[VIDEO] The pathetic state on Connery air game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KO-tic, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. zhesam

    didn`t know was there same answer before, but .... couple skyguards?
  2. Axehilt

    Look, if you intentionally play bad you're going to lose. But if you play well, you're going to win:
    • If you're outnumbered, you're outplayed. Don't spawn there. Spawn elsewhere, obviously.
    • Otherwise...
      • If nobody's pulled skyguard, pull skyguard. Obviously you need skyguards. (They have significant G2A.)
      • If you have 2+ skyguards then you can start to consider non-skyguard vehicles (Bulldog+Walker sundy, AP+Walker prowler)
      • Depends on the enemy mix. If they're three A2As and three A2Gs then you're going to have 6 players and with just two skyguards and a couple AA-capable vehicles you're going to have no problem dealing with three hornet-users. If enemy A2G is more prevalent, you'll pull more AA.
      • Either way, a significant portion of their force is A2A and extremely ineffective in this sort of battle.
    When you roll forward to take the next base, you win. Suggesting that you've lost because the enemy went mega-A2A and you can't go air is a stupid comment. If they go too much A2A, you punish that mistake by fielding a solid ground vehicle force. You will win if you don't play badly.
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  3. zaspacer

    I think OP was referring to getting jumped by a Gank Squad hunting pack of 5 Sycthes over an uncontested TR (his faction) base well inside TR airspace.

    A gunner or full crew would have made no difference for him there.

    Looking at the map at the end, it looks like He's TR and flying well inside TR airspace (seems all bases visible on the map were red). So he wasn't trying to go against the world, he was trying to fly inside his faction's airspace.

    The actual player workaround is:
    1) switch Continents
    2) or log in as the same faction as the Gank Squad on that Continent
    3) or log off

    You don't try to fight the zerg. You will just be farmed by the zerg.

    MBTs don't have the mobility that ESFs do. 5 MBTs can't cruise the whole map and shut down all enemy armor within a massive region or on the whole map.

    Likewise, 7 Infantry can't cruise a whole zone and shut down all enemy Infantry.

    The concern is that Gank Squads have too much impact. 5 players can shut down the entire Air game for a faction within a very wide region.

    Libs almost never fly with escorts. They are almost always solo. The infrequent times I do see an ESF and Lib together, the Libs are not A2G, they are both hunting enemy Air.

    It depends what the Devs want. If they want Gank Squads, then they're already on point.

    If they DON'T want Gank Squads, they need to make some changes. Things like:
    1) maybe make it that ANY enemy vehicle moving into a zone that is not adjacent to a zone controlled by their side will automatically have their icons appear on the mini-map and large map. Like a radar detection system (World War II tech), alerting friendlies of their location.
    2) maybe create a dedicated Air Channel open to all players of a faction on the continent, so they can alert each other and rally a force to counter. (this is actually pre-World War II tech)
    3) maybe have an XP penalty for killing stuff more than 2 zones from an ally controlled zone
    4) maybe implement G2A automated missile silos that only function deeper within each faction territory (say covering airspace 3 bases or more into enemy territory. maybe, that can be knocked out, etc.
    5) etc., etc., etc.

    The Devs have the access to controls to make the game however they want. If people don't like Gank Squads, farming Air far deep in enemy territory, then they can change the game to stop or curtail it.

    Connery pop is not as big as it used to be. We need to keep all the players we can. Chasing off old players or making the game unplayable for new players isn't what's good for the game. You may enjoy playing a game until it only has a few players left and shuts down, but most of us don't want that.

    Most Connery Lib crews that run into a 5 Scythe Gank Squad w/ Tomcats in an isolated area will die.

    Actually, he was over an inactive ally base that was further inside his factions territory. The land area is all red for his TR, the battleboard shows a finished TR zerg that has held the base for 6 hours, and you can even see a Mosquito spawn (and flee) at the base during his fight there.

