[Video] "The Surgeon" - Combat Medic Gameplay

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Iridar51, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. Iridar51

    Had to play Combat Medic to grind kills for the exceptional directive, and recorded a few good moments. Here they are for your viewing pleasure! :)

    Watch in 1080p60!

    You'll probably notice I didn't revive as many people as I could, and there are several reasons for that.
    My main objective was to get kills with NS-11, so I allowed myself to be a bit more selfish.

    And as far as Objective Oriented Reviving goes, I usually try reviving only when it's safe, and I don't revive as much during base defense, since it's usually just a short run from the spawnroom. Naturally, the closer to the objective, and the further from the spawn, the more important it is to revive as many people as possible.

    As far as the loadout goes, using the Shield Regeneration Device with a fitting loadout really opened up a style for me, which I described in detail in another thread.
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  2. CrimsonEpsilon

    I have been playing TR medic recently and I must say the T1 Cycler is my personal favorite medic weapon in the game. Followed closely by my main factions weapons the NC1 Guass Rifle and the NC9 A-Tross. What weapons do you usually use for your TR medic? Another thing I notice about higher end medic players is that they always carry pixie stix. I never switch to them and always carry my C-4, Can't live without it. I always wonder why though, C-4 is just so adaptable in infantry situations.

    Solid gameplay pal, hopefully i'll see you on TR sometime, and/or kill you when playing NC.
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  3. Iridar51

    I don't play medic much, and when I do - it's more to play around with specific weapon rather than class itself. Currently, T1S Cycler is in my loadout slots, so I can play with UBGL if I want to.

    If I needed to choose one go-to weapon for TR medic, I'd likely too end up using T1 Cycler. I like TAR as well, and it would be a stronger choice if it didn't have so terribad recoil.

    Medics have lots of stuff to do besides shooting, like healing and reviving and placing shield generators, maybe throwing C4 around. Because of this, I think medics are better served with something simple, that doesn't need a lot of fidgeting around switching and reloading stuff, so underbarrel weapons aren't optimal.

    Sometimes the enemy happens upon a medic with med tool on. In this case, a quick-draw weapon with low equip time and good hip fire accuracy is preferable.

    For a proper objective oriented medic, that has his squad in front of him, playing in close quarters, I think something like an SMG would be a better choice, or maybe NS-11A with laser sight.

    And if you wanna just shoot stuff, then you just adapt to situation, picking a suitable AR.

    I too agree C4 is a much better choice. Med kits are just a selfish option I went with because I wanted to farm kills with this specific AR. Med kits are just a way to pad own K/D, mostly. For people with ASC or Shield Regeneration Field, they also allow to sit in cover much less, and spend more time fighting.
  4. TheKhopesh

    Throughout this video, the NC are just blatantly unobservant.
    This is why I don't really revive much anymore.
    What's the point to reviving if there's another medic somewhere to do it?
    The friendlies are often times just going to run out like headless chickens into the killzone and get mowed over like the idiots they are anyway.
    I generally only revive if we're defending a certain point/room, or pushing forward to a particular goal.
    But if it's just your every day fight where the idiots are trying to take B point for the 100th time by rushing a room of maxes as infils and LA's, I just leave the weak and the dead behind and go for kills.
  5. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Nice work with the NS-11a... or as I like to call it the best VS AR.
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  6. Dualice

    Nice! Good to see the Shield Regen device in action. It also makes a pretty nice decoy, as I've been discovering/experimenting with.

    P.S. Saw you in-game for I think the first time ever today :p Mani Fortress over on Esamir, with a few other BAWC guys I think.
  7. Iridar51

    Thanks :) Pure coincidence, I haven't been in outfit squad for several months at least.
  8. Ink Incorporated

    My preferred medic rifle will always be the T1S Cycler. The default T1 Cycler is definitely what I would use if the T1S Cycler didn't exist, though.
  9. Pfundi

    I like the video, but I love your thumbnails :D
    Oh and Iridar, what server are you on?
  10. Iridar51

    I wish you'd love my sig more :*( It knows the server :((
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  11. Pfundi

    Dammit :D
    I think I never met you. There will be the day we'll meet on some rooftop (youre the reason Im playing LA mainly)
  12. Iridar51

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