[Suggestion] Visible sniper laser sights for friendly eyes only

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by cbplayer, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. cbplayer

    Adding to the idea of a "support" sniper, friendlies should be able to tell where a friendly sniper is pointing their sights. Add a laser beam showing a sniper sights that only visible to friendlies so they know where they are shooting. It would make the game feel more coordinated with your teammates if they had that information.
  2. _itg

    Interesting thought, but I think it would be very confusing and distracting in practice, because those beams should be constantly whipping around as the sniper scans for targets, changes positions, etc. What's more, I'm not sure what the other players are supposed to do with the information, since Q-spotting enemies is a much better way to tell people where they are.
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  3. cbplayer

    well if you dont want the free laser show, just make an option to turn off laser beams.
    Anyway the point is not to show where is their target (aka spotting), the point is, well, to give more information to teammates. It would show you where friendly snipers are, how many snipers there are, and who they are aiming at. I feel it would at least be useful in squads.
  4. cobaltlightning

    The idea is decent, but I feel it could be more.

    Perhaps make the laser sights do that anyway, and instead have it cross faction.

    However, they'd have to take out the pretty laser sights (non-standard colours) and give each faction their own color (purple for VS, classic red for TR, yellow or blue for NC) to help identify.
  5. RedArmy

    also figuring in gravity, the red dot only makes things even more pointless - especially on TR when it would basically blend into them
    WTF is that dot half way up the building??? said no one in CQC
  6. cbplayer

    Why would any sniper ever use a laser sight if enemies could see them?
    What the hell you are even talking about? Its a laser bream, not just a dot, that only friendlies can see so they know about where a friendly sniper is aiming, for coordination.
  7. RedArmy

    Assuming your a Vanu sniper and you dont have to worry about bullet drop - TR and NC do.... what this means is OUR lasers (or dots w/e) would be several YARDS above the intended targets heads. where normal infantry on the ground would have to look at a 45 degree angle or higher to actually see the laser.
    and in an MMO setting, what does it matter where they are aiming, so i dont get TKd by friendly snipers? just dont play NC n u wont get TKd. id rather try to get the kill myself than let a sniper do it
  8. cbplayer

    wouldn't the dot be just the center of their cross-hair? This inst to help the sniper, and teammates would probably notice the flashy laser beam on top of a enemy head.
  9. haldolium

    I don't get the point of this. Aren't the tracers already indication enough? Or do you kill friendly snipers because you mistake them for enemies?
  10. MisterSlim

    The VS bolt actions have the exact same amount of drop as the other factions' bolt actions.

    I agree with this 100%.

    Also, if most snipers have lined up a headshot, why wouldn't they be firing? If a sniper is supporting a team, whether it be overwatching or aggressive pushing, then if an enemy's head is lined up, there's rarely a reason to not shoot them. If I were talking on TeamSpeak with my outfit, and was playing overwatch for them (as I usually do on my VS), then I doubt I'd ever have to say "Hey, there's a guy over there. Look at where my laser is.", as my teammate would reply with "You've lined him up, and haven't just shot him (or at the very minimum, Q spotted him)? Do your job, overwatch xD". I don't think it was an uncreative idea, I just don't think that it would bring much, if anything, to the table in practice. Keep up the creative thinking!

    -Stay Frosty
  11. cbplayer

    Or you run up to a situation where you run up to 2 guys, which is fine sense its you and the sniper. Except you shoot the same guy as the sniper did, letting the other guy to shoot you in return.

    generally something like this would prevent you from shooting the same guy as well as other things
  12. cobaltlightning

    I think he means from Extreme Ranges. Y'know, where the nanites gather for their nightly bonfire-lit camping trips, also known as The Certless Nowhere.
  13. breeje

    no thanks no disco laser show for me but you can give me a normal laser for the BASR
  14. Akashar

    How can you have a character br100 and not know that vanu sniper rifles are exactly the same as others, even for the bullet drop, which makes no sense but here it is. Have you ever played anything else than TR? Never wondered why VS snipers are not insanely better than TR/NC ones? Wow!
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  15. cbplayer

    At least make a rail attachment.
    There nothing useful on the rail of a sniper rifle.
  16. cobaltlightning

    For Non-bolt actions, Laser Sights are a must if it's gonna be used in cqc.

    For Bolt Actions, Straight Pull Bolt is a must because it helps you stay on target.