    All great suggestions! Please post these in a suggestion post.
  4. Taemien

    I don't have time to hand hold other players with bad attitudes. Its one thing I've learned in my 15 years of online gaming.. those with bad attitudes do not change overnight. Meaning he's no use to us here. Maybe.. maybe you can say something to him that might just stick with him months or years from now. But it won't help PS2, and it won't help the next 3-4 games after that, that they choose to play.

    This is why I say good riddance. As I've said to others in many other threads. If PS2 cannot stand on its own, and be a successful game without catering to such players.. then it should just close down. It was a good effort, but just wasn't good enough. Does that suck for us who DO like to play it? Sure. But gaming is a business. Good games succeed, bad ones don't. Its up to SOE to provide content for the game to retain players, NOT our responsibility to be nice to players with entitled attitudes.
  5. Brahma2

    Most Connery lib crews die to one ESF, much less 5 with A2A missiles.
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  6. zaspacer

    Is the gameplay change he asks for so terrible? Are the ESF Aces and ESF Gank Squads hunting deep within their enemies territory such a strong positive element in the game that we want to protect them? Is it so terrible to have a certain level of "safe zone" when deep within allied territory?

    I have seen the Gank Squads be strategically effective, used during the Pumpkin Hunt as a form of massive disruption to enemy pumkin farming. Similarly, I saw a giant Caravan of Sunderers deep within enemy territory that was likewise very effective in causing major disruption to an enemy faction in the event. But these are not standard events.

    The zerg exists because it is effective at earning rewards and because it is effective at protecting vs. roaming hunters. Likewise, overpop exists because it is effective at earning rewards and providing more relaible acess to dominant zergs. And for Air we see a growing reliance to stick to Air zergs or play close to their own Warpgate (ally ground zergs cannot be relied on for defense of Air, especially non-massive ones and ones far from the allied Warpgate).

    Many players have championed the idea that preyed upon players need to step up their game, and move their play into more advanced realms of strategy by employing unit counters and coordinating more with allies. But time and again the shift we see is instead for the prey to shift into patterns of stronger and stronger security, and evasion of their problems:
    Hunted when you wander solo? Join the zerg and stick with it.
    Losing alerts or unable to find dominant zergs because your faction is underpop? Create an alt in the overpop faction and join it.
    Losing to a faction that faction has had an OP unit dominating for months? Redeploy away from the battles with that faction and only fight the other faction.

    All "workarounds". Player devised solutions to address the problems that occur in game because of SOE Dev tuning, Power Creep, and player workarounds. After 2 years, it should be clear that the average player does not have the tools (chat, unlocks, etc.) nor inclination (and perhaps not the aptitude) to address their problems the way those who prey on them tell them to. Instead, they side-step the problem and join in on the side of the OP or redeploy to avoid it or log off.

    The prevalence and impact of Aces and Gank Squads is getting progressively stronger. If it is not addressed, the game state of the future will not be what we see today, but the workaround state that is birthed by the reaction/adjustment to escalating issue. As I said:
    1) Air sticking to Air zergs
    2) Air sticking around their Warpgate
    3) Air redeploying to other Continents when an opposing factions Air hunting is too strong
    4) Air creating alts and joining whichever faction has Air dominance (an overpop of Air)
    5) Air players dropping air for other roles
    6) Air players logging off
  7. Problem Officer

    The solution to gank squads is gank squad gank squads.
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  8. Taemien

    First of all, this is a PVP game. There is no PVE. And ganking is part of PVP.

    Second... there is FIVE safe areas in the game. And at least 3 are available at any given time. One is the VR, and the others are the Warp Gates of the four Continents. That's a good amount of space for a solo player to dink around it. Because lets face it... what else could he be doing flying as a 1/3 lib?

    And finally.. I don't see any issue with this. The air game covers a MUCH larger area than the ground does. It covers areas that you may or may not control. As a ESF pilot my target might just be far into enemy territory. Thats the point of aircraft historically and in this game. For example, if you've read any of my posts about vehicle roles, you'll notice I mention that ESFs have little to no roles.

    Well that's only partially true. A gank squad of ESFs could easily intercept and down a Galaxy before it drops 12 people on an objective. BUT that requires them to see the Gal LONG before it even enters visual distance of its objective simply because of how tough they can be to crack (large HP, and high resists).

