[VIDEO] The pathetic state on Connery air game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KO-tic, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Axehilt

    You don't beat rock with scissors. You beat it with paper. In this case you exploit the fact that A2A ESFs are nearly worthless against ground targets and your sundy+skyguard+MBT force proceeds invincibly to the next base to cap it.
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  2. P1GG

    Are you supposed to be able to defend against anything that comes at you? If you are on foot and 7 people attack you with carbines, are you supposed to have a fighting chance? I don't understand what the problem is, except that some people think teamwork is OP. 1v7 isn't going to be balanced in a team game, and that is how it should be.
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  3. Maljas23

    Grab A2A missles(Max out lock on range)(Max ammo capacity)
    Grab Stealth
    Go really high in the air or nearly ground level
    Kill ganksquad with lock on rockets
  4. Mythologicus

    The problem Connery has is there is this one group of people who will pull a full squad of Scythes and fly from warpgate to warpgate completely choking the air game in the later hours, when there aren't many people on.

    To make matters worse, they don't do it on the higher-pop continent. They'll go and gank Esamir while Indar's hot. And having observed them in action, I can safely say two things about them: They are hopelessly unreliable air support due to vanishing the instant some resistance shows up, and they are terrible pilots (some of them are so unaware they may as well be playing in their sleep).

    It's fun to watch them crash into trees, though.
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    Don't fly alone. Learn the lesson of Werner Voss.
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    Many of us are aware of the issue KO-tic, but your video does a horrible job of showing that issue.
  7. BobSanders123

    Right, I pull my burster MAX and dump some rounds into the scythes, they run away to the other end of the map and swarm another lone pilot.
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  8. Leftconsin

    The video does not do the problem justice. THAT is why there are so many posts in this thread that are criticizing strongly the point the OP is making. I can easily pick out people that know and experience the after peak Connery air game from the people who don't.

    I don't play on Emerald that much, but do you guys have roaming bands of 10-30 ESFs that just patrol enemy warpgate to enemy warpgate with lockons? We sure do. What rubs salt in the wound is they will down you with lockons then send you hate tells ridiculing you for using lockons against them. An outfit mate of mine got shot down and harassed for using coyotes, which he has never even owned.

    Yeah, most are terrible pilots. I've seen ad-hoc mossy squads shoo them away, but they normally back us up to our warpgate even if we own most of the continent just because there are so many of them.

    Really, to all of the people who are saying "hey solo lib should die to swarm of scythes" yeah, it should, but this air game right now is still terrible.
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  9. Axehilt

    What? No. WTF?

    Why are you pulling Burster? I literally just told you exactly how to win: Skyguard, Sunderer, and MBT. Bursters weren't part of that for a reason. Bursters aren't an assault vehicle. They're mostly for defense.

    A2A ESFs do one thing: kill air. If the enemy pulls too many A2A ESFs, they're incredibly vulnerable to a armored ground force rolling right under them (stopping along the way to kill any sunderers that might be attacking their base.)

    So if they have too many A2A ESFs, you just ignore them and roll straight through to the next base with armor and win at the next base. All their A2A ESFs are useless at that point, and you just pull enough Skyguards to fend off their flimsy weapons as well as whatever actual air threats they have (libs and A2G ESFs) The sunderers and MBTs would have AA weapons relative to that threat as well.

    You can't argue with me by saying "Oh yeah, well when I make really bad decisions I lose to mass A2A ESFs so you're wrong." Don't make really bad decisions and you'll see that if the enemy fields too many A2A ESFs, they're only hurting themselves.
  10. dstock

    Wait, it's still like this?


    Guess I'll have to spend tomorrow playing my Connery NC, a dedicated AA Harasser Driver, slave to the cult of Roadkill.
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  11. task_master

    It's true, for the past couple of weeks there's been several squads worth of hornet/coyote scythes just going around molesting smaller air groups and tanks. Hornets are already ridiculous to deal with, but when there's a dozen of them floating above my angle and running before dying to AA it's just stupid and unfun.
  12. BobSanders123

    Ok, yeah I pull my fully certed Prowler, three hornet scythes kill me instantly. I stated earlier these guys have their pilots split. A few anti ground and the rest of them AA. It is impossible to outdo these people. With a skyguard it is the same exact thing, they get hit a little and flee, occasionally the AG piltos will sneak up on you and wreck you. A sunderer is not winnng, it is ignoring them, and you lose. They clear the skies, no matter what you do you aren't allowed to fly because of them. This is the state of the air game, it isn't fun anymore. You nearly get instakilled by a swarm of moderately good pilots. You are no longer part of the equation anymore. You are shut out of one of the ways to play this game. And when you have spent hours upon hours of mastering the way of flying and ace combat and get destroyed like this, it sucks. It isn't fun. Ace pilots who are dedicated to flying in an ESF effectively become useless. Because no matter where you go, those scythes will eventually appear and murder you.
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  13. P1GG

    I play on connery, and I've experienced this quite a bit. The thing is, how do you stop something like that? The only thing I can think of, is to make a pain field in enemy territory, with a small buffer zone to allow pilots to attack enemy bases. I'm actually not opposed to that idea either, since there really is no reason for them to be deep in enemy territory.

    Also I want to point out that the OP didn't even mention gank squads. I though he was just whining because he got shot down in a lib. Gank squads are indeed a problem.
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  14. Tasp

    Further review has shown that this thread is full of 2 kinds of people.

    Players who understand how the game works.

    And angry skyknights who are appalled to see that the zerg play that EVERYONE ELSE deals with on a regular basis is suddenly spreading to the sky.

    To the second group: Your options are to zerg back, get better at avoiding combat by flying stealth or avoiding flying high up like a giant target. Or *gasp* do what my outfit does and bait them into an AA nest and wreck them. It's not hard to do and the lack of timers makes losing a esf or two not a big deal.

    You've been ganked by superior numbers. You want an honorable or fair fight? This ain't the game for you.
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  15. The_Blazing

    Oh noes! A gunship is dying to a squad of fighter jets! And those fighters... they even have AIR TO AIR WEAPORNY!!! Can you imagine it??? Using A2A weapons to take out air instead of sticking with the glorious nosegun+afterburner master race??? This is insanity! This is outrageous!!! We obviously need all fighter jets nerfed to the ground until a solo Lib can take out three of them all by itself!!!!

    Seriously though, air gank squads are going to happen, just like tank zergs and infantry balls. Also, you were above an enemy major facility, did you seriously expect not to face heavy air resistance? If anything, we could get a better integrated teamwork system that allows people to mark gank squads flying close and coordinate an attack with another squad of their own. That would be cool. But unfortunately, the devs are happy with "teamwork" amounting to people shouting in a mic and half of the players not understanding anything if you're playing on EU servers, with actual teamwork being reserved for a restricted elite of committed outfits.
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  16. KO-tic

    Aka ganking...not fun...frustrating....also that's my 5 th lib and I had spawned 3 mossies

    This sort of crap happens every day, And honestly ganking Is the worst on this server (I play on all the servers alike)
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  17. KO-tic

    I went for a scythe (see in the beginning).. the rest just "poped" up and 2 had lock ons

    It's called solo libbing, many do it, it's a legit playstyle that is effective
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  18. KO-tic

    I didnt want to fight them all just in initial one the rest just poped up (And note that this was on nc tr airsapce)
  19. KO-tic

    Again I was above NC-tr airspace these scythe were far from their native territory And I only had engaged one of them. the rest just "Poped up"
  20. KO-tic

    The only option I have is to join 26sp (as they are they only one doing air "Squads") but they 2 pretty much do the same thing, which would be hypocritical.
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