[VIDEO] The pathetic state on Connery air game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KO-tic, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. KO-tic

    This sort of crap frustrates pilots and is not fun for both sides, eventually makes all of us genuine pilots quit the game, deceasing pop, on already low pop server. Really really sad good thing I rarely play on this server
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  2. Alan Kalane

    Sooo...You pulled a lib and got killed by scythes...Aaaand?
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  3. Ikarius77

    Sorry... but i don't catch it...

    You pull a Lib...without gunner... and try to go against all the world... ??!!

    about what are you complaining???...
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  4. KenDelta

    He's complaining about the ganksquads , it happens on all servers...
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  5. BobSanders123

    The stupid scythe swarms that gang up on every pilot in the map. They destroy all the air then run off to another base. Most of them have tomcats and coyotes equipped with a few for armor. They wreck everything and leave. You have no chance of winning or fighting back.

    It sucks.
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  6. Ikarius77

    Ganksquads are only the translation of zergs to air... it's a "feature" of this game... you have to face it...

    If you see a whole bunch of scythes... pull HA Locks - MAX AA or pick a ESF with locks on and try to lure and hunt hims in 1 vs 1 fights... and of course, cooperate with some players always helps... and...also, this type of "gangsquads" dont last for too much, so be patient and try to fight in your adventage, like always in this game.

    You can't complaint about pull a MBT and try to face an entire enemy zerg... or an entire enemy vehicle platoon... alone... so... sorry, but im simply don't understand the concerns.
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    Are you serious? Your lib is supposed to die to fighters and especially if there is more than 1.
    Air to ground bombers always fly with escorts to avoid what just happened.
    This is exactly what is supposed to happen to lone liberators.
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  8. DrPapaPenguin

    Not a single ram? 0/10
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  9. libbmaster

    Welcome to planetside. That right there is people playing as a team.

    What are the devs supposed to do?

    Add 200 meter pain fields around all ESFs? That only effect other ESFs, so that they don't fly in packs?
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  10. Alkezo

    Implying all factions/servers don't do this. 1/10 would not watch again.
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  11. \m/SLAYER\m/

    and it was Pumpkins alert
  12. Taemien

    No Gunner, No Tailgunner, and you got 5v1'd....

    Working as intended.

    You mean pilots that cannot adapt and overcome. Please leave. Quality over Quantity. I want better teammates at my side and more challenging opponents to fight. The less scrubs the better.

    Connery is not a low pop server. You will not be missed.
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  13. P1GG

    Considering that the lib is intended to an airship with multiple gunners, you shouldn't really complain if you can't solo-lib against multiple fighters. You are seriously delusional if you think otherwise.
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  14. Tasp

    Actually it's quite fun for the gank squad.
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  15. ColonelChingles

    If you want to see how poor Connery's air game is... just watch the Server Smash that's going on right now.

    It doesn't even look like Connery has an air force. At all. :confused:
  16. Axehilt

    Damn, you're right OP. The state of Connery's air game is pretty awful (because players pull solo Libs expecting to survive against 3+ ESFs instead of playing smart.)

    That said, it would be nice if there were better reasons to pursue territory objectives rather than roam and gank (even when it's distant territory not relevant to your faction.)
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  17. Brahma2

    Most of the problem is an outfit pulling up to 30 scythes consistently with A2A missiles. Not a problem other servers have. Many of the better pilots have quit.
  18. Axehilt

    That sounds sorta like a "die once and spawn ground and laugh at them for now being entirely useless" problem.
  19. Cest7

    Counter the air ball with your own airball.

    You're SOLO in a lib and died to 5 scythes, problem?

    Most Connery lib crews can down 3-5 scythes before having to break off to repair.
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  20. BobSanders123

    please explain how you are supposed to fight back against 7 scythes that appeared out of nowhere with an air vehicle of your choice.
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