    I have been apart of such Sundy convoys. They are very effective and very fun to try and 'hold out' while the enemy tries to dislodge you. Sometimes you can get some good fights.. other times you get plastered. They can sometimes be used as a ground version of the tactics I mentioned above.

    Lets be honest with ourselves here. The zerg exists because of the PUG (Pickup Group). The PUG will be what it always will be. The PUG is what it always is. The PUG has been what it has always been. It is the PUG, it is ignorant, it is never changing. Point being here is that people Zerg because they are ignorant. Whether its because they choose to be ignorant or not doesn't matter. At some point many players reach a cross roads.

    They either choose to be a cert farming zergling and eventually quit because they forget why they are cert farming. Or become something more competitive and join one of those hard to join outfits that runs squad/small platoon ops and become well known on their servers for giving good fights. Or sometimes they do small squad tactics with a small group of friends.

    The real issue goes beyond Planetside and even outside gaming itself. The issue is the social-cultural shift of the NA and the EU (and possibly the AU region as well) in the last decade. We can argue about the cause all day long, but the cause means nothing, instead we need to understand the effect. The effect is that younger people (a good majority born after 1975) have very little in the way of personal responsibility. They expect their parents, teachers, and/or governments to fix their problems for them. And how this translates to online gaming is they expect the developers (who are seen as the authoritative figure) to fix their problems for them.

    This isn't to say balance changes cannot or should not happen. But developers need to be vigilant and rely on internal metrics to determine if something is out of wack and use a reality litmus test to sift through the complaints of the player base. For example this Gank squad 'problem'. Is it something that needs to be addressed, or something the players themselves can fix?

    Well I think the answer is obvious. If you watch the video the OP wanders out of the Warpgate with only a 1/3rd crewed vehicle and expects to do what exactly? He thinks he's going to be smooth and 1/3 himself some tanks with a dalton. Then gets wrecked in a 5v1. Now what would have happened if he had 4 others with him? Perhaps a gunner and 3 Mosquitos? That fight would have been a little more fair. Of course the issue isn't the numbers but that its behind 'friendly' territory.

    About that.. where was the friendly AA fire? Again... this guy was out and about alone. Where was his squadmates? Ohhh... wait.. he had none. Again.. what was the OP trying to do? Gank some unsupported tanks? Sorry to say, but I don't have any pity for the OP. He got ganked while trying to do some ganking of his own. Not that there is anything wrong with ganking.. but this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

    But lets get back to the point at hand. Is this balanced in a developer's point of view? I don't see why it wouldn't be. What is a gank squad doing? Are they doing anything effective? I mean I can deploy behind enemy lines as an infantryman and do similar things. But what am I doing exactly? Am I even being effective?

    And if I am... is it causing such a great advantage that it needs a balance change? Is there little to no counter to it?

    Well I can answer that. Yes there is. I've encountered those squads. Just today in fact. And you know what? I've personally found that a burster max does wonders. So IMO I don't think there is a balance issue.

    But its not always about balance. Sometimes its about fun. Is it fun to get ganked? Well... this is very subjective. In many PVP servers of other MMOs. Ganking is usually part of the 'thrill' of playing PVP vs PVE. So in some people's eyes. Being ganked and ganking back is fun. And its been that way for PVP servers in MMOs for 15 years. Why is it suddenly different in PS2?

    Well again, this is subjective. And in my opinion.. it isn't different. Ganking is part of the PVP experience. PVP means we have the ability to influence the game experience of our fellow players. It also means they have the means available to do it right back, or take measures to protect themselves.

    And in this case... the OP did not take such measures. That's why he got wrecked. Its a learning experience. The lessons being:

    1. Don't do that again. Aka.. bring friends next time.
    2. Realize that PVP isn't his bag and find a game that fits his style.

    I don't believe the OP has the attitude for number one. So I believe he should quit. There's other games that will match his preferred playstyle. PS2 is a PVP game. It will have PVP elements. These elements are WHY I and many others play this game. To change that now.. after 2 years, is really not fair to those of us who chose to play this game in November of 2012.

