[Video] Razor GD-23 gameplay

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Matti, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Matti

    Hi all!

    As most you you probably know, I mostly use mid/long range carbines and for
    NC I have so far only been using this one. I concider it the equvivalent for the
    Pulsar C and T5 AMC and in this video I have the same attachments as I use
    for my VS and TR ones.

    I hope you like the video and I'm looking forward to your feedback!

  2. Pineapple Pizza!

    I don't really see the point of using a razor, unless you need auraxiums, or love the ra dunk dunk dunk dunk dunk sound.

    The TR and VS's midrange welfare carbines fill a niche, since the trac and solstice have horrible FSR and mediocre velocity, but the merc is already does...everything your cyclone can't.
  3. Iridar51

    Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there! :p
    Some points in favor of Razor:
    • Milder vertical recoil, which can be further made easier by compensator. I don't recommend using that attachment, but it may be preferable to people struggling with vertical recoil.
    • High bullet velocity. Combined with milder recoil, makes stuff much easier to hit. Especially important if you plan on using Suppressor, as its velocity reduction is percent-based.
    • Access to HVA, which is very strong for carbines, not in terms of increasing velocity, but in terms of boosting minimum damage, which is already great for higher damage tier carbines.
    Overall, Razor is not an awesome weapon, probably somewhere near Cougar's level.
    Mercenary is a great weapon, one of the best carbines in the game, if not the best. It's versatile, but ultimately held back by lack of customization options. Razor is merely a version of the mercenary which can be better customized for ranged combat or covert ops.
  4. Pirbi

    It was my favorite but the GD-7F might replace it. Although I'm about to auraxium that one too so I guess I'll need to find a new one.
  5. Matti

    The compensator is absolutly essential for longer mid range and futher and unless
    you are shooting a lot past 50m range, why chose this type of carbine at all?

    I have realized with all my alt accounts that Forward grip and HVA also makes
    a big difference but you won't notice it unless you consistantly keep shooting
    at said ranges.

    If these attachments are avaliable for the weapon, use them or play differently.