. Overnight Shipping. "Platoon, deploy back to the warpgate, The Palisade is being captured by the VS. We need to pack up in Gals and get on the point ASAP!" We don't focus on fights that we could easily win with numbers. We go after the territory where our help is needed.

    VCO is a perfect outfit for people who want larger scale organized play. Just follow your PL or SL's orders and we can conquer Auraxis for the NC.
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  7. GnarZard

    Howdy friend, how ya doing? Well, I hope. Anyways, just came here to rep VCO (preach).

    I joined VCO ~2 months ago after I built a pc. I had played ps2 beta/early release on my old laptop, but stopped playing due to it being rather un-playable for me. I downloaded PS2 for my new rig, hopped in, and ran with a VCO platoon. I was very impressed with the leadership (in charge and vocal, yet still open to suggestions). An invite to the outfit, two months later, and I've found a long-term gaming community to roll with.

    Voodoo Company is a very friendly community, with active forums (voodooshipping.net) and a large active-player base. There's usually at least one VCO platoon running nightly.

    We welcome players of all skill levels. We have training events to help new players get up to speed, as well as advanced training if you're interested in Platoon/Squad leading or our Elite Infantry squad and Flight wing.

    We play lots of games besides PS2, and we have a TeamSpeak 3 server we use to play together. Minecraft, Battlefield 3, Warframe, LoL just to name a few.

    If you're looking for a mature, relaxed yet goal-oriented group of gamers, check us out!
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  8. Jezarel

    Jezarel here. I recall joining VCO and being impressed by the snappy response to deployment and redeployment during alerts. For too long, NC was lucky to grab 2nd place in an alert, but when rolling with VCO, I noticed that we started to cause draws. Not a victory, but there was a clear effect in VCO's participation. Then we started to see occasional alert victories for NC. Obviously it takes more than one outfit to cause victory, but again, VCO was there, capping regions that were key. The recipe was simple: organize, deploy, and be ready for changes in squad orders. Often outnumbered, we managed to squeak by and push back on a number of zergs, or at least hold them off while NC as a whole made progress. In essence, we always sought to be in the thick of things.

    A number of incredibly effective squad leaders and platoon leaders have emerged in the past months, and we've seen major growth in our outfit population. We're growing in numbers and impact daily. It's a beautiful thing to see.

    Internally, VCO is easily the greatest combinations of dedicated games and light hearted jokesters. When we are on mission, it's serious, and when we have a "floppy" squad going, the jokes, the humor, and the playfulness are second to none.

    Serious shout to csfcrhis and aeflic putting together what is easily one of the most enjoyable gaming communities I have joined. We get 'er done, and we have fun.
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  9. BearstrikeINBND

    3ish month long VCO-ite here to pitch why you would enjoy running with us.

    I have been part of many clans/outfits/communities for several different games of a couple different genres. On several of those occasions, the deal breaker for me came down to either A) The group is WAY too serious or B) The group isn't serious enough to ever perform well at all.

    The thing I enjoy about Voodoo Co., is that the community and its leaders know the optimal balance of organization while at the same time focusing on the main goal at hand: ACTUALLY ENJOYING YOURSELF!

    We have our OPS nights where things are a bit more organized, serious, and where we run organized communications. Our "try-hard" nights, if you will. At these times, all that we ask is that you do your part to be a team player. But any other time, it's all fun and games. We have a nice portion of members that play Minecraft on our outfit hosted server and we are always looking to branch out to other games if there is any demand! We are even branching out of gaming itself by starting up an outfit development team for those members looking to help out making some nifty software!

    The best part? Voodoo Company IS NOT one of those outfits where you will get flamed, shunned, or pigeon-holed for missing an event or an ops night. Which is fortunate, because many of us spend more time on the Minecraft server than Planetside!!! At any rate, so long as you show the interest in being part of the community, having a good time, and respecting other members you will be meeting the mark as far as leadership is concerned. We all have responsibilities to tend to. VCO understands that!

    You will have a good time being part of what cfschris, Aeflic, and the rest of leadership have crafted Voodoo into. It's a great outfit, whether you are easy-going or a bit more hardcore. Come play with us one night and see what you think!