    I don't see a problem. These squads are not new and I have seen them as early as BETA. I've participated in them, and have been a victim of them from time to time. There are effective counters for them. And coordination of a group should always trump the methods and actions of a solo player in a MMO.
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  9. zaspacer

    True, it's mostly PvP. (there is PvE in destroying objects [Base Turrets, Terminals, Pumpkins/Snowmen, etc.], interacting with objects [Hacking Terminals, Flipping Base Points and Bases, etc.], and questionably from being affected by objects/fields [pain fields, any terrain for most vehicles, etc.])

    I agree that adding automated-AA turrets would be a step more toward PvE. Though doing something like cutting XP for kills 2 zones beyond your factions terrotiry is not PvP. And adding a Pain Field 2 zones beyond your territory is questionably PvP.

    But the issue to me is NOT PvP vs. PvE. It's Power Creep, Dev Changes, and Evolving Player Gameplay, and how they interact to make the game more or less "playable" and functioning. As I've said, the game is an ecosystem, and individual or cumulative changes can have massive effects outside themselves. I see the Air game as one of these changes.

    1) Non-AI Noseguns were nerfed vs. Gound Targets
    2) SOE ramped up pressureon most players for farming with more items, Implants, Directives, Public Stats, etc.
    3) Progressively aggressive farming Gank Squads and Aces have pushed many ESF pilots out of the active A2A game (A2A game = they are playing to hunt Air)
    4) Many pilots shift to the A2G game, with options to use AI Nosegun, Rocket Pods, or Hornets (since other Noseguns are now terrible vs. Ground Targets, they are now only considered as options for emergency A2A).
    5) Some pilots discover Banshee/PPA and make posts to educate others on how to play and loadouts to use.
    6) SOE gives massive Cert refund for removal of Acquisition Timer Certline. (most Pilots have lots of Certs dumped into this and get a big refund)
    7) Many pilots (now Cert rich) switch to Banshee or Light PPA, which decreases their A2A game and increases their A2G Infantry game. This leads to the proliferation of Infantry kills by ESF Pilots, and outcry on forums about not liking it.
    8) Some pilots discover Hornet and have started making posts about it. I have also seen some vehicle drivers post they do not like Hornet. If AI Noseguns are nerfed enough vs. Infantry, I expect many ESF Pilots to shift to either Rocket Pods (Good vs. Infantry, OK vs. Vehicles) or Hornets (OK vs. Infantry, Good vs. Vehicles).
    9) If enough ESF Pilots shift to Hornets, we will likely see an outcry in the forums about it from Ground Vehicle drivers.

    All this because when you shut down the A2A game for the average ESF pilots, they start to go after A2G more. And when you nerf the A2A Noseguns vs. Ground Targets, the A2G EFS Pilots switch to other weapons which are better at A2G than the pre-nerf A2A Noseguns were. Resulting in an even stronger focus on A2G (since they're loadouts are now extra bad vs. A2A) and loadouts much more effective at farming A2G targets.

    Many players make the mistake in theorycrafting, where they think of complicated *possible* strategic solutions that could be used to deal with *actual* problems. But too often they ignore the realities of the playerbase they are dealing with and the realities about what they can or will do.

    If things continue with Air, then pilots will focus more and more on farming Ground. And if they feel that one faction is the most oppressive with it's A2A farming, then these pilots will switch to join that faction and thereby avoid having to deal with it. So we get more (and better) A2G and the A2G moving to the Air overpop faction.

    Those are largely non-play zones.

    Some players can fly 1/3 LIbs or 2/3 Libs or drive 1/2 Prowlers and still be effective. Having 1 2/2 Prowler or 2 1/2 Prowlers does not mean one is better than the other, they each can be better or worse depending on circumstances.

    In the video shown, a 3/3 Lib would have made no difference in terms of his survivability.

    And we've all seen a clump of Maxs and Sunderers camped outside an enemy Warpgate, ganking pilots as they exit.

