Visual redesign needed

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Tumores, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Tumores

    Game is fun. Love it. Nevertheless it is painful to see the old designs for troops and guns in game :confused: . It affects negatively PS2 community. When new or returning players has to get shot by soldiers running with sun glasses in homie grey clothes or having NSO faction guns taken from LEGO movies (exception of the LMGs)...

    It is a 10 years old game - I get the fact that the design back then could be considered good (not really) but it is old fashion now. Time to change. There are things that need to be reviewed like the oldest guns in game for TR.

    But seriously - change the NSO faction unique guns. Carbines, pistol, shotguns, AR...It is too obvious they are inspired in LEGO (and are the newest...).
  2. Jonas Chupp

    I love the visual design.
    That is my contribution to this conversation. Good day.