[Video] Planetside 2 Resource Revamp

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by blackkyguy123, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. blackkyguy123

    Here is an indepth review of the upcoming resource revamp for Planetside 2. I think that this will be a massive game changer. Enjoy the video!

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  2. novicez

    Assuming you have 0 nanites and having the default resource income of 60N/minutes, the effective cooldown for the following vehicles will be:

    Max Units: 7 Minutes
    Flash: 2 Minutes
    Harasser: 4 Minutes
    Sunderer: 4 Minutes (WTF)
    Lightning: 7 Minutes
    MBT: 9 Minutes
    ESF: 7 Minutes
    Liberators: 9 Minutes
    Galaxies: 9 Minutes

    I think they need to tone down the advantages of the resource boosts / membership boosts that can severely impact the metagame.
  3. DevDevBooday

    Utterly ridiculous.

    MBTs cost more.
    C4 costs LESS

    they are about to nuke nerf tanks.

    Why would I EVER pull an MBT? after this update? C4 is going to be everywhere, my tank sucks and costs a squillion nanites.
    vehicle game is going to disappear. apart from sundies.

    rez grenades cost as much as c4?

    This game is going to just be C4 and sundies when this comes out.
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  4. Morchai

    The current cost of a lightning is 300, not 400.

    The video doesn't touch on the thing I want to know most ... how big the reserve for holding a vehicle will be. If I have 900 nanites and spawn a lightning for 420, I'm left with 480. But because of the reserve, I can't get all the way back up to 900 again while I have the vehicle due to the reserve. So what will my nanite cap be while I've got the lightning on the field?

    I'm happy to see the warpgate invulnerability thing returning.

    Edit: I'd also like to know about idle timers. If I lose my tank and find myself without resources at the warpgate, can I go make a sammich or something and expect my pool to be nice and full by the time I'm finished?
  5. minhalexus

    Wait, don't lightings cost 300 resources?
    And don't Harassers cost 300 resources too?
    And don't sunderers cost 350 resources?
  6. WalrusJones

    Devtwitters state that the Nanite gain tickrate being per minute is only a test server thing, on live, it will still be every five minutes.
  7. minhalexus

    MBTs got buffed, even if they cost more.

    750 max resources increased to 900 = 17% increase
    450 cost increased to 540 = 17% increase

    So according to direct comparison, no buffs.


    Now you have no acquisition timer AND you get 60 resources per MINUTE (300 resources per 5 minutes)
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  8. LT_Latency

    That is pretty fast. Odds are you won't even get to serious combat in that amount of time for most veichles
  9. novicez

    if you have total of 900 nanites and spawn a lightning, the 420 will be deducted as well as a resource ceiling will be applied equal to the nanite value of the last vehicle pulled, Meaning you won't be able to replenish your resources once your current vehicle has been destoyed/deconstructed.

    I'm just worried about the number of deployed sundy's I have to destroy everytime a zerg storms a base. Add the deployment durability buff the sundy's will be getting and...... damn, don't want to even think about it.
  10. Inex

    No they don't.
    No they didn't.
    No on live. And not on test, unless something has changed very recently.
  11. Morchai

    The reserve will be 100% of the cost of the vehicle? That's crap. Means anything more than 450 and you have guaranteed downtime when you lose it, no matter now long you kept it alive.
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  12. Inex

    Do you have a source on that? Last I heard it wasn't even being implemented yet: it's "phase 2".

    On a slow MBT maybe. I've lost ESFs in less time than it took to write this sentence. :p
  13. novicez

    yep, currently it benefits specialists as it gives them an effective 30-45% cooldown reduction(assuming they have maxed the cooldown acquisition timers and that they don't die within the 3 minute mark) depending on what vehicle they are specialized into. If any, it basically discourages jack of all trades and encourages people to focus a specific branch in combined arms which would definitely add more depth to the gameplay.

    Last time I've read the resource revamp was last week, not entirely sure if it was updated or not.
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  14. LT_Latency

    All those are 2 seaters. Just switch with your gunner.
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  15. Inex

    Yeah, they mention the reserve system but I don't see any values attached to it. I give a 50/50 chance it's blindness vs. being buried on page 17.
  16. Ripshaft

    A reminder that player information may not be accurate - be sure to check official sources, such as the roadmap page for accurate information on the resource revamp.

    Things to be wary of:

    The test server contains SOME of the resource revamp changes, it's not at all a complete version of the first stage of resource revamps.

    The inventory system is going to be completely removed, you will not keep any excess consumable items from before the revamp, and you will not need to manually restock your items, that would be absurd [just trying to say use your critical faculties while looking at these things - if it's nonsense you probably misunderstood it].

    Whatever system we get from the first round, expect it to undergo further refinements after release. Anything that does not accomplish what it's supposed to will be tweaked until it does.
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  17. novicez

    You do know that the things posted on the roadmap is also subject to change? Hence, the confusion as to whether the resource ceiling existing or not?
  18. Ripshaft

    Something being subject to change is not something that should cause confusion, the specifics will change but the overall goal remains the same. I'm not sure what you mean by the reserve existing or not, it seems like you were stating it existed and knew how it worked a few posts up.
  19. novicez

    It does, as I've read the information at that time it was stated that there would be a ceiling/resource upkeep while your existing vehicle is active. And you did follow up with the statement as: "A reminder that player information may not be accurate - be sure to check official sources, such as the roadmap page for accurate information on the resource revamp." which came off to me as if I have been pulling off information out of my ***, which is not.

    Even if the overall goal/feature/metagame remains the same, if SOE implement specific mechanics that ties with that said goal/feature/metagame on a piecemeal manner, it would have very different effects on the current metagame.
  20. Ripshaft

    My post wasn't directed at you specifically (your posts were suspect but I hadn't bothered to look into the info, so honestly wasn't even thinking of yours), there's plenty of misinformation and undeclared speculation in this thread and the video, I'm just hoping to catch the eye of some impressionable people who might not consider that the disclosed information is not accurate, or even entirely false.

    Could you elaborate on how the statement about the resource reserve in the roadmap is confusing? I'm still not clear on what you mean by that. It might help if I had your source for the information you've provided about the mechanics of the system, it sounds like you're talking about some kind of contradiction with the roadmap document. Are you sure the source is legit, and is it actually saying "things will work like this" and not "we're thinking along these lines right now" - the distinction which has caused so much confusion in the community before.