    You're talking "sandbox" style gaming. A game in which players are allowed to travel all over and do whatever they can come up with given the mechanics available. Which is fine.. except where players figure out how to break the game. Especially when a disproportionately small number of players do it, and especially when doing it has a big negative effect on the larger playerbase.

    I don't care about what players do. I only care about the effect, especially when it's disproportionate or having a big negative effect on the playerbase.

    What are roles in this game? The only real role I see at this point is farming (which is pretty fitting with it being an MMO). And ESFs continue to be great at farming. Stats, Certs, (some) Directives, Impants.

    PS2 rewards you for farming, 4th faction, zerging, etc. They've been progressively doing so for 2 years, which defines it as what the game is about.

    That's not really how a typical Gank Squad works.

    Gank Squads are typically just griefing and farming. They aren't tied to a battle or their faction's objectives, or to countering the (non-A2A) objectives of enemy factions.

    If they spot an enemy Gal, and it's not too dangerous, they'll take it down. They don't care if that Gal dropped it's crew or helped the enemy faction, except that it means less XP or less griefing.

    What was the strategic objective of the Sundy convoy? Were you taking a base? Or just messing around (which usually means griefing, as many do it for the fun they get from frustrating others)?

    TOTALLY disagree.

    SOE makes games that cater to groups and guilds. Simple as that. They even give them exclusive access to tools that others don't get. I WORKED on a SOE sister's company game as an Associate Designer and PLEADED with the main guy in charge of Design to make meager/inferior concessions to solo players. And I was told NO, he/they did not make games for solo players.

    It's easy to sit back and say how Outfits and Squads are superior when they have special tools for deployment and coordination, and they have lot of unlocked Certlines. That's not being better, that's being given better.

    I preferred the days before the proliferation of Squad Beacons and Outfits and Squads. When players were part of a faction, sharing a Sunderer, and taking the hill. Not some sub-group working on its own that has disdain for the other people on its faction.

    Having big battles where the people in it can't communicate with each other to me is bad. But to allows subgroups within it to be able to just makes it lopsided and dumb. If I were doing it, I'd enable all players to make private/public or access universal channels (zone in, air channel, command, etc.), so we could mobilize factions and forces, but just tiny rogue self-serving Squads/Outfits.

    It doesn't take much work to win when you have direct vocal coordination in this game. And when you have access to extensive Cert unlocks. Don't confuse having more that for being better.

    Those kids were nurtured with those wants. If they are the majority and they want it, then game Devs will progressively be motivated to provide it.

    IF it is not addressed, player will create a workaround. I have already explored that:
    1) move to A2G, stay near Air zergs, closer to Ally warpgates, etc.
    2) join a Gank Squad
    3) switch to the faction of the dominant Gank Squad
    4) switch from air to something else
    5) log off

    The Gank Squad are not a problem to solve for most pilots, they are an unstoppable force that must be joined or avoided. And *if* they continue to grow and eventually become pervasive, the in-game ecosystem repercussions to that are potentially disastrous (death of casual A2A, massive A2G, Air being owned by one faction at a time, etc.)

    I fly a LOT. I don't see ESFs used as escorts outside of maybe a Lib/ESF pairing where they are farming A2A.

    There is no XP in escort roles, and ESFs can't escort well because any AA and they have to run fast and far and with no cohesion with the rest of their group.

    If there had been an Air zerg, then the 5-man Gank Squad on the video would have been less likely to engage. Ground zergs do not deter Gank Sqauds unless they demonstrate active and heavy AA, because most zergs are not attentive to changes in AA needs and so do not affect Gank Squads. So the solution there is for the OP to either find an Air zerg, find and join a Gank Squad, switch Continents/Servers, switch to the faction of the Gank Squad, switch to non-ground, log in as the same faction as the Gank Squad, spawn air again and hope to evade the Gank Sqaud, or logoff.

    He was spawning a Lib at an ally base deep within his own faction's territory. He was going to travel to the front from there. It is not safe to spawn at the front itself unless it's within an Air zerg.

    Almost no casual pilot can rely on friendly AA fire. If you are in a competitive Squad or Outfit, you can do whatever they'll support you on because you have the tools and resources to deal with it.