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  10. Smaugy

    I am actually pretty new here at VCO. Only a couple of weeks or so. My old outfit, was a cool one, however, few players played and the game was removed from the primary list of games on their website. I was looking for a new outfit (I normally always roll with platoons) and found a platoon labeled VCO. I had never been in one of VCO's platoons before so I joined it to see how cool it was. The first few minutes were pretty chill, people were joking around on the mics and everyone was having a good time. Aeflic (who probably is one of the best platoon leads out there) was talking about how all you had to do was to put a star in platoon chat and fill out a 2 minute application in the forums. I filled mine out and got accepted almost immediately after. I have been rolling with VCO since and it has been a blast. Aeflic almost always finds us the best fights, fun-wise and strategically too.

    In other platoons, it seems like the same thing is happening over and over again. PL Lead makes a waypoint, everyone loads up and goes there, fight, win/lose, repeat. With VCO, it is totally different. During alerts, the squads are very organized and are assigned specific objectives. Whether the NC wins or loses and alert, I feel like I actually contributed to the alert due to our organized squad pushes. Instead of pushing a base as a disorganized group, we push in as cohesive squad, taking out any enemies. In my experiences with VCO, we have kept points and objectives even when we didn't have the population advantage.

    VCO In a nutshell:
    Very friendly and casual (though strategic tactics are discussed and used!)
    Good PL and Squad leads
    Organized holding and capturing of objectives (Gotta get A before the base falls to the enemy? Organized push coming up)
    Also, we don't also just play PS2. We have a Minecraft server and some of our members play other games too.

    Be sure to check VCO out!

    PS: VCO also has a organized informal ops night once every week and a formal OPS night with the NC Coalition every 2 weeks.
    The NC Coalition OPS night contains around 19 organized platoons that absolutely wreck anything in their path.
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  11. shadowcrusnik

    Ive been with VCO for quite a long time, not sure exactly when but i joined up right round August if i remember rightly. EDIT: Just checked, been with 'em since January 2013! Time flies broskis!

    All i have to add to all the wonderful vouchings of my fellow VCO members.

    The TR fight with iron fists of control and regimen. The vanu fight with fourth factioning zergs and and unnaturally accurate weaponry.




    Seriously though, VCO is an amazing platoon, when we aren't sitting in TS cracking hundreds of jokes left and right having a wonderful time, we are out in the field, doing every objective, setting world records for redeployment speed and kicking the *** of every TR and Vanu unlucky enough to get in the way of freedom! At first i had a bad feeling, i had joined up bout a week before VCO's grand push for recruitment, right around 100 members or so. We had made a push to recruit and now we have 1-2 FULL platoons up almost every single day, winning alerts, not drawing, WINNING alerts every day. Unlike most platoons we stick together, we help those who are unsure about what to get, what to do, where to go. We work with and around the "blueberries" of Non-Vco members and we rock. We instill the will to fight and win amazing battles in PS2, and the best part?

    We are friends, every last one. Nobody ever has a serious cow about what someone else does, any arguments that do pop up are just pet peeves that dont last long and we all laugh drink a swig and commense taking out our anger on the enemy. We are together, united.

    For freedom, and friendship

    Space 'merica FOR THE WIN!
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  12. Kyosho


    great leadership, great team work, and no stress

    P.S. BYOB

    VCO taking over

    Deathscythe needs you XP
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  13. Shatara

    I'm a fairly new player myself, but there's a reason I chose to join VCO. I joined a bunch of public squads, looking for a good team that would work together. Of all that I joined, VCO seemed to stand out as the most squared-away. Always communicating, updating orders, keeping focused on tasks... eventually I found myself seeking their squads out, and ended up signing up.

    These guys are pretty much the perfect combination of serious and laid back: Serious enough to stick together, communicate, and get things done, but laid back enough that it doesn't become stressful or feel like a job. The officers are on the ball, always willing to offer advice.

    TLDR: VCO is a great outfit if you're looking for a good team to kill reds and purples.
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  14. Aeflic

    VCO is looking forward to working with Strat Comm and NC Coalition forces this Friday! We had a great night last Friday and look to repeat it and hopefully participate a little more on that nights prime time alert.

