[Video] Weighing the Anchor

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by ArielFox, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Quor

    I think it's just that the EM6 hits all the right notes. You get a large magazine with a decent reload time, especially if you do it before you empty the mag. It's got good accuracy and CoF that isn't frustrating, making it useful for burst-fire at range, and the three firing modes (single shot, full auto and double tap) give it versatility. It has a lot of attachment options, pretty much everything except adv. grip/sight and soft point ammo and enough RoF that you can go toe-to-toe with TR/VS weapons and come out on top in CQC as long as you know how to aim and move.

    Which is the long way of saying it's an amazing generalist weapon that, with skill and practice, can be adapted to any situation based on the attachments you use.

    But it's good to see the Anchor performs well at what it does. I'll be picking it up when I get back from vacation because I'd like a stronger indoor weapon besides my EM6 and while the GD is good, it's not good enough to warrant me certing for something in favor of my EM6.
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  2. ArielFox

    Thanks for that Pivke - good to know (I have only the laser sight), particularly considering the cost. :)

    I think that is probably one of the most desired aspects in a game with this scale - if there's one weapon that can just about be fitted to cover the majority of situations, it's probably gonna get the attention :D
  3. Beltway

    Well done review my friend.
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  4. Salvion

    This was such a good review i made a sub to you, really like your style!
  5. ArielFox

    Cheers very much mate :D You can certainly expect more.
  6. PeanutMF

    This weapon sounds like the NC equivalent to the Orion, which is good at close range with the best TTK of all of the VS LMGs and a godly reload speed but suffers from a cripplingly low ammo capacity.

    You do say that the gun goes through ammo really fast in the video, but didn't mention it only has 200 bullets in reserve coupled with a 50 magazine. When I use the Orion on VS I really run out of ammo extremely quickly compared to the other LMGs, so it will probably work best if you have an engineer around or defending (which is what you recommended in the review).

    Another thing I haven't seen with the Orion (unless I missed a patch, I can't check where I am right now as well), is that it does not have an Adv. Lasersight while the Anchor does.
  7. Croak

    Keep in mind that the Orion at 750 RPM has a 25% higher RoF than the Anchor at 600, and the Orion does roughly 15% less damage per shot, so it tends to be impacted more by the smaller magazine than the Anchor is, since you obviously need to burn more of the mag to get a kill.

    When you look at the significantly better moving hipfire accuracy of the Anchor (which benefits greatly from the Laser/Adv. Laser) in theory you should be able to land more shots (and more damaging shots) in CQ with it than the Orion.

    Then again that 750 RPM output on the Orion (and CARV) forgives a lot of sins in both aiming and reduced damage per shot, and thanks to flinch, will probably still come out on top in an Anchor/Orion duel, everything else being equal. It'll just take more bullets.
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