[VIDEO] The pathetic state on Connery air game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KO-tic, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. KO-tic

    I know it really does
  2. KO-tic

    1v1 against esf just they can, 7 v1 not not really, especially since 3 of them had tomcats
  3. KO-tic

    till an anti gank squad, gank squad 2x bigger than theirs shows up
  4. KO-tic

    LOL this scythes were flying on tr-nc air and both faction had tons of AA and yet the fly without breaking a sweat
  5. KO-tic

    fly on all server, and I can definitely say it;s worst on this one, especially when compared to briggs (on briggs I usually encounter 1 a2a lock ons dude during a session)
  6. KO-tic

    How can I they are shooting me from all direction, I was embracing death
  7. KO-tic

    both are expensive certs wise
  8. KO-tic

    I got tons of footage on my HDD, I could make a montage if u want :p
  9. KO-tic

    That tactic is pretty much,impossible, they got 7 scythes ( 2-3 with lock ons) and a combined ttk less than a second against a lib and nearly instant death against an esf, and your only option is 2 die (or bail)
  10. KO-tic

    I presume ur an infantry main? so this is pretty much the equivalent to spawn camping

    As for the "sky knight" remark, well it's vague and perpective, usually used by someone who dont fly..

    and yes this is a game for me ( I like flying in all games) :p
  11. KenDelta

    You CLEARLY never flew on an EU server.
  12. KO-tic

    Colbalt yes, I have a br 48 charater there
  13. Brenold

    first off, you were solo libbing, you didnt stand a chance against one good esf pilot.
    you had afterburner.. why didnt you try to run? even when I have two gunners I wouldn't try to go head to head with more than one esf..
    you pulled a lib from the biolab? then you really can't say the esfs came out of nowhere...... you just didnt see them coming.

    as for gank squads, i bet its just a bunch of VS guys bored with the overpop. I ran with a platoon that would pull galaxies and esfs and just swarm the next base they decided to attack, if it wasn't the next hex over. We did that three times in an hour I think.

    this is like you pulling a max and then getting shot dead by 7 light assaults when you walked out the spawn room.
    or you pulling a tank and then getting killed by 7 flash furys in front of the vehicle spawn....
  14. Tasp

    I fly nothing but valkyries, and skywhales, and I fly them a lot.

    This is not the equivalent of spawn camping, not in the slightest. You are whining about being outnumbered. You are whining about not getting to fly the way you want to. Get over it. You want to go play in a game that is rigged to be "fair", so go play something else. Or maybe... just maybe, rally some friends together. But I guess lonewolfing should always trump teamwork?
  15. KO-tic

    why not?

    Whats the point a lib with ab+racers cant outrun an esf

    the bio lab was on NC-TR territory Far from vs fights
  16. KO-tic

    So u are defending "unfairness", that just does not work, theres a reason why people hate overpop (there are ton of threads on this forums proving so) , and the reason why BF games have the "balance" system, because everyone like to play fair ( with a few expcertion)

    that would be hypocritical to my point, and further deteriorating player experience

    LOL teamwork
  17. The_Blazing

    Sorry, I had no idea, I though that the battle was against the VS. I do get what you mean now, but you should have really explained it better in the first post. Now onto the issue - yes, those gank squads are annoying as hell. I think that for starters, we could give double XP for destroying "invaders" (units that don't belong to either side of a 2-way fight), and invaders themselves would get no kill, XP, or kill notification when they kill things (as in, the thing still blows up, but it doesn't count as a kill for stats by any means).
  18. Alan Kalane

    ganking with ESFs is also legit and effective. Stop complaining or fly in a squad.
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  19. Axehilt

    Then they didn't achieve anything meaningful, and you don't even need much AA, do you?
  20. HadesR

    Teamwork ..

    OP didn't have it ..
    His opponents did ...

    All fair and working as intended ...
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