    VCO will be fielding two platoons Friday and Sunday starting around 6-8 pm eastern. A standard VCO main platoon as well as a recruitment/public platoon. VCO understands that there are many tag less players who are just new to the game. We do not want to separate ourselves from new players that need a little help and guidance. Yes while we want to recruit, we really want to help grow and sustain the community that is the Matterson server. So yes we have our main platoon of VCO but we want to also reach out and help those players that are new or that don't have an outfit with high activity or numbers but want to operate at the platoon level.

    Just look for the VCO tags in squad/platoon management by hitting P.
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  15. stephen1059

    so you want to hear my story aye? well i was still a wee noob at the time but i was searching for a good squad to run with as id been in the blue lions outfit but could never find their squads. i then came across the label "boobs, beer, and freedom" i realized that they had the same interests as me! and i joined immediately. within seconds i heard aeflic come across comms giving out orders moving his men around with knowledge i had never seen in a video game i was taken by complete surprise id never heard leadership like that. it instantly stuck in my mind. for a week i always looked for the VCO tag and sure enough there was a squad on every day at all times. even tho it wasn't aeflic every day the leadership was still as tight and well informed as he. i came across aeflic running a squad training people in his outfit and i realized that is what i wanted to be a part of someone taking time out of his day to sit down with a whole platoon not play the video game and just teach strategies and how to stay alive. he asked if i wanted to join i instantly left blue lions and went VCO.

    since that day a few months ago I've gone through basic training squad leading/platoon leader training and flight training. i rose in the ranks and am now a officer withing VCO i currently am head of our elite infantry division. i have met all the officers in our outfit and have instanyl gained a bond with them all they are all really cool dudes and if you have any problems whatsoever they will help you to be a better player. we are growing we are training and we are getting better day by day. if your looking for an outfit i highly suggest ours. it has changed the way i enjoy the game dramatically and made enjoyment possible.
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  16. stephen1059

    As a little add-on voodoo company is an outfit where you get out what you put in if you want to just be a member partake in ops nights and not take on leadership that's perfectly fine. But if you want to learn leadership traits and you attend our training sessions we will help you every step of the way. When it comes down to it your free to do and play however you want in voodoo you will never be forced to do anything if you want to go lone wolf somewhere that's perfectly fine. We only ask if your in one if our squads you respect the leads and your fellow squad/outfit members. At the end of the day we're all a bunch of video game lovers that want to have fun with all of you guys!

    Hope to see ya'll on the battlefield alongside us even if you don't fly our colors,
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  17. Pxyellis

    I haven't had much experience on Planetside 2, only joining roughly 3 weeks ago but what I have come to love about this game is its community and competitive nature. Like most people new to the game, I was dumped into play without knowing what was going on and struggling to keep up. VCO was the first platoon I joined that was very sociable and open to giving advice on what I should do. They weren't critical of the fact that I didn't know about AMS Sunderers or how to spot enemies, and instead of kicking me out for asking 'dumb' questions they gave me a helping hand. If you're new to the game or just looking for a close knit platoon, VCO is a good option.

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  18. Aeflic

    Another night of Basic Training complete. Thanks for everyone that came out and was a part of basic. I know it can be hard going over some of the aspects of the game that we did especially if a lot of it is talking. But it is important that new recruits and experienced players alike understand how we operate and why we operate in that way.

    Shout out to cfsChris Co-Outfit Lead and founder for providing Q/A in the platoon chat while I covered the training.
    Shout out to everyone that came out for the training.

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  19. Cruensus

    I was just a little nooblet. I ran around wherever I deemed suitable for farming. I took kills when I could get them. Oh my dear KDR. But then, I joined VCO. In my short time with VCO, I learned what it means to be a good squad member. I've learned to put the goal of the squad before my KDR. Instead of trying to go Rambo, I turn back, and make sure my fellow NC are alive and charging with me. If you think you can be among us. Sign up. We try not to bite.
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  20. XDenis

    Hi Im XDenis VCO Outfit Officer,

    Ive only played Planetside 2 for about 3 mounths , and within the first few days of playing planetside i joined VCO. With the supporting community i quickly learned all about planetside , strategies, guns and war in general. Then i started leading and helping out fellow solders. Show them thta working together for a common goal is a blast So now im inviting you to come check us out , come see why Voodoo Shipping got's the magic. ;D

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