    I assume he was trying to spawn a Lib at a safe location and then try to look for targets to farm.

    I don't think this is a game or community with much pity. And even where there is pity, that usually doesn't actually stop people. I farmed like a madman with my Banshee, I even pitied the new players I farmed, but it didn't stop me. If/When they nerf the Banshee, other players will not pity me either or they may pity me but they still won't want to stop it.

    Most Devs don't really have a strong grasp on the ecosystem or economics level of things. So let's assume you're talking about ideal people that do. As I said above, it is creating a ripple of disproportionate impact, what's seems to be potential larger ecosystem problems for the masses, etc.

    Gank Squads don't care about Burster Maxs. Burster Maxs are not their targets. Gank Squads will sidestep the Bursters, get whatever air is around, and then move on. Line-of-sight is an easy way to seperate a Burster from any (non-Gal) it is protecting.

    As I said, I have been farming with my Banshee for a while. And many people don't seem to like that.

    I don't see any posts about people enjoying being ganked by Gank Squads. I've seen some that say they can handle them, but none saying they enjoy it.

    I dunno. I gank a lot of people with my Banshee. They really can't Gank me back. They can get a ton of AA and make me leave the area, but that's a minor inconvenience, as I'll just go somewhere else or just wait them out. They can also organize and form a Gank Squad and come get me (maybe), but they'd have to have access to people, ESFs, etc., and also be decent enough pilots.

    I think here you're delving too much in theorycrafting where you think of complicated *possible* strategic solutions that could be used to deal with *actual* problems. But are ignoring the realities of the playerbase and the realities about what they can or will do.

    Those are not the lessons for him or most players. The lessons for him are:
    1) switch continents
    2) switch servers
    3) switch to the VS and play Air since the roaming Gank Squad will then be allies
    4) switch to non-Air
    5) find and join a giant Air zerg (if available)
    6) join or create your own BIGGER or BETTER Gank Squad
    7) log off

    My list is much more comprehensive and fitting to the situation.

    He is not complaining about PvP, he is complaining about a small group of players locking down all casual Air on the Continent.

    Do you fly much?

    I see a potential problem. I fly a lot. I've flown solo, in groups, in zergs, and in Gank Squads.

    The Gank Squads I am seeing now are not the same as before. They are much better at doing it, there are more of them, and they having a larger impact.

    Whoah, let's not go there. A group or player should trump the methods of a group or player that is inferior to them. Just giving victory to a group because of their numbers takes away sense of using the right unit in the right way.
  10. Brahma2

    I feel like a lot of the push back on the Connery air issue is ironically from people who don't really play on Connery. Connery doesn't have issues with 5-6 scythe gank squads.. it's much bigger than that.

    Tell ya'll what: you get together a few of your very best ESFs, the real badasses from PREY or QRY or whatever passes on Emerald. Say a whole half squad, obviously a bunch of very scary pilots. Then go try to kill the 15-20 scythe zerg headed by V4S that all run lockons (once they realize there is opposition they will pull far more scythes than just that).

    Let me know how that goes (hint, I already know how it will go).
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  11. iller

    All I saw was a good reason to nerf Air-to-Air gunning in general (so dogfights can last longer), and buff Ground-to-Air machine guns instead like the Walker / Basilisk / Ranger ....The entire reason Air Zergs have nothing to fear is because they can just fly away long before anything on the ground can actually lay into them. It's why Air-zergs are considered the Alpha Predator

    ...The simple realization that if they're getting anything thrown at them that can actually threaten them, all they have to do is shift to the other side of the map for a minute until their ground counters get bored and go back to infantry fights. And I only say that b/c I've hooked up with Air-zergs. It's surprisingly uncommon to die in all the confusion of that swirling swarm until one of your own allies runs into you. (pretty common as an NC, not so common as a VS). Coincidentally, that's usually a Skyguard's best hopes of ever killing some of them, is waiting until the exact moment that they're hovering and a little too close to another craft, then try to scare the crap out of them so bad with Flak that they evade directly into an ally :D
  12. VonStalin

    can someone explain me this word as for non English speaker?
  13. iller

    • far under Acceptable
    • foul untouchable
    • bad due to petty child tactics
    • coward or cowardly
    • trolling
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  14. VonStalin

    how is it different to "ridiculous" ?
  15. iller




    to be honest, Connery (Pacific America Server), is really a combination of both :rolleyes:
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  16. Bujias

    OO he is not alone:

    The guy on that video already quit, he took most of an outfit with him around 30 players gone from the game, simple reason they couldn't find enjoyment in the game anymore i don't blame them. Those that use to enjoy the air game now moved on to something less frustrating and with more fairness, flying is now left to the gankers that enjoy rewards given by the game for no effort put forward, the new meta where skill is irrelevant and youll have a much better time flying with 50 other guys and triying to pick a kill here or there is what SOE wants, its a boring meta where if your not in an airzerg you will not survive for long.\

    More and more people got use to been given easy gameplay with high rewards, think of it this way, even those gankers will end up crying later on when ps4 guys demand a change to the meta for being overly complicated, they will want better weapons and even easier to use, If pc players are fine with Aim assist on steroids (tomcats coyotes) imagine what ps4 casual players will demand.

    My suggestion, quit the game or start playing on the ground, most dedicated pilots quit, some started to play ground game, give up on flying.
  17. TheScavenger101

    I have a question. I just want to point out that this is actually not sarcasm, I genuinely want to know.

    I'm not a pilot, I fly my planes occasionally when I don't feel like redeploy hopping to get to a fight. So I don't understand the unwritten guidelines of the sky. From what I can gather ganksquads is very terrible and ruins the air game. But I can't wrap my head around how the airgame is different from any other aspect of the game. As an infantrymun I get rushed by 5+ enemies all the time, if I'm in a tank I usually fight against several other tanks. But for some reason the airgame is only good as long as you can pick off people in 1 v 1. I don't understand how running an air squad and going between fights and shooting down other planes is any different from playing a ground squad going between fights shooting down other enemies. Even if I run with a few friends on the ground I would never not shoot a guy just because he was alone with the mindset that "Well there's more of us so better not shoot him that would ruin the ground game".

    Like to be enlightened.
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  18. MuNrOe

    Get a sundy fill it with AA Max's. Take potshots at aircraft to get attention with sundy guns (works best deep behind enemy lines)

    Wait for gank squad to engage you. All jump out , laugh as their all blown from the sky.

    As an NC player the option of pulling reavers against this is hopeless. So we learnt how to adapt.

    As for pulling a lib , on NC ? Ha your a funny guy.
  19. Shadowyc

    Well, I ain't a pilot. At all. Ever. Flying's balls hard in this game, and why bother when the pros are going to render you a smoldering heap of junk in about 2 seconds.

    But I imagine it's like being ganked in every other game imaginable. The enemy just shows up out of absolutely nowhere, takes your entire lower torso, tears it off, and shoves it over your head so you can stare out of your own ***. And then they vanish as abruptly as they arrived, probably after kicking anyone else's skulls in for good measure.
  20. Bujias


    -In the air: People have AIM assist, with 4 people with aim assists is enough for an instat death for one player.
    +On the ground: No aim assist, 4 enemies vs you depends on how skilled and tricky and aware you are you still have a chance.

    -In the air: There is no cover, so there is no running.
    +On the ground: find a rock stay there pick them up one by one.

    -In the air: Much harder to be aware of all the surroundings meaning 20+ getting close enough to use their aim assist on you and insta kill you happens often.
    +On the ground: so much easier to tell where people are coming from and harder to sneak on someone, even if they sneak on you they dont have aim assist.

    To simplify it....

    -In the air: Skill is irrelevant vs numbers, there are Aim assist weapons that are OP, there is no cover and no running away from the air assist weapons, a lot easier to sneak on someone, it cost nanites to get in the air.

    +On the ground: Skill is relevant period. One squad of very good players can hold an entire platoon of average players, the is no aim assist, there is cover and you always have the option of turning tale and trying to get out of there, it does not cost nanites, so if you get kill it does not matter, there are medics that can revive you.
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